Conan's Strongest Uncle

Chapter 0068 Little Ayumi's help

At this moment, Mouri Kogoro was driving on the avenue, with a satisfied smile on his face, recalling the long black silk legs that defied the sky this morning, he couldn't help smashing his mouth, as if he had an endless aftertaste.

Recalling that his left leg, which was raised from a high platform holding Yue Yexue, was like a big human-shaped bow, and he really had the pride of bending the bow to shoot a big eagle. Sure enough, the woman who practices yoga is really a baby.

If it wasn't for Miyano Akemi's call, Mouri Kogoro wouldn't want to leave Yue Yexue so soon!

Right now, he was rushing to where Miyano Akemi was.


Under Yoshida Ayumi's apartment, next to the motorcycle stood a man in a blue storm suit, with pigtails and a helmet.

The man looked at the high apartment floor with a sneer on his face.

He walked to the phone booth and started making calls.

Ayumi's house's phone rang, but Ayumi was still sleeping and didn't notice it.

Call not connected, go to voicemail.

"Hello, this is Yoshida's house, I'm sorry I can't talk to you on the phone now, if there is anything urgent, please leave a message after the beep..."

The man hung up the phone, picked up a package on the back of the motorcycle, and walked towards the apartment.

Soon, a man disguised as a courier entered the apartment and got on the elevator, which stopped on the floor of Ayumi's house.

Ding dong! Ding dong!

The doorbell of Ayumi's house rang, and Ayumi, who was lying on the bed, opened her big dazed eyes, and a smile immediately appeared on her small face: Is it my mother back?

Little Loli quickly lifted the quilt and ran towards the door, but she quickly realized: isn't this mother? Mom always uses the key to open the door directly when she goes home. Where can I use ring the doorbell!

After being with the Detective Boys for a long time, Ayumi has also become very smart. As she approached the door, she pushed the stool next to the door and climbed up to look at the cat's eye.

A completely unfamiliar man appeared in Ayumi's line of sight. Hearing that the man was breaking the door with a tool, Ayumi's little face was suddenly full of panic.

The robber who broke through the door!

In the morning, Ayumi had also read the morning news, and had seen the murder case of breaking into an empty door. The prisoner was still at large and wanted by the police.

Ayumi instantly connected the two, and her pupils kept shrinking, looking terrified.

She immediately jumped off the stool, ran to the cabinet, picked up the mobile phone on the cabinet, and ran into her room.

The door opened quickly, and the man in the jacket looked at the empty room with a smug smile on his face.

However, he soon saw the stool blocking the door and couldn't help frowning.

With one step, the man entered the room, his black leather shoes stomping on the wooden floor, making a sound.

Soon he opened the rooms one by one.

In the utility room, the toilet has nothing to cover. After he glanced at it, he closed the door again.

He opened another door and saw the decorations inside, the music alarm clock of Kamen Rider, a small desk, a schoolbag, and pink sheets. This was a kid's room.

The man in the jacket quickly walked into the room, the black leather shoes kept making noises, and soon, he saw a piece of fabric exposed in the closet of the room.

A smirk appeared on the man's face. He grabbed the handle of the wardrobe with both hands, stretched out his hand and pulled it, and the wardrobe was opened, and he was suddenly disappointed.

The wardrobe was empty, and nothing was found in it. The piece of fabric was an unfolded piece of clothing caught by the cabinet door.

The man turned and walked out the door, while Ayumi, who was hiding under the bed, let out a long sigh of relief.

When she picked up the phone, the first thing she thought of was not the Detective Boys, but Mouri Kogoro's cell phone number, which she already knew by heart.

However, when Ayumi remembered that she couldn't speak again, her brows furrowed tightly.


Mouri Kogoro's cell phone, who was driving, suddenly rang. Mouri Kogoro picked up the phone. It was an unfamiliar number, but he picked it up anyway.

There was a mechanical sound from the phone, a burst of music, and then the chime of the time.

"It's ten fifty in the morning now!"

"It's ten fifty in the morning now!"

Mouri Kogoro frowned, and said something in a no-brainer: "Who is it, please? What's the matter with me!"

The phone just kept repeating the time chime.

Mouri Kogoro hung up the phone. He glanced at the time. It was obviously 2:30 in the afternoon, and the time was not accurate. It was a prank call!

At this time, the phone rang again, the same call, and Mouri Kogoro answered again frowning, still only hearing the time chime.

It's just that this time, after the time chime only rang once, the phone over there hung up first, and Mouri Kogoro frowned and began to think.


"Little Guitou, you're quite smart, you're hiding under the bed, do you want to call the police?" The man in the jacket grabbed the phone with one hand and pulled little Loli Ayumi out from under the bed with the other.

Ayumi panicked, hot tears fell instantly, but her throat was swollen and sore, she couldn't make a sound at all, she could only sob with her breath.

"Che, it turned out to be a mute, no wonder he couldn't speak just when he called." The man in the jacket took Ayumi out of the living room, then tied Ayumi with a rope, and then sealed Ayumi's mouth with tape, and then Throw it next to the sofa.

Immediately afterwards, the man in the jacket began to scramble to search the room, not letting go of the cabinets, turning the objects in the room into a mess.


After a while, the man in the jacket sat on the sofa with a disappointed face, counting the banknotes in his hand.

"Damn it, living in such a big house is only 75,000 yen, it's too poor!"

The man in the jacket has been eyeing Yoshida's house for a long time. There is only a single mother living in this house with a little girl.

The little girl has to go to school and the single mother has to go to work. It stands to reason that there is no right person in this house.

Unexpectedly, the little girl was at home today, and she searched the whole house, and the harvest was exceptionally small. He couldn't help but feel a little out of balance.

The man's face gradually became hideous, and his eyes became worse and worse when he looked at Ayumi, and Ayumi turned his face away in panic.

At this moment, the doorbell rang again, and a voice came from outside the door: "Ayumi, are you at home? The teacher has brought you medicine."

At the moment standing at the door is Mr. Kobayashi Sumiko, who came to deliver medicine and check on Ayumi's condition.

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