Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 439: I'm so scared

"Conan's Toast, Don't Eat Fine Wine (

Although ten thousand alpacas crossed the border in his mind, Xinfan finally handed over his mobile phone.

No way, who told him to be controlled by the gangster now, just an unarmed hostage?

Xinfan's mobile phone has two different modes, and different unlocking methods can be used to unlock different interfaces, so he is not very worried that the robbers will see things that shouldn't be seen.

Only after the robbers left, Xinfan still complained silently: "It's too difficult for the rich."

His volume is really not small, not only to Subaru, but even Judy and Tomoaki Shinide who are separated by a row can hear it.

Judy raised the corners of her mouth slightly and changed the direction of Erlang's legs by the way. There was also a smile in his eyes when Shinide Tomoaki looked out the window.

Conan showed his eyes for half a month and condemned him: "When is it all? Brother Asano really doesn't know how nervous..."


Suddenly there was a loud noise from the hall!

The passengers frightened by the gunfire thought that the gangsters had done something to someone, but when they took a closer look, they discovered that the accident was the calmest and arrogant robber.

He tripped over Judy's Erlang leg and fell sturdily with a dog gnawing shit, embarrassed.

He quickly got up from the ground, blushing with anger and a thick neck. But the face may also be red.

The robber pointed Judy's nose and cursed: "Damn it! You..."

Judy was stunned, as if only realizing what had happened. She quickly got up, clasped her hands, apologizing sincerely:

"Oh, sorry.OhmygodwhatIhavedone!Areyouallright?Ididn\'tmeanthat......"

Judy babbled a lot of English, and afterwards she even apologized after the robber.

The robber's complexion was getting worse and worse, as if he had been entangled in brown candy, desperately avoiding it with disgust.

In the process, Judy's hand naturally "accidentally" touched the robber's pistol, but the robber who was busy avoiding the plague did not notice.

This scene clearly fell into the eyes of others.

"That teacher Judy is very agile." Xinfan said, hiding his face and yawning.

Subaru Chongya asked in doubt: "Didn't she accidentally trip the robber and apologize? What does this have to do with agility?"

Xinfan didn't expose someone's pretending to be stupid. He just said, "Mr. Judy has an aura that resembles Mr. Okiya, a hound."

Okinawa Subaru still didn't change his face, but there was a deep meaning in his eyes.

The car ran smoothly on the road as usual. Although the driver was nervous, he was not too scared to drive.

Subaru Okinawa continued the previous topic and said: "Kunio Yajima is very likely to be the leader of these robbers. Perhaps only he knows where the jewelry is hidden."

"I remember it was reported in the news that there were four robbers who robbed the jewelry store, right?" Xinfan was also paying close attention to the movements of the people around him when he said this.

"That is to say, there is still one person who hasn't appeared."

If there is no accident, one of the woman and the old man must be an accomplice of the robber. Based on the actions of the robbers, Xinfan reasonably speculated that the woman chewing gum was the last one.


"Ah, what?"

Conan was listening attentively to the exchange between the two behind him, and suddenly he was shocked when he heard his own name.

"Is Xiao Ai okay?" Xinfan asked.

Conan quickly glanced at Hui Yuanai, but before he could speak, Hui Yuanai said: "I'm fine, maybe it was just a bit cold before."

From Xinfan's point of view, Hui Yuanai's face was not visible, just listening to the voice, Xiao Ai's state seemed to be normal.

It seems that the aura of the organization after the amnesia has less impact on Hui Yuan Ai, but I don't know how long this situation will last.

"Hey! Over there! You don't understand me, do you?!"

The robber finally noticed the movement of the foot of the bus. He walked over in stride and grabbed the shoulders of Xinfan who was sitting on the outside, angrily.

"Do you have to let me shoot and kill someone, so you know you are afraid?!"

The sudden situation made all the passengers at risk, but the person involved, Mr. Asano, seemed very calm.

He raised his hand against the robber's arm to prevent the robber from further restraint.

The robber wanted to use force, but found that his arm seemed to have just finished heavy physical work, as if he had no strength, and he couldn't push away the hostage's hand.

The robber was secretly frightened and couldn't help but look at Xinfan with a suspicious look.

However, Xin Fan said in a warm voice: "Sorry, sorry, we are only afraid of being hijacked for the first time."


Anyway, the robber didn't see the slightest fear in the man's expression.

"What's the matter?" The robber in front frowned and asked.

Xinfan looked innocent: "This gentleman, you pinched my shoulder sorely."

"It hurts, I didn't..." The robber who was about to tell the truth suddenly paused, and the horrified or worried eyes of the surrounding passengers made him very comfortable.

The purpose of deterrence has been achieved Most people certainly dare not disobey their orders. As for some evil guys, there is really no way to just do it casually. In the end, they will all be killed by bombs anyway.

After figuring it out, the robber let go, and Xinfan put down his arm.

Such a small confrontation seemed to end peacefully, but Conan realized a problem from it. These gangsters were holding guns and carrying a large bag of suspected bombs. In this case, the artificial knife made me a fish, and Conan didn't want to give his life to the enemy.

If you can contact Officer Mumu and cooperate with the police...

Conan poked secretly and put on his headphones, preparing to call Officer Megumi.

Suddenly, Conan heard a faint "Da Da" sound. He stopped his movements and looked back slightly.

Mr. Asano murmured at him: "The third robber."

The third robber! !

Conan thought for a while and understood what Nobuhiro Asano meant.

There were three robbers who were still escaping outside. If it weren't for conflicts among them, there should also be three people who participated in the carjacking.

In other words, there is a high probability that the third robber will pretend to be a passenger and stay in the car. The most convenient location is the last row.

Mr. Asano and the new accordion teacher next to him first ruled out. The remaining women who have been chewing gum and the elderly wearing hearing aids are suspicious. However, the use of earphones to report the news will inevitably be noticed by people around, and the two gangsters are not wearing similar equipment, so it can also be ruled out.

Then only...

At this moment, a string of crisp cell phone ringtones interrupted Conan's thoughts.

"Jingling bell, Jingling bell."

Suddenly the eyes of all the people in the car fell on the robber in the front, because the voice happened to come from him.

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