"I know I can't hide it from you."

Belmod retracted his pistol, put his hands around Takada Shinichi's neck, looked at him and said,"What are you and that little goblin Yukiko doing here?"

Takada Shinichi did not answer Bellmod's words, but leaned forward and kissed Bellmod, and Bellmod responded enthusiastically.

It was a passionate and long kiss, and Takada Shinichi used his hands to pick up Bellmod's shirt. , but was held down by Bellmode. Seeing this, Shinichi Takada did not insist.

His lips parted, Bellmode glanced at him and said:"There are people coming and going here, and vehicles pass by from time to time. I don't want to be here.

Takada Shinichi asked aloud:"What do you want from me?""

Belmod rolled his eyes and said:"Don't be too narcissistic, I didn't say I wanted to find you."

"So who are you following?"

Takada Shinichi asked aloud, but there was speculation in his heart.

"That Haihara Ai, do you know who she is?"Belmod looked at him.

Takada Shinichi pretended not to know:"Who is she?"

"Just pretend."

Belmod didn't believe Takada Shinichi's words at all. She changed the subject and said:"In a while, I want to ask you for a favor. It may be dangerous."

"If there is danger, I will help even more. I don’t want anything to happen to you."Takada Shinichi held Belmod's hand.

"Actually, you don’t have to do anything. I’m asking you to help me, mainly just in case."

Belmode had a smile on her face. Apparently Takada Shinichi's words made her very happy. She is also a normal woman and likes to listen to sweet words from the men she likes.

"What I have to deal with this time is the FBI, but I will make arrangements. When the time comes, I will tell you where to do it. Don't show up unless I call you. You made Gin and Vodka miserable last time, but you offended them badly. They are still looking for you now."

"Then they have to find me."

Takada Shinichi shrugged and didn't take it to heart, and said:"Haihara Ai, how do you want to deal with her?"

"You dare to say that you don’t know who she really is."

Belmod snorted softly and said:"Don't worry about how I want to deal with her. Don't tell me that you have a good relationship with her. You can only choose one between me and her."

"What about Conan, the dead Kudo Shinichi organized in the dark night?"

Takada Shinichi didn't say anything good for Haihara Ai. Anyway, nothing will happen to him and he will definitely protect Haihara Ai's safety.

"He is Yukiko's only son. For the sake of him and you, I won't deal with him, so I'll just pretend I didn't find him."

Belmod pretended not to care. She didn't want Shinichi Takada to know that she cared about Conan and Maorilan, even if Shinichi Takada was the man she liked. This is her habit, not to leave her weakness to anyone.

"Is it really?"

Takada Shinichi looked at Bermod with the corner of his mouth raised slightly.

Bermod's heart skipped a beat and he snorted coldly:"What else do you think?"

"Just let it be."

Takada Shinichi smiled, shook Belmod's hand and said,"Let's go, shall we go to your place or mine?""

"Don't even think about it. I still have something to do, so you can get out of the car first."

Belmod took back his hand and gently pushed Takada Shinichi.

"I'll go find you tonight."

Takada Shinichi kissed Bermod on the cheek, opened the car door and got out of the car.

After Takada Shinichi closed the car door, Bermod drove away. She no longer had the need to stay and monitor.

She watched Bermod drive away. Within sight, Takada Shinichi stood on the side of the road and pondered for a while, then teleported and disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he came to the four girls of the Earth Lady Team, Okino Yoko, Hoshino Terumi, Takeno Yuki and Kusano Kaoru. Outside the big villa. This big villa was given to them by Shinichi Takada after he ate all four of them. They all lived in it because Shinichi Takada said it would make it easier for him to find them, and they also hoped that Shinichi Takada could have a better life. Spend more time with them.

In the villa, only Terumi Hoshino and Yuki Yue were present at the moment. Shinichi Takada called Yoko Okino and Kaoru Kusano respectively, and then he put his arms around the waists of Terumi Hoshino and Yuki Yue. He went to the bedroom and fell down on the custom-made big bed that could accommodate six or seven people.

Before Hoshino Terumi and Takeno Yuki were about to reach their limit, Okino Yoko and Kusano Kaoru came back one after another to join the fierce battle. , sharing the pressure of Hoshino Terumi and Takeno Yuki.

The battle ended with the Earth Lady Team begging for mercy, and Takada Shinichi accompanied the four girls to chat and talk sweetly.

Around 10:40, Takada Shinichi received a call from Yukiko, who told him She bought the Masked Swordsman toys and was about to go back to Toto Genki. She asked him if he had bought snacks and if he needed her help to buy snacks.

Takada Shinichi asked Yukiko to buy snacks for him, and he hung up the phone. , kissed the four girls Okino Yoko, Hoshino Terumi, Takeno Yuki and Kusano Kaoru goodbye, and left the villa.

When they arrived at the Toto Imaging Center, Takada Shinichi found that Yukiko’s car was not parked at the original place, so he went in and asked an employee. Knowing that, the Young Detective Team went to Hoshimaro's residence to sleep and rest for a while.

Takada Shinichi didn't know where Hoshimaro's residence was, so he could only wait at the door for Yukiko to come back. At

10:50, Yukiko drove back to Toto The Imaging Institute took Shinichi Takada to the building opposite, where Hoshimaro's residence was.

When Shinichi Takada and Yukiko arrived at Hoshimaro's residence, they found that Nobuhiro Furumura had been murdered. Furumura Nobuhiro, who was sleeping on the sofa, was stabbed into the heart and killed. Conan told them that the room was dark at the time. The murderer disappeared quickly after killing Furumura Nobuhiro, and did not make the slightest sound in the messy room. The police arrived about twenty minutes later, led by Megure Jusan and Takagi Wataru.

Regarding this unexpected murder case, Takada Shinichi had no interest in getting involved at all. In the end, Conan deduced the truth and confirmed that the murderer was Nene. Keihiko. However, it was Conan who deduced the truth, but it was Yukiko who told the truth. She loved the limelight so much. A murder occurred, and of course it was impossible to watch the preview of Masked Swordsman. In the end, it was decided by Shinichi Takada and Yukiko. They sent the young detective team back separately.

Conan did not return to the office. He said he would stay at Yukiko's place to sleep. Naturally, it was difficult for Shinichi Takada to stay. He knew that Conan did it on purpose, but he didn't mind. Anyway, he He and Yukiko had some private time, and after he left, he went to find Belmode. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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