Conan's Strongest Inspector

Chapter 334 The God of Case Solving, Director Mu Mu! 【2】

Satou didn't notice Mu Mu's behavior at all. There was something wrong with him. He looked humbly and listened, nodded and said, "As expected of the director, did you find any traces that we ignored?"

Mu Mu put his arms around Satou and walked to a trace burned by fireworks: "What do you think is this dark trace?"

Satou's beautiful eyes widened, looked at it for a long time, then leaned in front of him and kissed for a long time, shaking his head ashamed: "I still didn't see it."

"This is the traces left by the addicts using fire to burn the poison on the tin foil."

Mu Mu smiled slightly.

Gold-level magnifying glass, all clues, even the smallest clues, can't escape in front of him like lightning!

That's the power of the most powerful Inspector system.

Mu Mu waved his hand: "Chiba, this black burning edge has a pinch of fine white powder, take it for testing!"

Satou opened his eyes and saw that on the edge of the burning, there were a few white particles, not much bigger than a grain of salt.

Ordinary people can't find this white thing at all.

But Mu Mu can see clearly!

Chiba was in charge of extracting evidence at the scene, and immediately took the survey team to analyze it.

A minute later, Chiba came running excitedly, bowed deeply, and said, "Director Mu Mu, you are truly amazing! You can find such a mere dust-like powder. That's right, this is indeed Hein! It's poison!"


Satou, Takagi, and the detectives who came to search for evidence of drugs were shocked!

They looked at Mu Mu with admiration.

Mu Mu What kind of eyes are these?

"This evidence is enough to prove that someone has taken drugs here!"

Satou said excitedly.

"But how to prove that this is Oda Kerry Min also? We failed to catch him, so he can completely deny it or not admit it."

Takagi said.

"Hehe, don't worry." Mu Mu waved his hand and said lightly, "Have you noticed that there is a lot of dust in this warehouse, and few people come in?"


The detectives nodded.

"Although Oda Kerry Min is also cunning, he never dreamed that this dusty warehouse could also expose the evidence that he gathered a crowd to take drugs!"

Mu Mu pointed to the ground in front of him, and there was a footprint in the dust: "Chiba, use the footprint modeling technology to extract the footprint from the dust, and then look back for an opportunity to extract the footprint of Oda Kirimiya for comparison! I believe it must be consistent! "

Satou, Takagi widened their eyes and looked at the dusty ground ahead...

It is not much different from the surrounding ground, and only a shallow human footprint can be seen on it.

Director Mu Mu, how do you know that those are Oda Kirito's footprints?

You know, there are quite a few footprints of people around, and even the footprints of criminal policemen are mixed in.

How can Mu Mu see at a glance that this is Oda Kerry Minya's footprint?

"Footprint modeling technology?"

Chiba looked confused: "I haven't heard of any footprint modeling technology?"

Mu Mu patted his head and almost forgot that this was the Conan world around 2000.

(Assassin in the Pupil, 1998)

"Cut, it's really backward!"

With a tone of "I really can't help you", Mu Mu used 10,000 justice points to exchange for a set of [Footprint Modeler] from the system. This instrument can directly extract clear footprints from dust footprints on the ground. evidence and submit it as an exhibit in court.

"People's footprints are like human fingerprints. There are so many people in the world, no two people's footprints are exactly the same. This footprint has been collected by my [Footprint Modeler], and that's it... "

From the instant print, Mu Mu took out a clear large picture of the footprints and handed it to Satou: "Everyone's footprints vary in size, depth, force, and the texture of the soles. As long as you can find Oda Kirimi's shoes , let him put it on and walk again, it can be used as irrefutable strong evidence to prove that he has been to this warehouse!"


Listening to the discussion about footprints as evidence that has not been done in this era, the criminal police officers such as Satou, Takagi, and Chiba were shocked.

Director Mu Mu, where did such a scientific and advanced case-solving theory come from?

How is he so great?

However, because the [strongest Inspector system] itself has the characteristics of being perfectly integrated into the judicial system of this era, even arrested female prisoners can be directly put into the prison of punishment, and the system can exchange various forensic instruments that surpass the technology of this era. , can also be recognized by the court, which means that Mu Mu has mastered the black technology of solving crimes that the criminals do not know.

".ˇWith this foot mold device, it will be easier to target criminals in the future!"

Satou cheered excitedly.

"And the footprints over there"

Mu Mu used the magnifying glass again and found the footprints of another young man: "It should be Odakiri's accomplice, also collected..."


Satou held the footprint modeler, and he was so excited that he recorded them one by one.

"And here, another man's."

Under the search of the golden magnifying glass, Mu Mu's eyes were like lightning, and no clue could escape his gaze. The police collected a total of 15 people's footprints, including men and women.

"That's great!" Satou looked at Mu Mu admiringly: "The warehouse we thought we found nothing, but you found so much evidence by Director Mu Mu, I'm really ashamed."

Takagi Chiba was convincing and bowed his head in shame.

Mu Mu smiled lightly: "Oda Kerry Minya will definitely not bow his head to confess his guilt easily. But he has too many accomplices, it should be much easier to pry their mouths open. This is the list of Oda Kerry Minya Band, which happens to be on it. It was a dozen people, and I think they should match the owner of the footprints. Everyone acted in the limelight, and immediately arrested Oda Kerry Minya and everyone in his band, searched their homes, found shoes that matched the footprints, and compared the footprints! Drug test them, break them one by one, and pry their mouths open!"


Satou and other officers shouted in unison.

Oda Kerry Min was also answering his father's call at this time.

"Minye, I told you about wiping your butt, have you cleaned it up yet?"

Toshiro Odakiri roared with a tone of hatred for not turning iron into steel.

"Okay, Dad"

Min also pouted and said disapprovingly: "I have eliminated all the evidence that may cause trouble. Mu Mu will not find any evidence."

"Hum! That's fine.".

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