Conan's Strongest Uncle

Chapter 0016 Yukiko of the racing car

When the call was connected, Mouri Kogoro said, "Xiao Ran, I suddenly received an urgent request today to go to Gunma County to deal with it. It will take about two or three days, and I will leave everything at home to you in the past few days. "

Xiao Ran on the other side of the phone couldn't help complaining. "Really, why didn't you take us with you so suddenly?"

Mouri Kogoro continued: "If anything happens, you must call me immediately for any case. Also, tell Conan for me to study hard, the second volume of the Olympiad can start to be written, and I will check the first ten pages when I go back. Let him do it!"

Mouri Kogoro gave the order and hung up the phone.

Yukiko couldn't help but turn his head in confusion: "Olympic math, what is this? What is Conan doing for math Olympiad!"

Mouri Kogoro put his arms around Yukiko's slender waist and smiled: "Conan seems to be very interested in mathematics, so he bought some math Olympiad problems and did them himself, saying that it can improve his logical ability."

"Really, that's great. I've been worrying about what gift to buy for this child. I didn't expect him to suddenly become interested in mathematics. Next time, I can just buy math problems."

"I suggest that you can buy advanced mathematics, just the advanced mathematics textbook of Harvard University in the United States. If this child continues to learn, he will definitely have a future!"

Mouri Kogoro is always happy about pit Conan, no, it's education Conan is always happy with it.


At Dr. Agasa's house, Haibara, who was slicing an apple, heard Xiao Ran's news that Mouri Kogoro would be away for a few days. Her face turned cold immediately, and the knife in her hand immediately slashed the apple in half.

Mitsuhiko and Genta on the side couldn't help widening their eyes when they saw this scene, a little terrified.

Haibara lowered her head, her body was extremely low in air pressure: as expected, she was hanging out with some fox, and she went there for a few days. It was too dammit. I knew I wouldn't come, and I watched him at home.

Haibara glanced at Xiao Ran who was looking as usual: What a silly woman, she didn't even know that her father was out with other women!

Dr. Agasa on the side said with a dry smile: "Haibara, I don't eat apples anymore, please put down the knife!"

"Yeah!" Haibara glanced at Dr. Agasa with a cold expression, and Dr. Agasa immediately shut up and didn't dare to speak any more.


In the parking lot behind the Sakura Hotel, a black Harley-Davidson motorcycle was already ready. Yukiko came to the motorcycle and rolled over.

She sat in the car and gave Mouri Kogoro a wink: "Little handsome guy, come on, get in the car, my sister will take you for a ride."

After speaking, he leaned forward on the front of the Harley, pretending to be a little sister.

Mouri Kogoro shook his head, rolled over and got into the car, then hugged Yukiko's slender waist.

Yukiko's driving skills are very good. She can easily drive both a car and a motorcycle, but sometimes she doesn't obey the traffic rules and likes to rampage, so she got a lot of fines.

Mouri Kogoro hugged Yukiko's slender waist and couldn't help but think of the green years before. When he went out to play with Yukiko in college, he held her and sat behind her like this. Although his driving skills are better than Yukiko's, every time she earns To race.

This guy should get along well with Satou!

The roaring engine of the Harley-Davidson sounded, the exhaust pipe spurted black smoke, and the car galloped instantly.

In the traffic flow during the morning rush hour in Tokyo, the Harley-Davidson drove through the city like a duck to water, and soon drove out of the Tokyo city area and started driving on the open field road.

Facing the fresh air, Mouri Kogoro leaned against Yukiko, and his large hands gradually became dissatisfied with the thin waist and began to slowly swim.

This whole set of leather jackets and leather pants really hinders the touch and can't touch anything at all.

"Hey, no, Kogoro, what are you doing with your hands?" Yukiko's coquettish voice came from the front.

Mouri Kogoro's face was constantly slapped by the long brown hair, his head came to Yukiko's ear, and he said with color: "I just want to know if Yukiko's body has changed!"

Mouri Kogoro spoke, his two hands poking in from the hem of the leather jacket, and the delicate touch immediately lingered on the two large hands, his large hands circling around Yukiko's slender waist.

Yukiko's little face immediately turned red, Mouri Kogoro knew all the sensitive points of her body, and she felt a little overwhelmed when she started to handle it.

"You guy, can you be serious and stop thinking about H."

"Then you can't blame me. Twenty years ago, a certain girl came to the martial arts field and said to me: 'Mouri-kun, you can do whatever you want.' I have changed since then. After all, Yukiko, you are so beautiful. , this is simply not something I can hold back." Mouri Kogoro said shamelessly.

Suddenly the car just drove up an uphill, and Yukiko, who was affected, did not slow down, and the entire Harley motorcycle flew up. The two exclaimed, and Yukiko quickly stabilized.

Then the Harley fell to the ground, which happened to be a rubble, and the car immediately and continuously jolted.

Mouri Kogoro's body was unsteady for a while, and he couldn't help but try to reach out his hands. He grasped the two soft balls in one hand, and then he felt relieved, while Yukiko concentrated on maintaining the balance of the car, and quickly drove out of the rocky road, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. .

Only then did she discover the two big hands on her chest, and she couldn't help but scolded angrily: "Kun Mouri!"

Mouri Kogoro squeezed reluctantly twice, then slowly moved his hand down, hugged Yukiko's slender waist and muttered, "We're both old and married, yet so shy!"

When Yukiko heard this, the hash key appeared on her head. She was thinking for Mouri Kogoro. Both of them are celebrities in Neon. If they were recognized and took a photo, it would definitely cause an uproar. It's just wishful thinking to get Eri back.

But thinking that Mouri Kogoro is still so attached to his body, Yukiko's mouth couldn't help but bring up a smile. Sure enough, the maintenance done in the United States came in handy.

Mouri Kogoro seemed to sense Yukiko's scruples and said comfortably: "It doesn't matter, this is the suburbs, there aren't many people, besides, it doesn't matter even if it is discovered, I am here, I can't bear to cry, beautiful Yukiko. ."

Hearing this, Yukiko's mood immediately cleared up, and a bright smile appeared in front of her, but her smile quickly subsided again.

"Kogoro, how are you and Eri?"

"Eri, it's still the same. We got together last Christmas, and it's a little bit better, but this guy went to the UK to fight a lawsuit before New Years without saying a word, and won't be back until next week."

Mouri Kogoro felt depressed when he remembered this. Before New Year's Day, he even bought flowers and gifts. He was waiting for her at the door of Eri's house. , No one was seen at twelve o'clock in the evening.

Mouri Kogoro hurriedly called and questioned Kisaki Eri. Unexpectedly, she had already left the country and fought a cross-border lawsuit in the UK. Mouri Kogoro, who made an oolong, was laughed at by Kisaki Eri for a long time.

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