One night, Shinichi Takada and Miwako Sato had dinner together. Because of her career, Sato Miwako rarely has free time, so every time Takada Shinichi goes on a date with her, he only stays with her, without other women.

"You said Conan was kidnapped today?"

The two were chatting while eating. Miwako Sato said that Conan was kidnapped during the day, which surprised Shinichi Takada.

Miwako Sato nodded and said,"Actually, it was not Conan that the gangsters wanted to kidnap, but one of Conan's classmates, Kataoka. Jun, those children who often stayed together went to the hospital to see their friend Jun Kataoka. Because Jun Kataoka wanted to go out and play games, they swapped Conan with Jun Kataoka and let Conan stay in the hospital. So much so that the gangsters who wanted to kidnap Jun Kataoka kidnapped Conan."

"So this is ah."

Takada Zhen nodded. He had seen Conan before going out. Of course he knew that nothing happened to Conan, so he asked:"Did Conan escape on his own or was he rescued by you?

Miwako Sato said with a smile:"That kid Conan is very powerful. We lost the gangster, but he escaped by himself, and in the end he even caught the real criminal.""

"He is indeed smart."

Takada Shinichi smiled and nodded without asking any more questions. He would know this when he went back to check. Now that he and Sato Miwako are dining together, there is no need to keep talking about Conan.

Seeing that Takada Shinichi did not continue to ask, Sato Miwako did not Talking about this matter again, the two changed the subject.

After dinner, Takada Shinichi and Sato Miwako went shopping hand in hand. That night, Takada Shinichi took Sato Miwako to spend the night in a villa under his name. Miyano Akemi was in the coffee shop, It was not easy to take Sato Miwako there. As for Sato Miwako's home, it was even more inconvenient to have her mother there.

The next morning, when Shinichi Takada returned to the coffee shop, he remembered what Sato Miwako told him about Conan's kidnapping yesterday. He was a little curious about the matter, so he checked it on his computer and got the result soon.

Shinichi Takada didn't care much about the case. His computer screen was occupied by a woman, a beautiful woman. Sachiko Ezaki, who is in her third year this year Ten years old, she is a fashion designer. She also has another identity, that is, she is the stepmother of Conan and their friend Jun Kataoka. No, it should be said that she is a quasi-stepmother. Sachiko Esaki has not yet been with Jun Kataoka's father. It's just that the two of them already have that intention, and they will get together soon.

"Sachiko Ezaki! For such a beautiful woman, forget it if you don’t know. Giving up after knowing is not my style."

Takada Shinichi looked at the woman on the screen with the corners of his mouth slightly raised. He had already decided to attack this woman and capture her. And since he wanted to capture this woman, Kataoka Jun's father would naturally be out of the game. He could only count on it. This man is unlucky

"Um...Will the costumes that were originally planned be held until today? This is a good opportunity."

After another investigation, Takada Shinichi found out that Sachiko Ezaki originally held a fashion show yesterday, but due to the kidnapping of Jun Kataoka yesterday, the fashion show was delayed and postponed to today. In the evening of the same day, at the hotel where the fashion show was held中.

Takada Shinichi came here, but he teleported here invisible, and no one knew that he was here.

Although Esaki Yukiko does not have to walk the show in person, and she has not received special catwalk training, she still has to put on special clothes The clothes were prepared, a very bright dress. She didn't have to go on a catwalk to appear in this dress as the finale.

When Sachiko Ezaki walked into the dressing room, Shinichi Takada teleported in and followed her, but Sachiko Ezaki didn't even appear. Found him invisible


Sachiko Ezaki, who had stripped down to her three-point pose, was pushed and pressed against the wardrobe by Shinichi Takada who appeared behind her, making it difficult for her to move.

"You..who are you?"

Ezaki Sachiko struggled in fear. Just when she was about to shout for help, a man's voice rang in her ears. The air he deliberately breathed into her ears made her feel a little unnatural.

"If you dare to yell, I will kill you, Jun Kataoka and his father Shigeru Kataoka."

Sachiko Ezaki was so frightened that she didn't dare to move, but when she found that the man behind her was pulling her penis down, she immediately grabbed it tightly and refused to let go.

"You are committing a crime. If you don't leave, I will shout and ask the police to arrest you!"


Facing the threat of Sachiko Ezaki, Shinichi Takada tore her penis directly, grabbed the broken white piece in his hand, and then used it to block Sachiko Ezaki's mouth.

"Don't... ow ow ow...."

Faced with Sachiko Esaki's screams, Takada Shinichi used force on her directly and even blocked her mouth to prevent her from screaming.

Takada Shinichi can actually use the True Love skill directly on Ezaki Sachiko, so that Ezaki Sachiko won't resist, but it doesn't make much sense to do it to the women he wants to have sex with again and again. What he wants is their resistance, and finally he will slowly Accept, that's a lot of fun.

Boom, boom, boom!!!

Ten minutes passed, and while the battle in the locker room was raging, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Esaki Sachiko's body trembled, and the whine in her mouth stopped coming out, but she was afraid of being heard. In fact, she didn't need to be afraid at all. The soundproofing effect of the locker room was pretty good. No matter how bad it was, it was impossible for people at the door to hear such a low whine. She just felt guilty.

Takada Shinichi did not stop moving. With a thought in his mind, he made the mirror clone disappear and teleport to the door, and saw clearly who was knocking on the door.

"Sachiko, have you changed your clothes?"

A man's voice sounded outside the door. Sachiko Esaki's body was shaken, but she knew who was standing outside the door at the moment.

Takada Shinichi couldn't tell who was outside the door just from the voice, but through the mirror clone, he was Knowing that the person outside the door was Shigeru Kataoka, who was about to get married to Sachiko Esaki, he had seen a photo of Shigeru Kataoka when he was investigating the incident.

Knowing that the person outside the door was Shigeru Kataoka, Shinichi Takada couldn't help but feel something in his heart. Once you have an idea, you immediately decide to take action._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel A

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