Conan's Strongest Uncle

Chapter 0017 Xiao Ai wants to hug

This yellow-haired man leaned against the railing with a domineering woman in his arms. This was Qiben Xiajiang's brother-in-law, Qiben's turtle boy, and the woman he was holding was Qiben Xiajiang's sister Qiben Qiujiang.

In this cold day, Qiben Qiujiang was wearing a backless dress, but he was not afraid of the cold at all.

This is the case with the upper-class families in Neon, just like the family members in China. In order to prevent the outflow of property, these men married women from the Qiben family, and they all changed their surnames to Qiben.

Including this bald fan of Mouri Kogoro, Hachimoto Kitaro, also changed his surname because he married the eldest daughter of that Hachimoto Haozang, Mariko.

Qiu Jiang and Xia Jiang, the two young women, are the daughters of Qi Ben Haozang's dead eldest son, Qi Ben Jiang Yi.

At this moment, Hamoto Haozang's eldest daughter, Mariko Hamoto and second son Soji Hamoto, heard the movement and came out.

Hachimoto Joji was wearing a white suit and had a rather burly figure. He said to the bald man Beilang, "Don't mind, Dad was in a bad mood after eating my cooking, so he became like this, and it's my cooking skills. Not good, and he cooked the western food that Dad hates the most."

Hearing this, Xia Jiang came over and comforted gently: "Uncle, your cooking skills are very good, everyone likes it very much."

Xiang Er smiled: "Xia Jiang, please stop comforting me."

Hachimoto Haozang's eldest daughter, a fat aunt in a kimono, Hashimoto Mariko said to the bald man, "Honey, just bear with me for a while, anyway, my father is getting old and won't be able to live for long, wait. Once he leaves, the entire Qiben family's property will be yours."

She didn't shy away from saying it directly.

Qiujiang, who was hugged by the yellow-haired man, sneered and said, "Aunt, I'm afraid you are thinking too naively."

Mariko's face changed immediately: "What do you mean by that, do you know something?"

A smile appeared on Qiujiang's face, and he whispered close to Mariko's ear.

Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but feel speechless when he saw this scene. It was a dog-blooded grievance between wealthy and wealthy families, and it was still the kind of completely tearing his face.


The bride-to-be, Xia Jiang, saw this scene, but shook her head, left the crowd again, and approached the deck. The sea breeze blew her black hair, revealing melancholy eyes, and there seemed to be tears in her eyes.

Seeing this, Mouri Kogoro took two glasses of red wine, approached Miss Xia Jiang, and said, "As a bride-to-be who is about to get married tomorrow, it is really puzzling to show such a sad expression."

"Detective Mouri!"

"You know me, um, let me guess, what are you worrying about?" Mouri held his chin up as if thinking.

Qi Ben Xia Jiang's face couldn't help but show curiosity. She wanted to see if this famous neon detective was as good as the legend said.

"Well, are you missing your parents who died in a car accident last year? It doesn't seem right. That's because the various fights of the people in the family make you disgusted? It doesn't seem right, oh, because the groom who gets married tomorrow is not a good match, right? !"

As soon as Mouri Kogoro said one reason, the look of surprise on Xia Jiang's face increased a bit, and when he added another one, the expression of surprise was even greater. In the end, his mouth was slightly open, and he looked completely disbelieving.

Mouri Kogoro hands her a glass of red wine with a mild smile: "Cheer"

Qi Ben Xia Jiang shook his head with a smile, took the red wine, and took a sip: "It's amazing, Detective Mouri, is this the first time you and I have met? You can see what I'm thinking at a glance."

Mouri Kogoro smiled, his face was very tough under the setting sun, he turned his head to look at Xia Jiang: "I'm not that good, maybe I just have the same mind with you, Miss Xia Jiang!"

At this moment, Qiben Xiajiang's heartbeat quickened a little, and his little face became a little red, and he said, "Mr. Mouri, what you say is really interesting!"

Quietly, Mouri Kogoro and Chimoto Xiajiang got closer and closer, and they started chatting and laughing against the sea breeze.


Xiao Ran, Haibara, and Conan were eating fruit salad on a table in the distance.

Xiao Ran didn't notice this. Conan saw Mouri Kogoro hooking up with another woman. The single dog's resentment broke out, turning grief and anger into appetite, and he dealt with the fruit salad in front of him with a grim expression.

Haibara saw Mouri Kogoro and Qiben Xiajiang talking happily, her face was slightly cold: Damn it's uncle Se, is provoking girls again, this is the bride-to-be who is going to marry tomorrow, such women are provocative, really is too bad.

Haibara jumped off the chair and approached Mouri Kogoro with her short legs.


Mouri Kogoro's shoulder gently rubbed Ben Xiajiang's shoulder, she didn't seem to notice, and she was still immersed in Mouri's topic.

"Yeah, Mouri-kun, I also thought the movie Titanic that was shown last month was pretty good, but where in real life would you be so lucky to meet true love?"

Mouri's eyes are very understanding, and he smiled gently, "Xia Jiang, you are so kind, such a beautiful girl, you can definitely find true love!"

When Xiajiang Qiben heard Mouri's praise, her face turned slightly red, her green eyes stared at Mouri Kogoro: "Mouri-kun, it would be great if I could meet you earlier."


Haibara, who was behind the two, couldn't help the blue veins on her head beating slightly when she heard this. How long have you known each other? One of them called Xia Jiang, the other called Mouri-kun. How they became so close, Haibara couldn't help being shocked by Mouri Kogoro's ability to provoke women.

Mouri watched Hajimoto Xiajiang's favorability slowly rise, and was about to continue speaking, but at this moment, Mouri felt that his trousers seemed to be being pulled, and turned to see that it was Haibara, she raised her head to look at Mouri Kogoro, the cute Loli voice came out: "Have a hug!"

Looking at such a cute Loli, how could Mouri Kogoro hold back, he stretched out his hand to hug Haibara and couldn't help kissing, Haibara also habitually stretched out his hand to hook Mouri Kogoro's neck.

After being disturbed, Qiben Xiajiang's face gradually returned to calm, with a polite smile again: "Mr. Mouri, is this your daughter? She looks so cute."

Mouri Kogoro patted Haibara's head and gave him two more kisses: "No, this is the little girl I adopted. You know my profession is a detective. This child is alone, and I take her with me to take care of her."

Qi Ben Xia Jiang's eyes lit up: "I didn't expect you, Mr. Mouri, to be such a kind person."

Qi Ben Xia Jiang's favorability soared again.

Seeing this, Haibara noticed something was wrong, and immediately said, "I'm not Uncle Mouri's daughter. Uncle's daughter is Xiao Ran. I'm eating salad over there." The little finger like lotus root moved over, and Qiben Xiajiang followed.

Mouri Kogoro instantly understood Haibara's intentions, but he was not worried at all, and said with a sigh: "Yeah, since my wife and I divorced more than ten years ago, I have been living with my daughter for a long time..."

Mouri Kogoro's acting skills exploded, with memories and vicissitudes in his eyes, the uncle's temperament burst out instantly, and Xia Jiang's eyes lit up again.

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