Conan's Strongest Uncle

Chapter 0020 The stuck Fujiko

Two burly masked men dragged the unconscious Karbados over.

Mouri Kogoro said: "You should recognize him, Calbados, you can still ask the FBI what you want to know when you bring him back."

"Okay, we should go, or the other party's reinforcements will come again."

At this moment, Jodie, who was back in front of the car, shouted, "Mr. Itakura, what's the matter with you?"

Itakura Taku, who was in the back seat, widened his eyes, looked horrified, and remained motionless.

Mouri Kogoro rushed up, opened the car door, and stroked Itakura Taku's body with a big hand, his pulse was gone.

Itakura wasn't hit by a stray bullet, and Tequila didn't shoot Jodie's car just now. He died of a heart attack.

This gunfight scene was too exciting for him.

Mouri Kogoro couldn't help frowning, and the thread about the software here would be cut off.

But the matter has come to this point, everyone can only accept it.

Mouri Kogoro instructed his men to stuff the unconscious Calbados into the back seat of Jodie's car, letting Jodie and Akai Shuichi leave first.

After Jodie's Ford Mustang left the port, a dark convoy quickly appeared in the abandoned port.

Mouri Kogoro and a group of his men escorted Korn and Chianti into the car, and the team galloped/exited towards the base.

Not long after, a violent explosion broke out in the container at Dongdu Port.

The entire port burned up, and all traces were reduced to ashes.

Fifteen minutes later, Rum looked at the flaming Dongdu port with a flash of anger in his eyes.

He saw that the fire truck had surrounded the port, so he could only order a retreat.



On the ghost ship that was about to return to port, Sonoko kept knocking on the door of a lounge: "Uncle Mouri, Uncle Mouri, we're almost in Tokyo, come out quickly!"

Yukiko on the side quickly said, "Sonoko, your uncle is thinking about something, please don't disturb him."

Sonoko frowned. "But Uncle Mouri has been in for too long, almost two hours."

On the outside of the ghost ship's hull, a black shadow kept moving.

Fujiko Mine held the rope in his hand and slowly climbed out of the window of the lounge where Mouri Kogoro was.

She opened the window softly and carefully inspected the scene inside, frowning involuntarily.

Mouri Kogoro wasn't even inside, she just watched Mouri Kogoro come in with her own eyes.

At this moment, Mouri Kogoro's head poked out from under the window, and Fujiko Mine was so frightened that he could not grasp the rope in his hand.

Fujiko Mine exclaimed and was about to fall, but was caught by Mouri Kogoro's big hand.

Mouri Kogoro pulled the Snitch inside.

The [V] who appeared at the port and Mouri Kogoro who was on the ghost ship were the same person. The reason why he was able to go back and forth between the two places freely was the effect of the big teleportation amulet he got by lottery after leaving Osaka.

Great Shifting Talisman: After charging, you can perform 3 Universe Shifting with a one-month cooldown.

So Mouri Kogoro can move freely between two places.

But it was not easy for Fujiko to pass through the window. The windows on this ship were too small, and Fujiko's figure was too plump.

So when her head and neck came in, her chest got stuck.

Fujiko Mine propped up the wall under the window with both hands, but still couldn't come in, her face flushed red.

This situation is really embarrassing. Seeing this picture, Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"You're still laughing, so please help me!"

"This is what you asked me to help!"

Hearing this, Mouri Kogoro did not hesitate to ask for a helping hand.

Mouri Kogoro's big hand climbed up to the soft spot and helped squeeze the massage.

You must know that some parts of the human body are also very elastic and malleable. Mouri Kogoro pulled out Fujiko Mine's upper body after a while.

But Fujiko Mine's buttocks got stuck again, and in the spirit of saving people to the end, Mouri Kogoro made a big move again.

After another squeeze and massage, Fujiko Feng was pulled into the lounge.

"Miss Fujiko didn't have a good rest in the middle of the night, why did you run outside to be a snitch? I didn't have any treasures for you to steal?"

Fujiko Feng was completely taken advantage of, his face full of embarrassment, but he said stubbornly: "What are you a Snitch, I am obviously walking outside, who made you appear suddenly and startle me."

"For a walk, I'm about to go into the sea to feed the sharks!"

At this time, Sonoko slapped the door again: "Uncle, what happened inside, I heard movement inside?"

Mouri Kogoro got up and opened the door, and Sonoko and Yukiko entered the room.

When the two women saw Fujiko Mine suddenly appearing in the room, they couldn't help frowning, and hurriedly asked.

They had just seen Mouri Kogoro enter the room alone, so where did Fujiko come from.

Mouri Kogoro replied with a chuckle: "Ms. Fujiko was just walking outside the hull, and she came to me as she walked."

Hearing this, Sonoko wrinkled his face and looked confused.

And Yukiko seemed to think of something, and quickly said: "I remember, you are Fujiko Mine, a member of the international theft group Lupin Group, and it's you."

Yukiko said excitedly: "So you just broke in just now? It's amazing!"

Fujiko Mine had black lines all over her head, and she kept shouting MMP in her heart, but she could only nod and smile in response to Yukiko.

So desperate, should it be said that I was so scared that I almost fell into the sea, and then got stuck in the window, was taken advantage of by others, and came in after a lot of hard work?

Sonoko gently pulled Yukiko's Yifu: "Auntie Fujimine, she's a thief, why are you so excited?"

Yukiko's eyes lit up: "Don't you think it's cool? Just take any jewelry you like. If I didn't get into the wrong business when I was young, I might become such an international thief too."

Hearing that Sonoko was also full of black lines, she turned to Mouri Kogoro and said, "Uncle, the ship is coming to shore, let's go out."

The group walked out of the lounge and came to the deck.

Hattori Heiji and Kurosawa Saburo were staring at the ghost ship for two hours after sailing back from the high seas, but nothing happened.

The shore was already brightly lit, and police cars were parked on it.

Mouri Kogoro told Miwako what happened on the ship long ago, and she led a team to take over Ron, the Eagle Country death row inmate.

Because they were their own women, Mouri Kogoro and his party could leave without taking notes.

As for Fujiko Feng, the woman disappeared when she got off the boat.

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