Conan's Strongest Inspector

Chapter 240 Suzuki Tomoko's alibi! 【4】

Mu Mu smiled in his heart. Obviously, he secretly gave the resurrected egg to Shiro Suzuki, and then lured a certain invisible killer over. The plan of killing people and capturing treasures was completely successful.

But the program on the surface still has to go.

"Ahem, Shiratori, let everyone know what you found!"

Mu Mu ordered.


Shiratori Ninzaburō coughed: "The deceased was Suzuki Shiro, the president of the Suzuki Foundation. It is speculated that the time of death was an hour ago. He was killed by someone using a pistol with a silencer to shoot the right eye at close range and penetrate the brain. And he died. The deceased lived in the most expensive presidential suite on the cruise ship. The glass was not damaged, and there was no faint trace of intrusion. The door originally used a very advanced alarm device. If it is damaged by external force, it will immediately sound a sharp alarm. So safe Extremely sexual, but we didn't hear any alarms, apparently the deceased opened the door by himself, but was unexpectedly attacked by the murderer. It can be seen..."

Shiratori Ninzaburō said coldly: "The murderer is someone the deceased knew! And he was very familiar with it! Otherwise, the deceased would not be able to open the door for him. And our cruise ship is sailing on the vast sea, and outsiders can't invade."

"That is to say" Mouri Kogoro started pretending to be forced: "The murderer who killed President Suzuki is among us!"

In a word, everyone in the audience changed.

"The murderer who killed Dad was among these people on the boat?"

Suzuki Sonoko sobbed, shocked.

Seeing Suzuki Shirou's tragic corpse, Suzuki Sonoko and Ayako suddenly lost control and collapsed. If Shiratori hadn't stopped him to protect the scene, they would have already rushed on the corpse and cried bitterly.

Now, they can only cast their hopeful eyes on Mu Mu.

"Mu Mu police is right, everything is up to you."

Sonoko put his arms around Mu Mu pitifully: "Our mother and daughter, it's all up to you."

"Well, wrap it on me."

Mu Mu smiled slightly and glanced at Tomoko.

Tomoko is still in shock when she sees Shirou's body.

She could not have imagined that Shi Lang just broke out with her and announced that he was going to divorce, and the result was...


In this way, although the Suzuki Foundation lost its president, wouldn't he, the wife of Suzuki Shirou, take control of the Suzuki Foundation?

As far as she knew, Suzuki Shiro didn't make a will in advance because he was still in good health (otherwise he wouldn't go out and fuck), and because he was not very old, he was young and strong, and he was in his prime.

According to Japanese law, in the absence of a will, the wife and children can inherit the client's estate - the Suzuki Foundation.

The staff of the surrounding Suzuki Foundation, looking at Suzuki Tomoko, immediately became more respectful - Suzuki Shiro died, Suzuki Tomoko is the president of the Suzuki Foundation!

Suzuki Tomoko obviously doesn't have much sadness in her heart, but women are born to be actors. Why did you go there, sir? How many people cried in sympathy for the orphans and widows who lost their masters.

Sonoko and Ayako finally persuaded their mother not to cry.

Suzuki Tomoko wiped her tears, and gave Mu Mu police a look that only two people could understand: "Mu Mu is a police officer, my master is kind and charitable, and he is a great and good person. He is now being punished. For brutal killing, you must find the real culprit and bring justice to him. Our Suzuki consortium will be very grateful to you!"

Mu Mu lowered his head and leaned into Suzuki Tomoko's ear and said, "Find out the real murderer, how is Madam going to reward me?"

Tomoko blushed, this villain, in front of her husband... um, corpse, actually asked the widow's wife, how did he plan to reward him?

It's a reward for that kind of thing.

"People are very confused now, and they will listen to you."

Tomoko suddenly got out of the crisis of being abandoned by Suzuki Shirou and was swept out of the house. In fact, she was in a good mood. She couldn't help smiling and said in a low voice.

Mu Mu giggled in his heart, his eyes locked on Shi Kaobing.

That's right, it was he who used the egg of resurrection to attract Shi Kaobing and kill Suzuki Shirou.

Mu Mu looked around the scene: "On this ship, we are the only ones who can let President Suzuki open the door of the room. We adopt the exclusion method. Does anyone have an alibi?"

Survey results...

Natsumi Kasaka, Mouri Kogoro, Hattori Heiji, Conan, Sonoko, Ayako, Xiao Ran, and Kazuha played and drank beer together on the deck, so they all had alibi.

Mu Mu's face did not change and his heart did not beat, and pointed at Tomoko Suzuki: "My wife and I are discussing things together, and we will make each other's alibi!"

Suzuki Tomoko blushed.


This alibi proves that at the time of the incident, the two were having a passion in Mu Mu's room.

Ahem, Tomoko glanced at Shiro Suzuki's body with a guilty conscience.

If this guy hears it, maybe he will be able to live with anger?

Mu Mu looked at Gan Jiangyi, Pu Siqinglan, photographer Hanchuanlong, and Sergey Ovchinnikov, and said lightly: "So, only the four of you have identity and status, You know President Suzuki again, and you don't have an alibi?"

The four looked at each other.

The go-getter smiled bitterly and said, "At that time, I was just blowing on the deck by myself, and no one around could prove that I wasn't there. 887"

Han Chuanlong shrugged and said nonchalantly, "I am a photography enthusiast. I am holding a camera and photographing beautiful scenery everywhere, and no one can prove it."

Pu Siqinglan shook his head and said, "I am alone in the room."

Sergey also shook his head and said, "I'm reading a book."

In short, none of these four people had an alibi and were listed as key suspects.

"Okay, all four of you must stay in the room and wait for the next investigation."

Mu Mu said to Shiratori: "Contact the Tokyo headquarters and ask them to send police over here. Only the two of us are not enough to investigate. There is no way to monitor the four of them."


"do not worry!"

At this moment, Kogoro, Heiji, and Conan pretended to sneer together: "We are not vegetarians. Since we are all clear of suspicion, let's cooperate with Officer Shiratori and be responsible for monitoring the actions of these people?"

When Mu Mu saw these people, they all volunteered and asked to join the investigation, and thought about it.

Paralyzed, anyway, you guys are busy, and Kogoro is always staring at Kasaka Natsumi, it's really annoying, and it should be done to let him do some work.

"Okay. Then you will face each other one by one, and the four of you will keep an eye on the four suspects under investigation. There can be no more incidents!"

Mu Mu ordered.


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