"Doctor, what do you think I should do better?"

In Dr. Ali's home, Conan is lying on the sofa in a somewhat depressed mood at the moment. He has a reason to be depressed. Mao Lilan made an appointment with him to watch a movie together in the evening, but he couldn't go at all then, that is, Said that he would miss the appointment. Not only that, if he couldn't go, Mao Lilan would wait in vain. She was so happy these days, and she would definitely be extremely disappointed if she missed the appointment. Dr.

A Li was upside down Coffee said:"You should have rejected her before that."

"What can I do."

Conan said helplessly:"Seeing her happy face counting the calendar every day, there is no way I can refuse her."

Suddenly, Conan said whimsically:"Doctor, how about you help me make a sophisticated robot, so that the robot can go on a date instead of me?"

"You are really forcing someone to do something difficult.

Dr. Ali shook his head and said,"No matter how genius I am, I can't do this kind of thing.""

"makes sense."

Conan also knew that he was out of his mind and fell down on the sofa in depression.

"According to reliable information..."

The news on TV suddenly caught Conan's attention, and Conan turned around to look.

"...As of yesterday, in the three days from the 30th of last month to the 2nd of this month, a total of five bombings occurred in Tokyo. Currently, more than 30 people have died due to the bombings. The definite number is thirty-three, and it is still uncertain whether there are any dead who have not yet been counted. At present, the police have dispatched hundreds of police officers to investigate, but still find nothing. We can't help but wonder whether the police can catch the criminal. Now let's take a look at the interview with the senior management of the Metropolitan Police Department."

Dr. Ali walked to Conan's side, looked at the TV and said:"This is really a big event. Five explosions happened in a row, and it didn't look like it was going to end. Conan nodded when he heard this, looked at the TV and said,"I saw relevant reports the day before yesterday and yesterday when I was in the office. If the police can't catch the criminal again, I'm afraid it will cause social unrest." Dr.

A Li nodded and said:"The number of people who have died now has exceeded thirty. If there are several more bombings and the Metropolitan Police does not do anything, I am afraid something big will happen." Conan said:"It's a pity that it's not convenient for me to contact Officer Megure as Kudo Shinichi now, otherwise I can help.""

Dr. Ali said:"Shinichi, you can go back to the office. Maybe Officer Megure will contact Xiaolan's father, so you can get some information."

"Doctor, you are right."

Conan stood up after hearing this, but was about to leave and go back to the office.

Ding ding ding~~Ding ding ding~~

At this moment, the phone rang.

Dr. A Li walked towards the phone, Conan Then pick up the remote control and turn down the volume of the TV

"Hello, who is this?"

"Is Kudo Shinichi here?"A voice changed with a voice changer sounded on the other side of the phone.

"Wait a mininute!"

Dr. Ali covered the receiver with his hand, and Conan said:"Shinichi, I'm looking for you.

Conan said in confusion:"How did he know I was here?""You know, this is Dr. Ali's home, not his home.

Dr. Ali said:"Have you forgotten, haven't I already forwarded all calls to your home to me? Has the call come?"

"That's right, I forgot about it. Conan touched his head, fiddled with the bow-tie voice changer and said,"It's not because I rarely receive calls looking for me recently, so I forgot about it.""

Dr. Ali reminded aloud:"The voice of the other party talking on the phone was also changed using a voice changer."

"I see!"

Conan nodded in response. Although he felt strange, he took the call.


"Is it Kudo Shinichi?"

"I am."

Conan responded, but frowned slightly. What came out of the phone was a strange man's voice, and the other party indeed used a voice changer. This shows that the other party must have some purpose and does not want him to know his identity. It is even possible that he has heard it. The voice is not certain either.

The weird man said:"You must have seen the news, right?"


Conan didn't understand for a while.


The weird man chuckled and said:"It's the news about the serial bombings. To tell you the truth, I was the one who planted the bombs.""


Conan exclaimed. Unexpectedly, he was still thinking about who the prisoner of the serial bombings would be, but the prisoner took the initiative to contact him. It can be said that this prisoner is really too bold.

Seeing Conan like this Surprised, Dr. Ali couldn't help but leaned over and put his head next to the phone.

The weird man said:"Okay, now tell me your mobile phone number.

Conan said angrily:"I have no obligation to give my contact number to people like you.""

The weird man said disapprovingly:"So...Do you want to cut off the only way to contact me?"

"Okay, you remember it."

Conan was shocked and gave out the phone number in a deep voice. As the other party said, it is impossible for him to give up contact with the other party. This is his only chance to seize the other party.

"very good!"

The weird man wrote down the phone number, and then said:"You should bring your mobile phone to Tsukasa Jinchuan Greenland Park immediately, and I will let you see something interesting."

"Greenland park?"Conan said to himself

"If we don't go quickly, those children will die."

The weird man smiled and hung up the phone.

"Hello! Hey..Damn it! Seeing the call being hung up on the other side, Conan had no choice but to put the phone down. Upon seeing this, Dr. Ali said:"Shinichi, where are you going to Greenland Park?" Conan went down to the tunnel and said:"There is no way, I must go there, otherwise no one will know what he said about those children being in danger.""

Conan put on his shoes as he spoke, walked to the place where the skateboard was, picked up the skateboard, and walked outside while saying:"Doctor, please call me, Inspector Megure, and the others to contact me here. Tell Officer Megure about the matter and ask Officer Megure and the others to go to Greenland Park immediately."

Dr. Ali responded, and then ordered:"Xinyi, be careful yourself."

"I will be careful! Conan waved his hand and ran outside. When he came outside, he put the skateboard on the ground and stood up.


The skateboard is like a vehicle, moving forward. This was specially invented by Dr. Ali for Conan. The speed of transportation is no slower than that of ordinary vehicles._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel A

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