Conan's Strongest Inspector

Chapter 355 Dark Power! The establishment of the killer organization! 【2】

Pu Siqinglan's eyes flashed with brilliance: "I am of Russian descent, and I happen to know some Russian killers. They were born in the Russian special forces. After retiring, they have no source of income and are willing to find jobs. They are simple-minded but very good at skills. , the military capability is very good, and the price is not expensive, is it convenient to attract you under your command?"

"Maozi Special Forces?" Mu Mu thought for a while, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Yes. But they are not easy to integrate into Japanese society and are easy to be recognized."

"Oh" Pu Siqinglan thought about it too.

"However, with me, the head of the Metropolitan Police Department in Tokyo, nothing is a problem."

Mu Mu said lightly.

He took out his mobile phone, made a phone call, and said lightly, "Give me 10 blank passports, make sure they are true!"


After a while, a police officer in charge of passports delivered 10 blank passports to Mu Mu's desk.

Pu Si Qinglan, stunned to see...

such a difficult thing? Mu Mu just a phone call and you're done?

Don't forget that it is not a problem for the police chief in Mu Mu to ask the police responsible for passports and temporary residence permits to get a few passports that are guaranteed to be real in the background database.

Mu Mu threw 10 blank passports to Pu Siqinglan: "If it's not enough, you can add it at any time, but these Maozi special forces killers must be good."

"no problem!"

Pu Siqinglan patted her chest to assure, but there was a hint of embarrassment on her face: "There is still a small problem, the cost..."

"Fee? How much?"

Mu Mu's expression was indifferent.

"They need a lot of money for coming to Japan, training and equipment, and housing."

Pu Si Qinglan said uneasily: "In addition, confidentiality is a problem."

"Is ten million enough?"

Mu Mu said lightly.

Ten million? ?

A bolt from the blue stunned Pu Siqinglan.

━━∑( ̄□ ̄*|||━━!

Do you want to be so inhumane?

Just 10 Maozi special forces, give them tens of thousands of dollars, they can even sell you their souls, do they need so much money?

"So, I want the best~"!"

Mu Mu said indifferently: "I'd rather be short than indiscriminate, not all spicy chicken!"

"In addition, they need to purchase all the equipment they need, from helicopters to light and heavy weapons, with the best."

Mu Mu said indifferently: "The equipment procurement costs, I will allocate separately."

"Straight, helicopter?"

Pu Si Qinglan couldn't close her mouth in surprise.

A killer group that needs a helicopter?


Mu Mu said with disapproval: "When I need you to have the ability to storm a certain target, you must have the ability to deploy all-weather and all-terrain quickly. With a call from me, you must appear anywhere in Japan within an hour."

Only then did Pu Siqinglan know how much appetite her master had!

What you want, this is the killer?

Is this TM comparable to the special forces of the United States?

24-hour all-terrain deployment capability?

Appear anywhere in Japan within 1 hour?

It does require planes.

"But with such a big battle, where do we put our training place?"

Pu Siqinglan deserves to be Mu Mu's chosen killer. With a turn of her eyes, she has already thought of this question: "If it were in an ordinary residential area, such a big battle, coupled with training, would definitely alert all forces."

"This is easy"

Mu Mu smiled indifferently: "In the case of the Lavender Manor, I have already obtained the ownership of the uninhabited island, which is an overnight flight from Honshu, Japan. On this uninhabited island, even the villa was burned down, and there is absolutely nothing in front of me. Human status. You bring the Maozi killer troops and station them there. As the island owner, I will send a construction team to build the barracks and heliports you need. When you need you, you can Go straight from there!"


Pu Si Qinglan was completely stunned.

She didn't expect that Master Mu Mu even thought of the location of this elite killer force, and thought so thoroughly.

This kind of uninhabited island is far from the main island and is completely uninhabited. The owner of the island is Mu Mu. According to the law, even the Japanese police cannot enter for no reason without evidence!

This uninhabited island can be said to be completely Mu Mu's world!

Mu Mu is the emperor of the earth.

He put the killer unit there, which is extremely convenient for training and combat.

"¨々 Gunships, let's buy 4 of them at once for you."

The corners of Mu Mu's mouth curled up, revealing a playful smile.

"But gunships, this thing is controlled by the state, right?" Pu Siqinglan worried: "Japan buys so many gunships, is it risky to rely on smuggling?"

"Don't forget, I'm the police chief of Dignified Tokyo!"

Mu Mu said lightly: "Don't worry about it. I will purchase a batch of brand-new helicopters from the Mi Army in the name of police helicopters, change them to police paint, and give them to you in secret. You don't need to do anything."


Pu Si Qinglan was completely speechless.

This police boss is really generous.

Purchasing a brand-new helicopter from the US Army, then switching to police livery, but in the end it fell into the hands of his own killer force?

OK! This wave of action!

"Then I'll do it right away!"

Pu Si Qinglan walked out of Mu Mu's office and went straight to the airport (Honor's).

Looking at Pu Si Qinglan's back, Mu Mu nodded.

Although this Pu Si Qinglan cannot be expected to be more creative, she is absolutely assured of doing things.

On the uninhabited island of the lavender manor, it has now become its own secret killer base.

4 US armed helicopters + more than a dozen fully armed Maozi killers + Pu Siqinglan...

He already has the initial operational capability.

There is another stumbling block like Odakiri Toshiro who dares to stand in front of him. If he can't find a place to be black, when necessary, he will come to the overlord and hit the bow with a fatal blow!

Then face the dark organization, if they dare to shoot themselves with armed helicopters like they did in the Mitsubishi Laboratory, they only need a phone call, and then it will see who is more powerful.

But Mu Mu was not satisfied.

He needs more power. .

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