Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 452: What a lunatic

Xinfan threatened: "If you ruin my arrangement, I will sell you to the FBI without hesitation."

"Do you dare?!" Gin's eyes were sharp, "Betrayal is betrayal!"

Faced with Gin's rage, Xinfan did not show the slightest cowardice. On the contrary, the hostility in his eyes was even better: "If I dare, you will know if you try."

"Mezcal!" Gin gritted his teeth and read Xinfan's code, but other than that, what else could a seriously injured man do?

If you want to match the gun, you are definitely not Mezcal's opponent with vodka. If you want to settle accounts after the fall, Mezcal can definitely do things that let him go out and be blocked by the FBI!

What a lunatic!

Xinfan likes the way that gin can't get used to him and can't get rid of him.

After a long while, the gin, which could not do anything, finally died down. He sat there sullenly, thinking about leaving Mezcal's nest in his heart.

Staying longer, I'm afraid this guy can **** him to death even if there is no FBI.

Seeing that the turmoil has finally subsided, vodka can finally breathe a sigh of relief. After all, watching the gods fight is also very hard. But he was also very curious: "Mezcal, you just said that Big Brother ruined your arrangement, what arrangement?"

Xinfan snorted and said, "It will not have a big impact, otherwise I won't be here to talk nonsense with you."

"You mean the little girl just now?"

"That's right." Xinfan packed the medical kit with a cold face, as if he was too lazy to say.

This makes vodka depressed. He just got interested, but he only listened to the beginning and then lost the following. How can this be done? ?

Gin didn't know if he saw vodka's scratching his head. In short, he asked, "Why do you want to raise a younger sister?"

Most of the members of the organization are alone, with no relatives and no reason. On this issue, Gin does not think that Mezcal will be an exception. Otherwise, the gentleman would never trust him so much.

"Why should I tell you?" Xinfan asked, raising an eyebrow.

Gin's expression stiffened, and the evil spirit between his eyebrows and eyes became heavier and heavier, and there was a tendency to condense into substance.

Vodka quickly said: "Mezcal, raising a child is not a trivial matter. If you don't have a reasonable reason, it's not good for anyone to make trouble with your husband."

Xinfan glanced at him, secretly wondering in his heart. When did vodka start?

If you can speak, talk more.

Following the vodka's words, Shinfan naturally "helplessly" compromised: "Some time ago, Kogoro Mori wanted to introduce me to someone, and it was very stalking. I am his agent. How can I refuse this so-called kindness? The police officer who happened to be acquainted with him picked up a child, so I simply adopted it back, so I could stop Kogoro Moori's mouth."

"Just right?" Gin's eyes were full of distrust.

Xinfan looks like you believe it or not: "I use her to be useful. If you make her doubt my identity or fear me, then you are done."

Vodka admired Mezcal more and more.

Seeing how smooth the threats are, the prestige of the eldest brother seems to be nothing in his eyes.

Gin certainly does not believe that what Mezcal has just said is all, but at least the attitude shown by Mezcal is consistent with his consistent knowledge and understanding of him, and it is indeed inconvenient to investigate some things between colleagues.

Gin chose to accept this explanation.

Although vodka was still a bit confused, since the eldest brother stopped talking, he didn't want to say more about being ridiculed by Mezcal, so he quieted down.

"Your injury left here to die is just waiting for death. My car is parked nearby and I will take you to the organized hospital." Xinfan just dealt with the impact of this matter on the gin wine side, so he unceremoniously gave an order to chase away guests. , Will turn the face to deny people thoroughly and vividly.

Gin sarcastically said, "Are you not worried about exposing your connection with the organization this time?"

"What should be exposed has long been exposed." Xinfan sneered, "Do you think you picked this apartment building alone among the surrounding buildings. The FBI people would simply think this is a coincidence?"

So he knew from the beginning that the gin had pitted him.

Next, Hideichi Akai will of course be interested in Nobuhiro Asano, who happens to live in an apartment building among the gin picks and who happens to have a good relationship with people familiar with Shinichi Kudo.

Investigating and exploring everything is trivial. The FBI is not the same as an organization. There is no conclusive evidence. They will not casually accuse civilians of terrorist charges.

However, the premise that the problem is not big is that he has not been caught by the FBI with conclusive evidence. Therefore, in the process of transferring the gin, no one from the FBI should be allowed to see them walking out of this apartment.

Xinfan took out the laptop from the study and connected to the monitor at the door in front of the gin. Suddenly, the scene in the corridor, including the front and back of the apartment building lobby, appeared on the screen.

Vodka opened his mouth in shock and sighed: "You have installed so many cameras near your home, won't you be discovered?"

"These are all pinhole cameras. It is impossible to find out without professional equipment." Xinfan said while staring at the screen. It should be the FBI. The floor we are on has not been monitored yet, but there is a window at the end of the corridor, which should have been controlled by a sniper."

"What should I do then?" Vodka asked worriedly, "Big brother and I are too eye-catching. If you just walk out like this, you will be spotted. And your place is too high for you to jump out of the window."

Gin groaned: "Even if he lives on the first floor, we can only walk from the main because the FBI has snipers."


"I have a way." Gin suddenly glanced toward the bedroom. "Didn't the little girl faint? You just have a reason to call an ambulance. We will dispose of the medical staff, put on their clothes and leave. "

Believe in the truth and hear the words, in my eyes there is almost unchecked disgust.

He knew exactly what "dispose" in the mouth of the gin meant. I am afraid that the medical staff will have to come back and forth, and their lives will be lost.

"No." Xinfan refused without hesitation. "Usually, in order to carry a comatose patient onto a stretcher, there are definitely more than three medical staff who rush to the car. This method exposes a great risk."

"These problems are not unsolvable..."

Xinfan interrupted Ginjiu's words: "Instead of taking the risk, we might as well use the movement of the ambulance to do some other tricks."

"For example..." His thoughtful eyes fell on the gin and vodka, "You pretend to be movers and leave with your things."

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