At night, the villa was already dark.

The lights in the room had been turned off long ago, and Yukiko could only use the moonlight to busy herself by the window. She was tying curtains, quilts and other items to the legs of the sofa that she had moved to the window.

The strip made of cloth was put down by Yukiko. She leaned on the window and pulled hard. After making sure that it would not break easily, she took a deep breath and prepared to run away.

After closing the window, Yukiko held the cloth strip in both hands, turned around carefully and stepped on the wall. Fortunately, the curtains and quilts in the villa were made of high-end goods, and the cloth strips did not make a tearing sound and could withstand her weight.

It moved down step by step. Fortunately, it was only two floors. Yukiko reached the ground smoothly in a short time.

Arriving at the ground, Yukiko picked up the sheets she threw on the ground and ran out of the villa.

Yukiko draped the sheet around her body like a coat, ran to the grass and looked around. The villa is surrounded by woods on three sides and a rolling mountain road on one side, and the one closest to her is the woods.

Yukiko gritted her teeth and ran towards one of the woods. She didn't know where this place was, so she could only choose a direction at will.

The mountain road was difficult to walk, and there was a cold wind blowing. Even though she had an extra sheet on her body, Yukiko still felt very cold. However, in order to escape from this place, she could only choose to endure it and run in the cold wind.

About twenty minutes later, after passing through difficult woods and mountain roads, Yukiko finally saw the road. This made her eyes light up and she felt a little more hopeful.

In the past twenty minutes, Yukiko was walking in the dark woods at night. It can be said that she was in a very embarrassed state. Most of her body was wet, and her sheets and clothes were scratched in many places. It was winter now, so Without the harassment of those small mosquitoes, otherwise she would only be more embarrassed.

The road on one side obviously went up the mountain, so Yukiko would not walk along the road up the mountain, but walked towards the road down the mountain, praying to meet the car as soon as possible.

Seven or eight minutes later, Yukiko walked down the mountain and came to the road at the foot of the mountain.

After looking at the directions on both sides of the road, Yukiko hesitated for a moment, then randomly chose one side and continued walking. Although she was tired and cold, she knew that she had not completely escaped from danger and it was not the time to rest yet.


After walking like this for another two or three minutes, Yukiko suddenly heard the sound of a car coming from behind, and immediately turned around in surprise. As for whether it was possible that the ruler of wealth was driving to find her, she never thought about it, because If that were the case, she would have no place to hide even if she wanted to, and there was no need to escape.

The car stopped next to Yukiko with Yukiko's wave. When the glass window fell, she saw the exposed face, Yukiko's heart sank.

"Beauty, do you want to get in the car?"Takada Zhen said hello.

Yukiko said unwillingly:"When did you find out that I was running away?"

Takada Shinichi looked at her and said:"I discovered it from the beginning. I watched you go down from the window."

"You...what did you say?"

Yukiko took a step back in disbelief, and then felt a burst of anger. She had suffered countless hardships in order to escape, but now Takada Shinichi told her that she had never succeeded in escaping, and all her efforts had only failed. The other party just watched a game, how could she not be angry.

Takada Shinichi saw Yukiko's angry face, but he didn't take it to heart. He still said with a smile:"Beauty, do you want to get in the car? I will take you for a ride."

"Go to hell you!"

Yukiko yelled at Takada Shinichi angrily. After looking at the ground under the light of the car lights, she walked towards a small stone she saw and leaned over to pick it up.

Naturally, Takada Shinichi saw Yukiko's movements and knew What was she going to do? She immediately reversed the car.


Yukiko still threw the small stone at the front of the car.

Seeing this, Takada Shinichi naturally stopped the car, but he did not drive over.

Yukiko did not look for any more stones to throw. , but stood there helplessly. Her escape failed. Now all her efforts were in vain. There was no point in going any further. Naturally, she would not waste her efforts anymore. After a while

, Yukiko discovered that the car was still parked. There was no intention of picking her up at the original place, which made her hate her so much that she reluctantly walked over.

"Beauty, would you like to get in the car? I'll take you for a ride!"

Listening to Shinichi Takada's words again, Yukiko walked to the passenger seat, opened the car, got in, closed the door heavily, and vented her dissatisfaction.

However, Shinichi Takada didn't seem to notice her dissatisfaction, and started laughing with a smile. , turn the front of the car, and drive forward

"Wealth Ruler, you better pray you don't get caught or I'll make you look good!"

Yukiko secretly swore in her heart that she would take revenge tonight and let this hateful guy know how powerful she is. As the car drove back to the villa, Yukiko only had one set of pajamas, but she could no longer wear them. She asked Yukiko for clothes. If so, Takada Shinichi directly gave Yukiko a set of men's pajamas.

Yukiko disliked it very much, but she had no choice. The pajamas she was wearing could no longer be worn, so she could only change into men's pajamas after taking a bath.

Takada Shinichi gave Yukiko a change. It turned out that Yukiko had removed the quilt in that room, making it difficult for people to sleep, so he naturally had to find another room for her. As for lowering her treatment, it was just talk, so he gave up. Not to abuse Yukiko, but to make Yukiko suffer before, just to make her remember him better.

The next morning, after Takada Shinichi found that Yukiko had not come downstairs for a long time, he decided to go to her room to have a look.

Open the key to Yukiko's room Shinichi Takada walked towards Yukiko's bedside and found that Yukiko was mumbling. Looking at her red cheeks, he didn't know that she had a cold. Shinichi Takada originally wanted to cure Yukiko, but when he thought about it, he couldn't. Well, Takada Shinichi has excellent medical skills in his own identity. It is best not to have excellent medical skills as a ruler of wealth. Moreover, Yukiko caught a cold. He took good care of her, and it was not certain that he would be able to gain some favorability, so he decided not to use medical skills. , but only gave Yukiko cold medicine and took care of her by the way.

In the next two or three days, Takada Shinichi took care of Yukiko who had a cold. It can be said that he took good care of her, but he found that the two people had almost no good feelings. The change was just from the original 30+10 to 33+10.

Takada Shinichi didn't even think about it. It was him who caused Yukiko to become like this. It's strange that Yukiko would like him because of this. That night, I did a small favor for Yukiko and protected Yukiko from bullets, so Yukiko had the favorable impression of him now._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel A

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