Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 464: Today is also vodka with many question marks

In the evening, the sun was scattered into the car windows in a westward direction, and the temperature that finally came up during the day also slowly dropped.

There is no advanced equipment such as air conditioning in the car, and the only heat may be the cigarette **** on the finger of the gin.

Xinfan leaned against the car and his eyes fell on the crowd of people on the street.

It's time to leave work and school. Although it is Sunday, there are still many busy figures walking through the street. Most of these people are ordinary and ordinary, they even complain about this ordinary after a meal, but they don't know that this ordinary is something that many people dream of and cannot reach.

Vodka is back, and his terrifying deterrence, which is in the same line as gin, is already handy in frightening passers-by.

"Big Brother, Mezcal." After Vodka greeted the gin, he nodded to Xinfan, "It's all set up, and the goal is two hours to arrive."

The gin pinched the cigarettes in the ashtray, and said naturally: "We are now in the past."

Xinfan glanced at Jinjiu and said, "Have you forgotten that I am the commander-in-chief of this operation?"

He specifically emphasized the attributive "general" to highlight the difference between himself and gin.

Gin looked at Xinfan with a mentally retarded look, and his lips moved slightly: "Are we past now?"

Xin Fanmo: "Is there a difference between these two sentences?"

"Yes. I added a question mark."

Furious! (╯‵□′)╯︵┴─┴

Now that the question mark is added, you also cooperate with the tone of the interrogative sentence anyway! He's not reading a novel, can he still hear the question mark in the gin statement?

With Xinfan's heartfelt voice, Ginjiu's eyes quickly turned into sympathy. He kept his eyes closed and calmly told vodka to drive away.

Gin seems to very much hope that the task can be completed as soon as possible to end the cooperation with Mezcal and avoid the possibility of lowering IQ.

Chianti and Cohen have already arrived first, and they have chosen a suitable location and arranged a sniper spot.

Xin Fan didn't expect these two guys to be able to kill Marta Gong, they were mainly responsible for the auxiliary role of controlling the vision in the assassination operation. As for B after the failed assassination, Xinfan arranged for Sila and Calvados to be buried near Matakong's residence.

As the commander-in-chief, commander and driver of the operation, the main task of Shinfan, Gin and Vodka is to wait patiently in the car.

Time passed by minute by minute, getting closer and closer to the target's expected arrival time, Vodka was holding the binoculars and looking a little anxiously in the direction of Qiuzhang Bridge.

While Xinfan and Vodka are in the corner of Porsche, one is playing with mobile phones, the other is smoking + daze.

Suddenly, Xinfan's cell phone rang.

He usually chooses whether to turn on mute or vibration mode according to the situation at the time, but occasionally there are accidents. For example, the last bus incident, or now.

Xinfan picked up the phone calmly in the gaze of the gin torch.

Conan's voice immediately came from inside: "Mr. Asano, where are you now, are you busy?"

"Not busy, you say."

A row of "?" suddenly floated on Vodka's "little" head.

"Sergeant Shiratori was hit by a bomb just now, and he suffered serious injuries to the right side of his head. It may be an acute subdural hematoma. But he was rushed to the hospital in time." Conan's tone revealed a serious breath, "More importantly, Bai Both Officer Bird and the Metropolitan Police Department have received notices from the gangsters, and he seems to be brewing a bigger conspiracy."

"What kind of notice?" Xinfan asked.

At this time, it was less than five minutes since the expected appearance of Matakong. Coupled with the unexpected roads in Tokyo, it is normal sooner or later. Vodka winked at Mezcal anxiously, but was completely ignored.

Conan said: "I'll send it to you in a moment. In short, Officer Sato seems to suspect that the criminal who threatened the Metropolitan Police Department this time is related to the criminal in the bombing case four and seven years ago. Maybe the same person did it."

Vodka had no choice but to turn his eyes to the eldest brother for help.

Gin ignored him, and the expression on his face remained calm and unchanged.

At this moment, Chianti's voice came from the earphone hanging in Xinfan's other ear: "The target is here, the innermost lane, the black car."

Amidst the shock of vodka and the calmness of the gin, Xinfan said something to the phone, and at the same time he picked up the binoculars lying next to him, and looked in the direction of Qiuzhangqiao.

The vehicle that Matakong was riding in was very fast, close to the upper limit of the speed limit, and quickly passed the Qiuzhang Bridge.

But he was destined to explain here.

Because Xin Fan has gently pressed the control button--


The earth-shaking explosion suddenly hit the ears of everyone present. However, this explosion turned out to be like fireworks in the New Year, and lasted for a long time.

The bridge built on the sea was so submerged in a sea of ​​fire, no place could remain intact. Fragments, collapses, and cracks occurred in every corner of Qiuzhang Bridge.

Xinfan and the others are located thousands of meters away from Qiuzhang Bridge, but even so, Conan on the other side of the phone clearly heard the sound of the explosion.

His eyebrows jumped suddenly, and he asked in surprise: "Mr. Asano! What's wrong with you?!"

"It seems that there was an explosion not far away. I will hang up first, and I will talk to the office tonight."

"Eh, wait..."

Conan, who was sitting in Miwa Sato's car, looked at the hung-up cell phone with a dazed expression, and choked speechlessly.

Please Mr. Asano, do you want to be so anxious? Anyway, tell him where the explosion happened!

Sato Miwako turned her head and asked, "What's the matter?"

Conan's expression suddenly became serious: "It seems that there was an explosion in other places, and listening to the sound, the explosion was much larger than today."

"What?!" Mikako Sato's face instantly turned pale.


"Let's Gin ordered softly.

Vodka asked suspiciously: "Aren't we going to confirm the death of the target?"

Xinfan sneered: "If you want to go, feel free to do it yourself. I just don't know how you will get to the explosion center or how to identify which part of the human tissue belongs to Mattagon."

Vodka language stop.

"The mission is over, retreat." Xinfan ordered Chianti and Cohen on standby in the headset.

Cohen put away the sniper rifle skillfully. He was accustomed to this kind of result, but Chianti complained unhappily: "My bullet is already eager to try, why is it over so soon?"

Xin Fan ignored an addicted lunatic, he unilaterally cut off the communication, and Chianti jumped his feet in anger.

There is no doubt that Marta Gong will die, Xinfan is now concerned about the things Conan just said.

If, he is saying, if his memory is not wrong, the bomber the police is about to encounter should be the one who killed Matsuda Jinpei, perhaps he was also the culprit that led to Kenji Hagihara's death.

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