"Mr. Mori, there is still some time before the speech, so you can enjoy your drink."

The village chief, Mikami Takeo, poured wine for Mouri Kogoro and was very complimentary.

Mouri Kogoro had no resistance to wine. He took a sip and shouted"Good."

In addition to the two people here, there are Kinoshita Goro, Shinichi Takada, Sonoko Suzuki, Ran Mao and Conan.

Although the farm food is simple, it also has a unique flavor. It tastes more delicious than the big fish and meat in the city. Of course, the villagers who often eat these will definitely not be like this I think that's it.

Mikami Takeo said:"Mr. Mori, after you finish your speech, I have something that I need to use your wisdom on, and I hope you can help."

Mouri Kogoro drank wine and glanced at him and said:"You hope that I can help you find the place where the Dragon God sank, right? I'm right, right?"Although his abilities are average, he is not a fool. He can still guess Mikami Takeo's purpose."


The purpose was exposed, Mikami Takeo was a little embarrassed, but he quickly put it aside. He rubbed his head and said:"As expected, Mr. Mori, the famous detective. I think the Dragon God should have sunk near the island. As long as you know that location, you can definitely find those lost gold nuggets."

Mouri Kogoro shook his index finger and said:"Even if those gold nuggets are found, they will not belong to you, because those gold nuggets should be nationalized. Mikami

Takeo was not angry when he heard this, but cupped his hands and said:"I know this, but our little island will still get one-tenth of the profits, right?""


Mouri Kogoro said with some uncertainty, and looked at Takada Shinichi who was sitting some seats next to him.

Takada Shinichi nodded and said:"Master Mouri, legally speaking, Shikishima can get 10% of the income."

Mikami Takeo was very happy when he heard this and said:"Look, I knew it was like this. 10% belongs to the island. I leave this matter to you, Mr. Mori!"

"No, I refuse!"

Mouri Kogoro turned his head to one side and said:"How can I, a great detective, do this kind of work? Seeing being rejected ,

Mikami Takeo didn't mind, but raised his index finger and said:"If your reward is one-tenth of the income of this island, what do you think?""

"I'm very happy!"

Mouri Kogoro immediately agreed, without any of the noble gestures he had when he refused.

"That's all up to you!"

Mikami Takeo said happily, although it is a pity to lose 10% of the income, there are still 90% that can be left on the island. With this fund, Shikishima Village will not be afraid of not being able to develop.

"One billion gold nuggets, 10% is only 100 million, 10% is only 10 million, what's so happy about such a small amount of money."

Suzuki Sonoko, who was sitting next to Takada Shinichi, couldn't help but curled his lips and murmured when he saw this.

Listening to Suzuki Sonoko's muttering, both Takadaichi and Conan were speechless. For a behemoth like the Suzuki Consortium, it's not a big deal. If you say 100 million, you won’t take it seriously even if it’s one billion. They really look down on it, but for Shikishimamura and Mori Kogoro, an achievement is not a small amount.

Mori Kogoro turned to Takada Shinichi:"Takada, after I finish my speech, we have to work hard. This is a big commission and we must not be careless."

"Okay, Master Mori."

Takada Shinichi smiled and nodded in response. He is not short of money. To him, money is just a number. Otherwise, he would not distribute the stolen wealth but keep it for his own use.

Suzuki Sonoko muttered unhappily. She was talking but didn't say anything. She also wanted Shinichi Takada to accompany her for a walk on the island and live in their own world.

Takeo Mikami said to Goro Kinoshita:"Kinoshita, please explain the details to Mr. Mori. situation."

Kinoshita Goro nodded and said:"The matter starts from the night of a typhoon seven years ago. On the coast about one kilometer away from the island, the Ryujin kept sending out signals due to problems with its hull. A distress signal, but just as we were going out to sea for rescue, the distress signal was suddenly interrupted."

"The next day, only the body of the owner of the ship was found on the shore. That was it. Not to mention the gold nugget, there was not even a decent piece of drifting debris."

Moori Kogoro heard this and asked:"Then who is the owner of those gold nuggets?"

Kinoshita Goro replied:"He is the captain of the Dragon God. He was about to be arrested for tax evasion, so he exchanged all his property for gold nuggets. On that typhoon night, he was planning to escape to foreign"

"So that’s it!"

Moori Kogoro held his chin in his hands and pondered, then he patted his chest and said,"I understand, there is no problem. I, Maori Kogoro, will definitely find the gold nuggets on this island."For that 10 million commission fee, he will definitely go all out

"That’s up to you!"

Mikami Takeo was overjoyed when he heard this. He didn't know how the name of Detective Mouri Kogoro came from him, but he thought that Mouri Kogoro was really very powerful. Seeing that Mouri Kogoro was so confident, he was naturally overjoyed.

Takada Shinichi Seeing this, he couldn't help but shake his head and smile. He can guarantee that if he and Conan hadn't intervened, Mouri Kogoro would never have found those gold nuggets unless he turned the entire island over.

Eat and drink enough, time for speech It came not long after, but by this time, Mouri Kogoro was drunk, walking crookedly, and looked like he was about to fall.

Despite this, Moori Kogoro still wanted to give a speech, and everyone could not help but let him go. At the village office, the stage has been set up, and the villagers sat down below at the invitation of Takeo Mikami, the village chief. It looked very lively.

When Kogoro Mori walked towards the stage, Shinichi Takada and others stood Behind the curtain next to the stage.

Mouri Kogoro stumbled and walked towards the center of the stage. Halfway there, he fell down and ate shit.

"How ugly!"

Under the eyes of everyone, Takada Shinichi and others were speechless, and there was even more laughter from the audience.

At this time, Takada Shinichi raised his head and glanced at the colored balls tied with ropes beside the podium. The colored balls were in the air, but Takada Shinichi But I smelled a smell of gasoline

"I remember that two people died in this case. The murderer was someone from the village. I don’t remember exactly who it was. It seemed that someone wanted to harm Kogoro Mouri and didn’t want him to find the so-called gold nugget."

Takada Shinichi pondered in his heart, and soon made a decision, that is, not to intervene and let the incident continue to happen. Anyway, Mouri Kogoro will be fine. At most, he will suffer a little._Feilu reminds you : Three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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