Conan's Strongest Uncle

Chapter 0094 Shuangfeiyan paly2

In the dense bathroom, the large love-shaped bathtub is full of warm water. This bathtub is more than enough for ten people to take a bath. The warm water is more than one meter high. The three of Mouri Kogoro are playing in the bathtub.

Mouri Kogoro's fiery big hands were full of slick left and right, grabbed one, slipped another, grabbed another, and slipped another.

The beauty of this time is so beautiful that it is not even for a king.

From time to time, the pseudo-twins try to escape Mouri Kogoro's clutches and run under the shower.

No, as soon as Satou Miwako stood up, Mouri Kogoro grabbed his soft waist with one hand, and was instantly pulled into the water again, the snow back tightly pressing against Mouri Kogoro's chest.

Satou Miwako got up from the water, his graceful body twisted, and all the water from his short hair was thrown away.

Facing the character of the big devil, the two women couldn't help but join forces with the enemy to deal with Mouri Kogoro, and kept pouring water on Mouri Kogoro.

As Mouri Kogoro kept dropping water, the awkward atmosphere between the two girls gradually diminished, and their faces became more relaxed.

Especially since they looked so similar to each other, and yesterday, the two were comrades in the same trench. Although they were first acquaintances, the two women cooperated more and more tacitly, and kept attacking Mouri Kogoro.

Sumiko Kobayashi set fire to Mouri Kogoro in front of him, and his palms kept pushing out of the water, obstructing Mouri Kogoro's sight.

Under the mist, Mouri Kogoro couldn't even open his eyes.

And Satou Miwako dived one by one, swam behind Mouri Kogoro, and jumped up like a mermaid with the bath towel. The bath towel instantly locked Mouri Kogoro's throat, and his chest pressed against Mouri Kogoro's back.

Satou Miwako laughed excitedly: "Sumiko, I've got this bad guy under control, hurry up and beat him, let him bully us so hard last night!"

Kobayashi Chengko's eyes also lit up, and since he came over, he kept patting Mouri Kogoro's chest with his little hands, but unfortunately he didn't have any strength: "Big bad guy, big lust, you lied to us so badly, even though his injury has recovered, he still lied to us here. Come on, think about doing something bad."

Kobayashi Sumiko became more and more excited and said, "Miwako, let's press him into the water!"

Immediately, the two women jumped up in the large bathtub, with Su's hands pressing Mouri Kogoro's shoulders and pressing him into the water.

Mouri Kogoro wouldn't give in so easily, but when the four groups softly pressed against his head, even if he had unparalleled force, he couldn't use it.

God, let me drown in this gentle country!

Underwater, Mouri Kogoro kept struggling with his hands, rubbing oil on the two girls, touching here and there, causing the two girls above to laugh.

Under the water, Mouri Kogoro took advantage, and the two women on the water were already very friendly.

They even discussed how to ride on their own to make a fortune, wanting to take revenge for yesterday's fiasco.

It is really unbearable and unbearable!

Mouri Kogoro suddenly exerted force, and he suddenly stood up from squatting on the bottom of the water. He lifted his arms through his legs to protect the lower backs of the two girls, and lifted them up at the same time.

Miwako and Sumiko suddenly exclaimed, their faces blushing.

Mouri Kogoro grinned: "Who said he wanted to shave half of my beard? Who said he wanted to ride me like a horse?"

Seeing this, the two women quickly put the blame on each other and began to blame each other.

Mouri Kogoro stunned his husband, with great momentum, and said: "It seems that the lessons I gave you two yesterday were not enough. There is no way, I can only work harder."

After that, he slowly walked out of the bathtub with the two women along the steps of the love bathtub.

When the two women saw the things that surfaced, their purple eyes and blue eyes both shrank for a while, looked at each other, their faces were pale, and they quickly asked for mercy.

"Kogoro, you heard it wrong, Miwako and I were just joking about making you a breakfast."

"Kogoro, don't come, I really can't do it anymore, you can find Chengzi!"

"Miwako, you... Kogoro, I have to go to class later, and I can't either, please let me go!"


Mouri Kogoro couldn't help laughing proudly after listening to the two women's constant begging for mercy and the look of horror on their faces.

How invincible is, how lonely!

Mouri Kogoro is naturally a person who loves fragrance and jade. Seeing that the two girls are really powerless to fight again, and they still haven't recovered after a night, they don't really think about raising their guns and getting on their horses to start the second round of battle...

But it was impossible for him to let go of the two girls so easily.

"Since you are begging for mercy like this, then I will let you go as a husband, but..."

Hearing Mouri Kogoro say this, both women's faces were red and dripping with blood.

But under the control of others, and hanging in the air at the moment, what else can I do, I can only agree to it in the end.

Hearing that the two women agreed to his request, Mouri Kogoro's face showed a touch of joy, and he gradually squatted down, and gently placed the two women who had lifted them back to the ground.


Mouri Kogoro immediately crossed his sword and sat on the love bathtub, while on the soft cushion, Kobayashi Sumiko and Satou Miwako were kneeling in front of him, their faces blushing.

The two women looked exactly the same, but the eyes were different colors, one blue and one purple, which made Mouri Kogoro excited.

At Mouri Kogoro's urging voice, the two women glanced at each other hesitantly, and then opened their mouths obediently, leaning their heads close together.

hiss! ! ! ! !

...500 words are omitted here...

Half an hour later, the three of them were eating breakfast prepared by the robot on the sofa in the living room. The two women had already changed into the clothes bought by the robot.

Satou Miwako is a white lady's suit skirt, heroic and neat;

And Kobayashi Chengko is a set of blue casual clothes, with a graceful figure, gentle and generous;

After yesterday's battle, the faces of the two women both had a moving aura, which was extremely beautiful.

Both women nibbled on a piece of bread, supplementing the physical strength lost from yesterday to now.

Neither of the two girls wanted to drink the two glasses of milk on the coffee table, and Kobayashi Chengko didn't even want to eat ham.

And Satou Miwako picked up the fork and ham, stared at Mouri Kogoro with purple eyes, opened his small mouth, bit down hard, and a smug expression immediately appeared on his pretty face.

Mouri Kogoro, who was sitting across from him, rolled up his sleeves and gestured to stand up.

Miwako immediately confessed and hurriedly threw away the rest of the ham, seeing the other two snicker.

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