Conan's Strongest Inspector

Chapter 353 Fuze's family, the family is ruined! 【3】

But the second child, Fu Zeda Er, was too complacent at this time, he didn't see the boss's abnormality at all, he was still chattering, and pretended to be complacent: "Hehe, big brother, you idiot, you think I can't see it, you hate the old man. Dad? I saw your eyes full of murderous intent, but I deliberately didn't tell the old man. Sure enough, the old man died in your hands. You still framed the third child? Tell the mantis to catch the cicada and the oriole behind! After you go in too, I am the only one left to inherit the inheritance of the Fuze family!"

"Hoo! I'm going to kill you, you bastard!"

Taichi Tomizawa lost his mind, and suddenly broke free from Mu Mu's small handcuffs (Mu Mu didn't actually bring him, but just acted for the second child to see, so that the second child was proud of "three two seven"), and rushed to the old man. Two Fuzeda two.

Fu Zeda Er was taken aback. He didn't expect that the elder brother was not trapped, but instead launched an attack on himself. He was so frightened that he shouted: "Director Mu Mu, help."

Mu Mu also looked stunned and stunned.


Until the boss, Fuze Taiyi, took out a fruit knife from his waist, grabbed the second child, Fuze Daji, and held him hostage. He stepped back and shouted sharply: "Don't come here, if you dare to come, I will kill him!"

Mu Mu→_→.

Hehe, you do it, I can't ask for it.

Mu Mu has a face of persuasion, "Taiichi Tomizawa! Don't make mistakes again and again, your crimes are serious, and the death penalty is inevitable"...

Listening to Mu Mu's "hard-hearted" persuasion, Fu Ze Da Er was about to cry.



Are you trying to save me, or are you afraid I won't die fast enough?

"Don't say it anymore, I beg you!" Fu Zeda begged Mu Mu on his knees, burst into tears, and his desire to survive can be said to be very strong.

Mu Mu, however, still had a stern look on his face, "persuading" Taichi Tomizawa: "You have killed your father and framed your third brother. After today, as soon as this name spreads, how can you stand between the heavens and the earth? How can you live with the face? Do you still want to be a novelist?"

Fuzeda II has collapsed...

I beg you, don't say it.


I really want to live another two years.

But Taichi Tomizawa, under the "persuasion" of Mu Mu, went completely crazy.

Mu Mu's gold-level superpower [psychic ability] had already occupied his heart, turning the murderer into a murderer. Coupled with this wave of "well-intentioned" "persuasion", Taichi Tomizawa was completely In a state of murderous madness

He let out a scream, and the sharp knife in his hand slashed his brother's throat.

"Damn, I've already killed my father Kenji Tomozawa, framed my younger brother and imprisoned him. What's the big deal if I kill another younger brother? Die once is death, and many times are not death? Let me have a good time! "

Fuze Da Er screamed and was cut to death by his brother on the spot.

Fuze Daji's grievance, resentment...


Hmph, if it wasn't for your persuasion, Mu Mu, I wouldn't have died so soon!


I have a grudge against you, you wait!

Seeing Tatsuya Fuze, he was actually persuaded by his own "persuasion" to Taiichi Fuze. The persuasion had the opposite effect. A wave of poisonous milk made Taiyi Fuze lose his mind and killed his younger brother. Everyone present was speechless. now

I don't want to say anything except a sentence of MMP!

Mu Mu himself was speechless.

When did your mouth become so poisonous? After a few words, even the prisoner was stimulated to become a murderous maniac?

Fu Ze Xianzhi, the old fox, also wanted his son to marry Bai Fumei and annexed the Suzuki family. In the blink of an eye, he was killed by the eldest son, the third son was framed by the eldest son and imprisoned, and the second son was also slaughtered by the eldest son's out-of-control emotions... ·

This dignified Fuze family, in a blink of an eye, the family was destroyed.  …  

Suzuki Ayako, Sonoko, Xiao Ran were all stunned...

Even the head of the Suzuki family, Tomoko Suzuki, who came here after hearing the news, was stunned.


Although everyone knows the ambitions of the Tomizawa family for my Suzuki family, but the Tomizawa family is a first-class aristocrat in Japan after all. I, Suzuki Tomoko, racked my brains and did not think of any other way to reject the marriage contract of Tomizawa Xiongsan. ··

But Director Mu Mu, he, it only took half a night to completely solve it?

In the blink of an eye, the Fuze family was destroyed?

Even Suzuki Tomoko expressed that she was caught off guard.

Happiness comes too suddenly.

This time, the Fuze family had such a big incident. The Suzuki family didn't even need to find an excuse to break off the marriage. They could justifiably and honorably withdraw from the Fuze family's marriage in the name of the Fuze family's crime family and a dead family. There will be any objection.

Suzuki Tomoko looked at Mu Mu's eyes, full of admiration and fiery.

Mu Mu4.1 waved his hand.

Satou swarmed up and arrested Taichi Tomizawa, who was in a state of mental breakdown after killing his younger brother.

Taichi Fuze killed his father and younger brother, and framed his third younger brother. The crimes on his head were worth a lot. Especially killing the father and the younger brother is a serious crime in the world, and it is worth 10 times more than the crime of killing a stranger!

The sin value on his head is as high as 2500 points.

Arresting him has contributed a full 325,000 justice points to Mu Mu!

"Hmph, this kind of perverted family, thanks to my sister, you didn't marry in!"

Suzuki Sonoko said loudly.

Suzuki Ayako lowered her head silently, shy and timid, and looked at Mu Mu with affection in her eyes. .

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