Conan's Strongest Uncle

Chapter 0079 Such a big pectoral muscle

Hearing this, Beichuan sighed deeply. He couldn't help but smile when he looked at Haibara: "I didn't expect you to be noticed by this little guy. I admit, it is indeed me who killed the village west, this woman is too controlling. Now, I don't love her at all, but she forced me to marry her as a boss, and I really couldn't help killing her!"

After Beichuan said this, he collapsed to the ground with a sad face.

Haibara stepped forward, her face full of coldness: "Just because a woman has a strong desire to control you kill a person who loves you, you bastard, you are a scum!"

Officer Takagi, who was on the side, sneered and stopped, "Haibara, don't talk too much."

He turned his head to look at Beichuan, took out the handcuffs, his face turned serious: "In this case, I need to trouble you to come with us."

There was a look of frustration on Conan's face at this moment. Just now, he ignored the key evidence on Beichuan's finger and lost to Haibara, which is unforgivable.

And Genta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko were discussing together.

Conan approached and heard Mitsuhiko speak: "Sure enough, Haibara is the most handsome when he swears, she's even more powerful than Masked Rider!"

"I think Haibara's scolding is right at all, cheating girls' feelings, that guy is a scum." These words came from the mouth of Mengmeng Ayumi.

"I'm so hungry, eel rice..." Genta was hungry again.

Conan couldn't help but have black lines all over his head.

After Officer Takagi handcuffed Mr. Kitagawa, a police car stopped with a roaring bell, the door opened, and Officer Megure and Officer Shiratori ran out.

It was the first time Conan saw such a fast Officer Megure, which was completely different from the prudent fat man in the past.

Officer Megure roared with anger in his eyes: "Takagi, aren't you escorting the prisoner? Why are you here, Officer Satou, where is she?"

Officer Takagi quickly stood up and saluted Officer Megure: "Officer Megure, I have caught the real murderer of Miss Muranishi, this Mr. Kitagawa, he has just admitted that he killed her because of Miss Muranishi's forced marriage. Yes, and at the same time put the blame on Mr. Dongtian, who has a bad relationship with the company."

"As for Officer Satou, he should have come out of the Cupido Art Museum by now. Last night, he was handcuffed in the toilet on the eighth floor of the Cupido Art Museum together with Detective Mouri. By the way, he was detaining the suspect, Mr. Higashida. Now the art museum Open, it should have been rescued!"

Officer Megure breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, but he quickly reacted: "What, the Cupido Art Museum, the art museum that is going to be demolished by blasting today, bad!"

Hearing this, Haibara, Takagi, Conan and the others immediately turned ugly.

A few of them quickly got into the police car with Officer Megure and rushed to the Cupido Art Museum, leaving Officer Shiratori silently looking at the tortured murderer, Mr. Kitagawa, and the three boys of the juvenile detective team.

Officer Megure hurriedly called someone to call the police officers who were maintaining order at the blasting site, but it was so noisy outside the Cupido Art Museum that the officers didn't hear the phone ringing at all.

Officer Megure repeatedly instructed the driver: "Give me full speed, I want to see the Cupido Art Museum as quickly as possible."

Officer Takagi and Haibara are both praying this in their hearts: No problem! Officer Satou (Uncle Mouri).


Dr. Agasa, who was standing on the high platform, was wearing a black suit with a big round face and was very excited. He opened his mouth to introduce his invention: "The rainbow bomb was used for this explosion. This is my latest invention. The explosive power is completely controllable and will not be affected. Any other building, other than that, when it explodes, there's a rainbow of colors, and it's very beautiful."

Dr. Agasa looked contented: "Let's say goodbye to the Cuphu Art Museum that has accompanied us for more than 40 years under the rainbow, and let it usher in a new life!"

The people below were even more excited.

Dr. Agasa held the button and kept shouting: "Everyone, count down together, ten, nine, eight...three, two, one."

He was about to press the button when a football kicked from a distance, hit Dr. Agasa in the forehead, and knocked him to the ground.

Everyone in the car was relieved: finally caught up.


Officer Takagi got out of the car, grabbed the handcuff key that was sent from the police station, and ran straight to the eighth floor. Haibara and Conan quickly followed with their short legs.

Because the Cupido Art Museum was going to be blasted, the power supply was cut off, and the elevator naturally couldn't be used. Officer Takagi could only continue to climb up the stairs.

He ran very fast, leaving both Haibara and Conan behind, his suit soaked with sweat.

But Officer Takagi had a smile on his face: Wait, Miwako, I'm here to save you!

Thinking of Satou Miwako's face and smile, Officer Takagi was full of energy and rushed to the eighth floor.

Breathing heavily, he rushed into the men's toilet, and at a glance he saw Mr. Dongtian who was sleeping on the door and tied up.

Officer Takagi was full of joy and couldn't wait to see Satou Miwako's surprise look.

He rushed outside the toilet cubicle, shouting, "Officer Satou."

But the scene in front of him made Officer Takagi completely unbelievable.

The smile on his face gradually stiffened, his pupils shrank in waves, his big black face full of sweat turned darker at the moment, his mouth was wide open, his tongue spit out and twitched without knowing it.

At this moment, Satou Miwako is like a tame kitten, the corners of his mouth are slightly raised, and he is sleeping peacefully in Mouri Kogoro's arms.

And Mouri Kogoro's big hand penetrated the hem of the suit skirt, pinching Satou Miwako's buttocks.

Both of them were sound asleep, and there was no sound outside at all.

Hearing Takagi's voice, Mouri Kogoro woke up and saw Officer Takagi with an extremely weird expression in front of him. He pulled his hand out of Satou Miwako's suit skirt, waved his hand at Takagi, and said with a smile on his face. Said: "Officer Takagi, you are back!"

Takagi Wataru looked at Mouri Kogoro's face with big bright teeth and the waving right hand that had just been taken out of Satou Miwako's ass. sprayed out.

I was out all night investigating the case, and I worked so hard to solve it, and you're here touching Miwako's ass, it's unforgivable, unforgivable.

At this moment, Satou Miwako also woke up, looked at Mouri Kogoro bleary-eyed and said, with a little coquettish voice in a lazy voice: "Kogoro, what are you arguing about, they want to sleep a little longer!"

Satou, who was talking, gave a wicked smile, stretched out his hand and squeezed Mouri Kogoro's chest muscles: "Such big chest muscles are the most suitable pillow!"

Satou Miwako immediately reacted that something was wrong when he saw Mouri Kogoro's nuzui. He turned his head quickly and saw the completely petrified Takagi Wataru.

Takagi Wataru's heart at this moment is like a glass hitting the ground, shattering!

Satou's words kept echoing in his mind: "Kogoro, what are you arguing about, people want to sleep a little longer! Such a big chest muscle is the perfect pillow!"

"Kogoro...such big pecs..."

"Kogoro...such big pecs..."

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