Conan's Strongest Uncle

Chapter 0017 Force Jodie

Mouri Kogoro asks knowingly, "What the hell is this guy?"

Jodie's eyes immediately radiated hatred, and he said with hatred: "He is a very sinful person, a high-level executive in an evil terrorist organization, and his hypocrisy is all disguised at this moment."

"However, Detective Mouri, I can't tell you too much. Although I say I really want your help, I have to ask my superiors for instructions before I can tell you the next details."

"I believe my superior knows that you are willing to help, and he will definitely be very happy."

Jodie swore to speak, but Mouri Kogoro had his own considerations in his heart and thought for a while.

Jodie continued, "Detective Mouri, please don't reveal our conversation today."

"No problem, of course, call me if you need my help!" Mouri Kogoro said with a smile on his face.

But after the business is over, it seems that it is time to do a private matter!


Just now, Mouri Kogoro still remembers the two merciless ways of pulling up his pubic legs. How can he not teach him a lesson!

And at this moment, she has been completely subdued, and there is no room to fight back.

Mouri Kogoro looked at Jodie's pale face below, and his left hand gently stroked the black stockings on Jodie's calf.

Jodie felt it immediately, her little face flushed red, and then she felt that there was something hard against her underneath, and she couldn't help but widen her eyes.

Jodie said in a low voice, "Why don't you let me go."

Instead of letting go of Jodie, Mouri Kogoro pressed his head down. With a malicious smile on his face, he said, "Miss Jodie, don't you think about it? Is what I said just now true?"

Jodie instantly recalled what Mouri Kogoro said just now: "Wouldn't I have no chance in this case."

Inexplicably, she suddenly froze for a moment!

And Mouri Kogoro didn't miss this opportunity, he pressed his head up and kissed the red lips, while his big hand stroked down Jodie's calf, enjoying the silky smoothness.

Mouri Kogoro's mouth kept attacking, and by the time Jodie came back to his senses, he was already confused by a series of attacks.

A blurred look flashed in her eyes, but Jodie soon remembered the figure of a curly-haired man.

Shuichi, I can't do this!

Jodie resisted immediately, her body twisting and struggling, her hands trying to break free from Mouri Kogoro's right hand.

It's a pity that it was all in vain. The resistance of this beautiful FBI agent couldn't make any waves, but the twisting body made Mouri Kogoro more enjoyable.

Mouri Kogoro leaned on one side of her body, pressed her right leg, left his left hand from this right leg, and climbed up the majestic peaks again after a while.

Under the constant attack of Mouri Kogoro, Jodie's face became more and more red, her breath became heavier, her eyes gradually became blurred, the figure of Shuichi in her mind gradually disappeared, and her resistance gradually became weaker.

Since you can't resist, you can only enjoy it obediently! It's about Jodie's state at the moment.

Mouri Kogoro's kiss was extremely long, for ten minutes, and at the end Jodie moved without any resistance.

He finally let go of Jodie's small mouth, and Jodie's blue eyes below were full of water mist.

Mouri Kogoro kissed Jodie's mouth again, and now Jodie actually responded.

Mouri Kogoro chuckled inwardly and let go of the right hand that had been clasping her hands, and Jodie's hands showed no sign of resistance.

Once the kiss stopped again, Mouri Kogoro said with a smile on his face: "These two kisses cancel out the two feet you just kicked me. Next time you want to do something to me, you have to think clearly, Miss Jodie."

Hearing that Jodie's eyes gradually regained clarity, he scolded, "You are shameless."

Although she was scolding Mouri Kogoro, the hands that had been released didn't show any resistance, and at the moment she didn't have any thoughts of resistance.

Mouri Kogoro chuckled: "You're right, shamelessness is my motto, this kiss is for delivery."

After that, Mouri Kogoro pecked Jodie's mouth and touched the score.

But it was this light kiss that hit Jodie's heart all of a sudden, like pecking into her soul, and her heart trembled instantly.

Jodie looked at Mouri Kogoro, who was full of masculinity in front of him, with his handsome face and his majestic body as hard as iron, and his eyes were a little lost.

Immediately after Jodie felt a light on his body, Mouri Kogoro got up and left, and Jodie felt a sense of loss in his heart.

Mouri Kogoro pulled the suit with both hands, tidied up the placket, and said, "Okay, that's it for today's conversation, Miss Jodie. Feel free to contact me if you need anything, and I'll go back first."

Having said that, Mouri Kogoro turned and walked out the door.

Jodie immediately put down his right leg and jumped off the desk. Unfortunately, the one-word horse just lasted too long, and his body was weak, and he almost fell when he jumped off.

Jodie snorted deeply at Mouri Kogoro with her back against her desk, and immediately sorted out the suit and skirt that Mouri Kogoro had messed up.

After waiting for the finishing, Jodie looked at the open door again, lost her mind, and her heart was messed up!


Mouri Kogoro walked out of Jodie's office, and not too far away, he saw Shinichi-san chatting with Xiao Ran, Sonoko, and Shumei.

Just when the three girls were in a mess, and they were almost about to fight, it was Belmod's disguised new wisdom who played the role of the confidant big brother.

With his rich experience, he easily put out the anger of the girls with a few words, and then kept looking for topics to chat with the three girls, neutralizing the atmosphere between the three girls.

In the end, Belmod got three good cards with a lot of gold.

Belmod doesn't even know why she does it, but she does it.

It seemed that Mouri Kogoro would get angry if she didn't, and she was afraid that Mouri Kogoro would get angry.

Seeing Mouri Kogoro appearing, Shinichi Akechi instantly became restrained, and his shoulders subconsciously folded back, like a mouse seeing a cat.

Soon, Shinichi Aki stood up and said, "Since Detective Mouri is back, then I can leave with confidence. See you tomorrow, everyone."

After saying that, Shinjuchi turned around and walked outside, and the three girls around Mouri Kogoro looked at Shinjuchi's figure.

Xiao Ran said, "The new doctor is such a good man!"

The other two women nodded quickly.

And Mouri Kogoro looked at the back of the new wise man with a dark look, and a cold color flashed in his deep eyes.

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