Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Miles, are you up yet?"

Knocking on the door, Yukiko shouted inside.

Hime Shinichi was standing next to Yukiko. As Shinichi Takada's mirror image, it was of course impossible for him not to know that Shinichi Takada and Feili were inside, and they were both inside at the moment. He was doing something inside, but he didn't remind him aloud. It was one thing that he didn't want to be reminded, and it was also another thing that he didn't want to be reminded.

"Yukiko... Yeah...your selves...Go and play!"

This is a high-end hotel, and the sound insulation effect of the room is very good, so Feili responded loudly, but in the middle, she suddenly let out a scream.

"Miles, are you okay? Yukiko asked loudly, her cheeks flushed slightly. At first, she didn't understand, but soon she had a guess, but in the end it was just a guess, not sure.


Feili's reply sounded, but she said these three words as two sentences.

This time, Yukiko was completely sure, and immediately laughed, turned to Ji Zhen and said:" Shinichi, let's go, don't worry about Miles and the others."

"good! Ji

Zhenyi naturally nodded with a smile and left with Yukiko.

In Feili's room, Takada Shinichi and Feili were fighting in the room at the moment. It was natural to have morning luck in the morning. The fierce battle this time was not as fierce as last night. For a long time, this was not because Takada Shinichi and Feili couldn't hold on for too long, but because they didn't want to stay in bed all day long, so they didn't do this. After the battle,

Feili lay in Takada Shinichi's arms. During the conversation, the two of them each reminisced about the beauty of it.

After a short while, after their breaths calmed down, Feili said shyly:"Yukiko must have noticed something was wrong before.

Hearing this, Takada Shinichi smiled and said,"She just discovered it when she discovered it. What else can she do?""

"I would have been teased to death by her. Feili said with a little helplessness, but she had no regrets in her heart.

After hearing this, Takada Shinichi couldn't help but said:"If she makes fun of you, just make fun of her and her boyfriend."

Feili smiled and said,"You're right. If she dares to make fun of me, I will make fun of her. Anyway, she is just as good as me.""

Ding ding ding~~ ding ding ding~~

The phone on the bedside table rang.

Upon seeing this, Takada Shinichi picked up the phone, but he himself did not make a sound.

"Hello. Who is this? Feili asked aloud, surprised that the words came from her.

"Mom, are you still in the hotel now? Do you want to come out together? We will enter the adventure world in a moment. You can come over in time."

Mao Lilan's voice sounded on the other side of the phone. Takada Shinichi was here, and of course he heard Mao Lilan's voice.

Hearing his daughter Mao Lilan's voice, Feili felt inexplicably guilty and said:"Let's just I’m not going, Xiaolan, you can go on your own."

"oh! Mao

Lilan responded, and then asked:"Mom, do you know where Takada has gone? No one answered his phone calls." Feili heard this and looked at Takada Shinichi:"How do I know where he went? I'm in the room now, but I'm going out in a while. After meeting him, I'll ask him to call you back.""

"Well, Mom, that's it for now, you guys can have fun too."Mao Lilan said and hung up the phone.

There was a beep on the phone. Feili handed the phone to Takada Shinichi, who put the phone away. Feili then looked at Takada and said,"You were very excited just now, right? ?

Takada Shinichi raised his eyebrows and said,"Why do you say that?"

Feili snorted softly:"You understand it yourself.""When her daughter Mao Lilan's voice appeared just now, she felt the change in the thing inside her body, and she knew what was going on as soon as she thought about it.

"Ha ha..."

Takada Shinichi laughed when he heard this. Although it was clear that Feili knew it, Takada Shinichi still had no intention of admitting it.

Feili squeezed Takada Shinichi gently and hummed:"I know you are not a good man, and you even have the bad idea of ​​mother and daughter being together. Don't even think about it. Even if I agree, Xiaolan can't agree."."

After hearing this, Takada Shinichi became interested and said:"Do you really agree with this? In this case, I just need to convince Xiaolan. I believe I can do it sooner or later."

"Admit it now!"

Feili squeezed Takada Shinichi's body slightly, and did not answer, but said:"Okay, we should go out."

Takada Shinichi did not refuse, and the two went into the bathroom to take a bath together.

After taking a bath, Takada Shinichi and Fei Mili left the hotel together and went to the Sandanbi. Although they had already gone there yesterday afternoon, Sandanbi and Adventure World were in In different directions, it is impossible to meet the three people of Maorilan. This is the reason why Takada Shinichi and Fei Mi chose to go to Sandanbi. It is not important where they go, what is important is that they are together.

Despite this, Takada Shinichi and Fei The two of them didn't show too closeness. They just walked side by side and didn't hold hands. However, Feili was worried about being seen and it reached Mao Lilan's ears. He didn't mind this either. He still does. It's better to be careful.

Takada Shinichi and Feili didn't go to the third section of the wall by car. They walked there, just taking it as a walk. After walking for nearly an hour, Takada Shinichi and Feili arrived at the third section of the wall. Deep in the depths, the two of them were walking in the woods here. The group of people had not been to this woods yesterday, and they just happened to come here for a stroll today.

Feili looked sideways at Takada Shinichi:"Shinichi, I don't want to see you often. It's your turn. You must contact me more often in the future. I won't care even if Xiaolan is here."She just became Takada Shinichi's woman yesterday. It was a sweet time. She simply couldn't bear it if she couldn't see Takada Shinichi for ten days and a half as before. Even if Takada Shinichi had a daughter when he went elsewhere Now, she can't care so much anymore


Takada Shinichi happily agreed and said:"Mili, don't worry, I will go to the office to see you often."

Like Fei Miles, Takada Shinichi also wants to stick with Fei Miles now. This woman is completely different in person and in bed, which he likes very much._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Novel A

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