Conan's Strongest Inspector

Chapter 370 Kudou Shinichi's Excellent Reasoning! 【3】

"Oh, in fact, uncle, what you said is wrong!"

As soon as Kudou Shinichi appeared on the stage, he saw Xiao Ran's "deep love" for him and his "sharp body trembling".

Mouri Kogoro is angry and paralyzed, you still want to soak my daughter, stinky boy dare to slap me?

"You ignorant boy, what do you know?"

He pointed at Kudou Shinichi and shouted angrily, "You tell me, what's wrong with my reasoning?"

"Hehe, nothing is right at all!"

Kudou Shinichi took on the mental retardation Kogoro, and said proudly: "First of all, uncle, you have been fooled by the murderer. The murderer used the trick of framing and escaping the golden cicada, so that a half-assed person like you thought it was the mummy. The staff killed Director Kondo Hikaru. In fact, the murderer was someone else."

Mu Mu felt Xiao Ran's butt while feeling Kudou Shinichi's reasoning.

Hmm, that's so... awesome. I mean the latter.

What? Kudou Shinichi's reasoning?

F*ck, what's there to hear?

Mu Mu expressed disdain.

Although Xiao Ran's eyes were looking at Shinichi, he gradually lost focus and lost his mind.

Because, Mu Mu is doing something wrong.

‘Don’t do this, Director Mu Mu. will be discovered by Shinichi. ’

She protested to Mu Mu in a low voice, blushing.

"Don't worry, it won't. He's patronizing and pretending to be coercive, so why does he have the heart to look at you?"

Mu Mu is still the same as me, and understand it carefully.

Kudou Shinichi, you just pretend to be on the mast.

Your girlfriend Xiao Ran's ACD, I'll do it!

Xiao Ran didn't believe Mu Mu's words at first: "How could Shinichi just pretend and not look at me?"

However, the reality is cruel.

Xiao Ran looked up at the mast only to find that Kudou Shinichi was looking after him in high spirits, pretending to be a showman by himself, and he really didn't realize that his girlfriend, himself, had already been given to him by Director Mu Mu.

Xiao Ran[○`Д○]!


Damn it, Shinichi!

Since you like to pretend so much, you love me all the time, but you can't even see me like the director Mu Mu...

You love to pretend more than you love me, right?

No wonder he was busy all day pretending to be coercive and refused to come back to see me.

That being the case, I also have my own plans...

She simply got angry, stopped blocking Mu Mu, and let Mu Mu get her hands on her to retaliate against Shinichi's feigning perpetrators.

Kudou Shinichi, feeling good about himself, didn't notice anything unusual about Xiao Ran and Mu Mu on the deck, and was still talking.

"The real culprit is actually this man' "!"

He points a finger!

Mouri Kogoro waits to look back.

It was the werewolf.

The werewolf was also very surprised, and was stunned on the spot.

The people around were in an uproar.

"You, you said he was the culprit? Hahaha, stop teasing!"

Mouri Kogoro laughed: "He had an alibi. We saw this man flush from the toilet cubicle when the captain was killed. He didn't have time to commit the crime."

"Really? Are you sure what you saw was him?"

Kudou Shinichi closed his eyes and sneered, posing as the most handsome POSE he thought.

"What do you mean?" Mouri Kogoro became angry: "You mean, I, and Director Mu Mu, are so blind? Can't he even see himself?"

"Oh, really?"

Kudou Shinichi sneered, "Then may I ask, did you see his face?"


Everyone looked back again, only to notice that this werewolf was wearing a helmet mask and was still very long, and he really couldn't see his appearance at all.


Kogoro is angry, but he has to think carefully...

This werewolf does exist, as long as you find someone with a similar body shape and similar voice, and put on his mask, you can commit crimes.

"But what about tarot cards?"

Kogoro was still unconvinced, and the gang attacked, and shouted at the mummy that had lost the tarot card.

"Hehe, that's easy to explain."

Kudou Shinichi sneered at Kogoro, "Because the tarot card lost by the mummy was stolen by this werewolf!"


Everyone was shocked.

"It's simple. The mummy went to the bathroom, and the werewolf followed, lurking in the bathroom cubicle. The Hunchback was the last outside to pretend to wash his hands."

"The werewolf picked up some kind of medicine and blew some medicine into the next compartment, making the mummy dizzy."

"Then the werewolf turned over the bathroom, jumped over to the mummy, and took his tarot cards."

"Then... the werewolf took off his mask and put it on the sleeping mummy's head."

"Finally, he uses some means to wake up the mummy."

".ˇ This mummy said he actually saw you, but you didn't recognize him, he was telling the truth. Because he was wearing a werewolf helmet at the time, but he didn't notice it! Because he was already covered with bandages on his head. , with only one slit in his eyes, it is not easy to notice that he has turned into a werewolf! The murderer also deliberately smashed the bathroom glass so that he could not look in the mirror or realize that his appearance had changed."

Kudou Shinichi closed his eyes and finished the reasoning with a sneer.


"What evidence do you have? Prove this?"

Kogoro said angrily.

"Evidence, in fact, there is!"

Kudou Shinichi pointed at the Hunchback of the Clock Tower: "Actually, this is the witness!"


Everyone was shocked.

"Right? Want to act in a movie, Mr. Hunchback of the Clock Tower?"

Kudou Shinichi sneered: "I guess you should have known early in the morning that the mummy is a staff member lurking in the crowd. You go to the bathroom to perform hard, and the plot with blood on your hands is to attract (Qian Hao) his attention. ?"


The Man in the Clock Tower finally nodded and said, "I did know he was a staff member for a long time, because I came to participate last year. I followed him to the bathroom to perform hard and sell myself. But I pretended that I didn't know his identity."

"Then you saw him go in, did you see him come out?"

"No, I only saw a werewolf come out."

The Clocktower shook his head.

"Have you heard, this is the evidence!"

Kudou Shinichi was triumphant.

"What kind of evidence is this?"

Mouri Kogoro shook his head again and again.

"That's right, I really didn't kill anyone. You are all speculation!"

The werewolf firmly denied: "I was missing at the time. In fact, I went to the bartender's place to drink."

Kudou Shinichi pretended to smile.

"Then Mr. Werewolf, where did you go to the bartender and what did you drink?".

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