Conan's Strongest Inspector

Chapter 289 That Mu Mu is really crazy! 【3】

A second ago, the horror boss thought that Mu Mu would inevitably choose to sacrifice himself to make the overall situation, and was still triumphant in persuading him to surrender: "As long as you put down your weapons and surrender, these Japanese will be saved..."

Of course goose.

In his earphones, there were only a series of screams and screams that were terrified.

clap clap.

Bang bang bang.

"Boss, boss! That Mu Mu is crazy!"

A cat organizer screamed: "Our brothers, I thought he would definitely wait to be killed, so he rushed up like this, who would have thought that all of them would be shot in the head by him! All of them were explosive! head."

The boss of the red Siamese cat was stunned at the time!

Suzuki Jiroji, who had a ghost in his heart, was so angry that he was about to have a heart attack.

This TM is different from the script.

In the script Odakiri Toshiro gave to himself, didn't he say that Mu Mu, who was a police officer, would definitely choose to sacrifice himself for the safety of the 8 million inhabitants of the Japanese archipelago, and for the safety of the 29 hostages in the entire ship?


Paralyzed this kid, turned on the killing mad mode, and didn't care about the lives of 8 million people, just shooting and killing people?

The Red Siamese cat organization was all killed by him?

Said good incarnation of justice, what about Japan's No. 1 police officer?

All the melon eaters in the audience were also convinced by Mu Mu's ferocity...

F*ck, completely disregarding the safety of the hostages, just starting the crazy chicken-eating mode for yourself?

How is this the same as the hostage rescue routine of the fighting nation?

It is said that in the fighting nation, when the hostage sees the appearance of the special forces who came to rescue him, he will desperately choose to die with the terrorists...


The standard operation of the fighting national anti-terrorist special forces when they see hostage-taking terrorists is to fire dozens of rockets in a salvo.

It doesn't matter whether the hostages die or not, the important thing is that the terrorists must die!

Therefore, when the hostages of the fighting nation see the appearance of the anti-terrorist troops, they will completely despair of life, and would rather die with the terrorists than wait to be rescued. At least there is still a chance for self-rescue. If you are rushed by the anti-terrorist troops, you will be a dead end.

"How many died?"

The head of the Red Siamese cat organization trembled.

"Cat D all the way to R, all dead!"

Mao'er F said miserably: "They are all dead!"

Before he finished speaking, he heard a crisp sound.

Cat F died tragically.

Then, his headphones were picked up.

Mu Mu's casual voice came: "Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't even leave you a mourner. All of them were killed by me."


The boss of the terrorist organization was stunned at the time...

I've never seen such a flurry of action.

He roared in exasperation: "Aren't you afraid that I will spread the biochemical virus immediately? Aren't you afraid that I will shoot and kill the hostages now?"


Mu Mu sneered.

Conan, who was kicked up by Mu Mu, covered his face, looked dissatisfied, and said loudly: "Yeah, they have bombs, biochemical viruses, and 8 million hostages in Japan! How can you be so reckless? "


Mu Mu sneered: "It's clear that you are too stupid! You didn't observe the situation clearly."

He pointed at the earphone and said lightly mockingly: "Yes, you can indeed release the virus, why don't you release it?"

"Are you crazy?"

Conan was shocked and jumped: "You actually instigated this lunatic to release the biochemical virus?"

Mu Mu said lightly: "Shut up!"

He pouted at Conan: "You claim to be the first in insight, but you don't even know the truth of the opponent's trump card, you are a fool!"

Conan looked unconvinced.

"What? You bastard! Do you think I dare not?"

The biochemical leader was furious, jumping on his feet...

"Go! Release the biochemical virus! Give this self-righteous Mu Mu some color!"

The biochemical leader roared.

The only remaining cat, H, hesitated: "But I'm the only one left, what should I do here?"

"don’t worry!"

A waitress, with a slight smile, took out a gun and pointed it at everyone: "I'm still here!"

The crowd exclaimed.

Unexpectedly, there is also a waitress here, who is also a red Siamese cat.

Nakamori Ginzou and the others, who were all about to move, had no choice but to let out an unfortunate cry.

And Kaito Kidd, who had been observing secretly, cut him even more depressed.

That's right, Kaito Kidd has been on this airship long ago, and he has also turned into a male waiter and has been watching secretly.

"Mu Mu, you caught me last time, this time I must be ashamed to steal the [Lady of the Sky] from under your guard's nose!"

But he could not have imagined that the airship had not been settled, and another wave of terrorist groups of red Siamese cats appeared to attack.

Even Kaito Kidd, such an awesome character, shivered under the muzzle of the red Siamese cat.

That's right.

Kaito Kidd is just being handsome.

When he really encountered ruthless people, such as Shi Kaobing, he only shivered and was beaten.

Last time, Shi Kaobing, the female killer, almost sniped him to death in 560.

As Kaito Kidd, who has no killing power, he even wanted to sneak away.

With the help of the traitorous waitress, the red Siamese cat was fully manned again, and cat H went straight to the top of the airship, releasing a large amount of red smoke.

Under the intentional disclosure of Toshiro Odakiri, the residents of Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka and other cities have long been panicked...

"Hey, have you heard? Suzuki's airship has been hijacked by terrorists,"

"Yeah, those terrorists not only threatened the airship, but also threatened to release the biochemical virus prepared in advance through the airship, killing everyone in the city!"

"Those viruses stolen from biochemical factories in Hokkaido? Terrorists to release? My god!"

"Run. Get out of the city and don't become a victim of a biochemical virus."

Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka...

Every city in Japan, as long as the people within the airship range, began to panic on a large scale...

They scrambled, drove their cars, took their families, and fled to the outskirts of the city.

But the problem is...

Everyone wants to escape.

This caused a big traffic jam.

Highways, city roads...

Every road was overcrowded, and everywhere there were citizens eager to escape. .

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