Conan's Strongest Inspector

Chapter 297 Japan's first police officer is right! 【2】

"Damn it! Who is the mastermind behind this? If I find out, I must kill him with a thousand cuts!"

The Prime Minister got angry and slammed his fist on the table, gasping for air in pain.

Bai Ma is also full of suspicion: "This man behind the scenes must be someone with power and power and a high position. Otherwise, it is hard to imagine that he can mobilize so many criminals and has the ability to cover their identities as reporters and hosts. The police must investigate this matter!"

Beside the two, the biggest leader of the Tokyo police, Toshiro Odakiri, took this seriously, and nodded again and again: "The two bosses are right. We must dig deep into this behind the scenes. This person is too much a threat to me in Japan."

He hummed and sneered in his heart.

Thanks to my foresight, in order to deal with Mu Mu and kill Mu Mu this time, I have mobilized all the chess pieces that I have been cultivating for more than ten years, and let’s work together~!

As the top person in charge of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, as a careerist with great desires, Odakiri Toshiro has been secretly and actively cultivating various confidants for the past 20 years, using his power and influence to continuously install them in throughout.

The Red Siamese Cat, Xia Nishitani, and Takashi Fujioka are just pawns in his vast network of relationships.

(Some book friends said that to deal with Odakiri Toshiro, dozens of missiles are needed to launch into the air to eradicate the roots. The old pig agrees with this, but I am a mystery novel, not a civilized invincible stream out of thin air, Mu Mu It takes a process to configure the powers of . If the dignified boss of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is killed by Mu Mu with a ballistic missile after only half a card, you can also click X directly. For readers who are looking forward to a wave of invincible articles, Laozhu can only express powerlessness.)

In other words, Odakiri Toshiro, the boss of the Greater Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, is actually a realistic version of Infernal Affairs.

On the surface, he is the justice director of the Metropolitan Police Department, but he has secretly done many things that hurt the world, raise tigers, and breed cats and mice. No one else can imagine.

"Mu Mu, I have arranged a lot of backends. If you can escape this wave, you are in hell."

Odakiri Toshiro smiled grimly, still blind BB on his mouth, pretending to be a Virgin.

But he obviously doesn't know that Mu Mu has the [strongest Inspector system], and he has already put the tens of thousands of sin values ​​on his head. In his eyes, he has already guarded against him and his sin network.

On the airship, Mu Mu looked indifferent, looked at Xiguxia who was taking hostages and threatened with the explosion of the airship, and pouted, "Really? Are you so confident?"

The expression on Mu Mu's face was filled with →_→.

Seeing the disdain on Mu Mu's face, Xiguxia also twitched...

This police officer is right, what's going on?

I was clearly holding the invincible launch button in my hand, and when I pressed it, the entire airship would explode. Why did he still look so light, as if he looked down on me at all, or looked at a monkey trick?

Is this man mentally retarded? Can't understand my threat?

"Can't you understand what you're saying?"

Xiguxia, the pretty TV hostess, furrowed her brows with anger, her chest heaving and he said: "I really installed two bombs on the airship! As long as I press it down, the airship will be finished!"

She is really working hard to promote to Mu Mu how awesome she is and what a terrible weapon she has.

It's a pity, what Mu Mu gave her was just a huh...

Mu Mu curled his lips and said, "Then press it down."

Everyone expressed their kneeling for Mu Mu's confidence...

Suzuki Tomoko, Sonoko, and Xiao Ran lost their voices and widened their mouths.

Regardless of his blunder, Conan said loudly to Mu MuBB: "Didn't you hear what she said? She planted two bombs on the airship. The airship will be finished!"

Kogoro also knelt on the ground, holding his head, and begging Mu Mu: "Mu Mu is watching the police, I know you are very powerful, but you have to bow your head under the low eaves. This Xiguxia has the key to the airship, Let's surrender for now."

Xia Xigu gave a wink to Junping, an accomplice on the side.

Junpei Ishimoto smiled and nodded.

His miniature submachine gun was already aimed at Mu Mu.

The order they received from Toshiro Odakiri was to eradicate three people no matter what.

First, Mu Mu. Second, Suzuki Tomoko, third, Suzuki Jiroji.

Then there are the other people on this airship.

On this, Mu Mu is the person Odakiri Toshiro wants to kill the most, and it is also the target that the two of them will attack no matter what.

As long as Mu Mu surrenders, what awaits is not life saving, but the sudden death of a bullet.

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Can Mu Mu surrender?

Ha ha.

Mu Mu said with a light expression on his face: "In front of this police officer, there is actually a kid who jumps off the beam and dares to use a bomb like this? Hehe, if you have the ability, just press it, the airship will explode, and I lose!"

He raised the pistol like lightning, without even looking at it, he shot suddenly!


Junpei Ishimoto, who was raising a miniature submachine gun secretly and preparing to kill Mu Mu, was shot in the head by Mu Mu in an instant!

Terrible death!

His eyes widened until he died, and he couldn't believe that Mu Mu dared to shoot back when he was coerced by him.

Everyone was dumbfounded!

If you want to talk about it, just take Mu Mu!


Anyone who threatened him was shot in the head.

Ishimoto Junpei, who just said two threatening words, died.

Mu Mu didn't even look at Junpei Ishimoto, who was tragically killed by his own gun, and aimed the pistol at Xia Nishitani again.

"Hehe, next, the one who wants to taste my big pistol and mad shot will be you. I hope your ass can bear it!"

Mu Mu made a pun, and gave the female bandit leader Xiguxia, winking mischievously.

In front of the female bandit leader holding the bomb button, he dared to speak out and flirt. Such Mu Mu can be described as the first police officer in Japan.

"Damn it! It looks like you are determined to die!"

Xiguxia was molested by Mu Mu, and Fengxia turned red with anger. Of course she could hear the relationship between Mu Mu's so-called big pistols, bullets and her small butt...

The tragic death of Ishimoto Junpei made Xia Xigu even more frightened.

The dog jumped off the wall in a hurry, and the jade was burnt.

I have a parachute anyway, so I won't die here.

Xia Xigu, angrily pressed the explosion button!

"Ahhh, we're done!"

Kogoro screamed, covering his head.

"What are you doing? You killed us all!"

Conan looked at Mu Mu angrily.

Of course goose.

1, 3, 10 seconds passed...

nothing happened...

Conan's face is embarrassed. Xiguxia is stunned...

In the end what happened? .

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