Conan's Strongest Inspector

Chapter 310: Who is the inner ghost? 【4】

Shiratori Ninzaburō was in high spirits, pretending to be sneering, "I'm Hu Hansan is back again", and coughing: "Chief Mu Mu, I will be the chief's police officer in the future. I no longer belong to you, and of course you can't anymore. Let me clean the toilet! I'm so sorry."

Mu Mu had a warm smile: "Shiratori, I asked you to clean the toilet in the past, but I was actually focusing on cultivating you. Don't get me wrong."

Shiratori, who was in Tianxiu, heard Mu Mu's words, and he spat out a mouthful of old blood on the spot, and almost died of anger.


TM I used to be a dignified Inspector, and you were assigned to clean the toilet. You said it with certainty, saying that it was to focus on cultivating me?


Do you dare to be any more shameless?

Mu Mu sighed and said, "Shiratori, in fact, you made continuous mistakes at that time, and I saw that you were in a bad mood, so I deprived you of your job and sent you to clean the toilet, just to teach you a lesson and let you in Growing up through setbacks. You may not believe it when you say it, but I have been watching you secretly to see if you have made progress, and then reinstate you as an official, or even get promoted. It’s just a pity, alas, now you have taken refuge in someone else halfway, and you are in the toilet. My practice has been interrupted. It's all in vain! It can't be of great use any more!"

When Mu Mu said this, Shiratori and Odakiri were so angry that their lungs would explode.

This Mu Mu is really annoying.

"According to what you said, sending Shiratori, a handsome, rich and handsome man, to the toilet, instead of suppressing him, he was taking care of him like a mountain?"

Odachi was depressed.


Mu Mu's face is as thick as Mount Tai, his face doesn't change and his heart doesn't beat.

Shiratori has been hurt ten thousand tons by anger.

"I...I don't share the sky with you!"

Shiratori scolded the street in anger.

Mu Mu chuckled: "What? I'm the chief inspector, you are just a police inspector, and you still think that you can't get on with it'.?"

Inspectors such as Satou, admired and supported Mu Mu who handled the case, and scolded Shiratori one after another.

"That's it! Shiratori, you are so rude!"

"You are so rude to Japan's No. 1 detective, Shiratori, don't you just hug the chief's thigh?"

"Neichen Shiratori! Incompetence in handling the case, all relying on stalking!"

Due to his flattery, he rose to five levels in a row, causing public anger. Shiratori fell into a siege in an instant, o(╥﹏╥)o...

"Okay!" Odakiri saw that many police inspectors were watching Shiratori's jokes, but his face secretly supported Mu Mu, his forehead was bursting with anger, and he ordered Shiratori: "Shut up! It's useless!"


Shiratori was aggrieved.

"Say your judgment on the case!"

It was only then that Odagiri remembered that he was crooked. The theme of this meeting was a very insidious routine, hehe.

Shiratori cheered up, glared at Mu Mu viciously, and said with a pretentious look: "The two policemen died at the same time, and they seized their police certificate. What does this detail imply?"

The whole place was silent.

In fact, many of these old criminal policemen have invariably thought of a problem.

But they dare not think along this line of thought.

Because of this result, it is unimaginable.

"Haha" Shiratori said with a really good look on my face, and said triumphantly: "The director and I coincide on this issue! That is the DEADINGMASSAGE issued by the two detectives before they died! That is, the death reminder. !"

"What do their tips mean?"

Shiratori looked at Mu Mu maliciously, and put the two police officers' ID cards on the table: "I assert that both officers saw the murderer before they died, and at the last moment, they left us clues to solve the case— —The murderer is the policeman! And the policeman who both police officers know! It is very likely that he is one of you here!"

The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, police officers from all walks of life, was in an uproar.

Is the murderer a police officer, or an acquaintance that both officers knew?

"This is also the only reasonable explanation!"

Odakiri folded his arms in front of his chest, with a calm and intelligent attitude, his eyes fell on Mu Mu: "Right? The first detective Mu Mu in Japan?"

Mu Mu said lightly: "From the current clues, there is nothing wrong with this reasoning!"


Seeing that Mu Mu had to nod in agreement, Shiratori laughed even more: "As far as I know from the investigation, the common feature of these two police officers is that Mu Mu, your subordinates do things!"

"Does this matter?"

Mu Mu asked with a speechless expression.

"Haha" Shiratori Ninzaburō's eyes flashed brightly and said: "In fact, these two police officers are secretly carrying out a task, a task that only the chief and the two of them know! It is to hold high positions within the Metropolitan Police Department. , but there is a possible criminal insider who conducts secret surveillance and investigation."


A bright light flashed in Mu Mu's eyes.

He instantly understood the thoughts of Toshiro Odakiri and Shiratori Ninzaburō.

A good one to be framed.

In this serial murder case of criminal police, it was obviously because of the investigation of Odakiri Toshiro's son. Odakiri also committed a crime. He was murdered and silenced, but now he is in turn framed for himself?

Sure enough, Oda Kirito Toshiro said in a low tone of "lost his love", closed his eyes and said, "This matter should start a few months ago."

"A few months ago, in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, we repeatedly found that several crimes were very strange. As the director, I suspected that there was an inner ghost who was secretly planning a crime, or simply the chief BOSS of a criminal organization!"

Although he said that, his eyes were fixed on Mu Mu. It was self-evident who he was referring to.

Mu Mu smiled slightly (Li Dehao).

This is what a thief calls a thief.

"Especially this time [Bell Sherry II], such a serious terrorist attack happened. And the actions of the police seem to be well known by terrorist organizations, and the bombs and weapons used by Hokkaido were stolen, and it is very difficult to Obtained. Both the Prime Minister and the Director-General of White Horse have suspected that police or military insiders have colluded with terrorist organizations."

Odakiri Toshiro, with the expression of killing his relatives righteously and tearfully beheading Ma Su, roared in a deep voice: "I have reason to suspect that within the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, there are people who are insiders of a terrorist organization, or they planned this incident themselves!"

"So, I ordered a two-person secret operation team to investigate high-ranking police officers."

"The results of the investigation are..."

"Chief Mu Mu, you have a serious suspicion!"

Toshiro Odakiri pointed to Mu Mu! .

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