Conan's Strongest Uncle

Chapter 0099 fake drama

"You are the one who has helped me in succession recently. Who are you, the nameless knight wrapped in black, if you are willing to fulfill my humble wish, then please take off that dark mask. , show me your true face!"

"If this is really your wish, I would like to show this face with ugly scars in front of you in the bright moonlight, I hope it won't scare you!"

Mouri Kogoro uttered the lines in a magnetic voice, then took off the mask, revealing a handsome face with an OK band disguised as a scar.

He looked at Xiao Ran softly.

Even when he was acting, Xiao Ran's face couldn't help but get a little red.

Sonoko and Aoko on the sofa looked at Mouri Kogoro closely, their faces were full of nympho, and Mouri Kogoro, who was dressed as a knight and took off his mask, was really handsome.

With a look of excitement on Sonoko's face, he whispered, "Kiss, kiss."

Qingzi hurriedly pushed Sonoko and said, "Sonoko, why are you adding drama, it's not in the script!"

Sonoko immediately pulled Qingzi and said in a low voice, "Be quiet, you see that both of them are in the play, so it's time to kiss them at this time."

"This is art. It's a super romantic drama directed by Miss Sonoko herself. Besides, they are father and daughter, so it doesn't matter if they kiss."


Qingzi pouted, she didn't want Uncle Mouri just kissed her mouth and then ran off to kiss someone else, not even Uncle Mouri's daughter.

Qingzi immediately turned her head and looked at the two acting with concern.

Mouri Kogoro was very kind, and quickly grabbed the shoulders of Xiao Ran dressed as a priestess, hugged him into his arms, and then aimed at the small mouth of the cherry, and was about to kiss him.

But Xiao Ran seemed to notice the gazes of Sonoko and Aoko beside him, a shyness flashed on his face, and he couldn't help but laugh.

"What! Xiao Ran, you really don't know how to act. You can't continue to act in such a good atmosphere."

Sonoko immediately complained.

Aoko breathed a sigh of relief.

But soon a wicked smile appeared on Sonoko's face: "It seems that I have to let me, the director of Sonoko, show you Xiao Ran, Uncle Mouri, let me play the witch, Xiao Ran, look carefully. It's gone!"

"No!" ×2

Xiao Ran and Qingzi immediately sensed Sonoko's sinister intentions and refused in unison.

Sonoko couldn't help but pouted and said, "Stingy, no, what are you doing, Aoko? Could it be..."

Sonoko's brows twitched and he looked at Aoko maliciously.

And Xiao Ran also frowned.

A look of panic flashed across Aoko's face, but she quickly calmed down and countered: "I just think the rehearsal of two love scenes in knight costumes feels weird, and Sonoko just likes to add dramas, the script says It was obvious that there was no kiss scene, but if she were to play with Uncle Mouri, I am afraid that the sex scene might be added."

Hearing this, Sonoko's face immediately flushed red: "Qingzi, nonsense, watch me tear your mouth apart."

She was about to come to play Qingzi with the script, and the two women suddenly quarreled on the sofa.

Mouri Kogoro laughed lightly when he saw it. It was a lively scene. Looking at the three young and lively girls, Mouri Kogoro's mood changed a lot.

The afternoon time passed in the rehearsal in the living room on the third floor, and the three girls became more and more proficient in this drama.


It was after five o'clock in the evening that Sonoko and Aoko reluctantly said goodbye to Mouri Kogoro.

When parting, Sonoko also said to Xiao Ran: "Xiao Ran, we will go back first, don't forget our agreement tomorrow."

"I won't forget, be careful on your way, we'll see you tomorrow."

Xiao Ran waved goodbye to the two of them, closed the door, and Sonoko and Aoko went down the stairs.

Mouri Kogoro couldn't help asking, "Tomorrow's appointment? Xiao Ran, what are you going to do?"

"Oh, it was Conan and Haibara who commissioned me and Sonoko to help their teenage detectives perform music practice. Not only did our high school have a school festival, but their elementary school also had a school festival. Conan and Haibara were going to sing the school song of Tidan Elementary School together."

Xiao Ran turned his head to look at Mouri Kogoro and said, "Dad, you're really handsome in a knight's uniform. If you weren't too old, you could have helped play the knight!"

Hearing the complaints from his daughter, Mouri Kogoro's head throbbed with blue veins, and he couldn't help but reach out and pat Xiao Ran's buttocks.

"Okay, you dare to dislike your father's age and ask for a beating!"

Xiao Ran immediately turned around nimbly and ran away with a smile, the black robe on his body kept dancing.

Mouri Kogoro hurriedly chased after him, and he quickly grabbed Xiao Ran on the sofa. He pressed Xiao Ran on the sofa and kept scratching the itch on Xiao Ran's waist with both hands.

Xiao Ran on the sofa immediately burst into tears from laughter.

"Haha... Dad, let me go, no, please forgive me, you are the youngest..."

Taking advantage of Mouri Kogoro's relaxation of the offensive, Xiao Ran immediately grabbed Mouri Kogoro's hands, smiled and said with tears: "No matter how old Dad is, Dad, you are the person I love the most."

Hearing this Mouri Kogoro felt satisfied.

Xiao Ran then said, "Dad, let's continue the rehearsal, I still feel a little unskilled."

Since it was his daughter's request, Mouri Kogoro naturally wouldn't refuse, so he put on the mask again.

The rehearsal scenario begins after the knight rescues the witch.


Xiao Ran stretched out his hand and made a petition: "Is it you who has helped me three times in succession recently, who are you, a nameless knight wrapped in black, if you are willing to fulfill my humble wish, please pick it up. Get off that dark mask as night, and face me with your true face!"

Mouri Kogoro said: "If this is really your wish, I would like to show this face with ugly scars in front of you in the bright moonlight, I hope it will not scare you!"

After that, he took off the mask and looked at Xiao Ran softly.

Xiao Ran, who was wearing a witch costume, did not continue to say the line about recognizing the knight's identity, but instead stared at the knight in front of him.

The two looked at each other, their faces got closer and closer, they hugged each other tightly, and finally kissed together.

Outside the script, the knight and the witch kiss tightly.

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