Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 492: Super difficult operation (Happy Lantern Festival~Monday/Wednesday)

At this point, Sakai knew that it would be useless to quibble. She can only tell her plans and actions and admit her hatred towards Mu Shuli.

It's just that although Sakai's plan failed, and even she herself was about to face jail, she still didn't quite understand what happened today.

"I just want to ask Mr. Mori in the end." Natsuki Sakai pursed her lower lip and asked unwillingly, "Why can you see my plan at a glance? Obviously this plan should be seamless!"

"Mori Kogoro" has a calm face and looks very unpredictable: "Miss Sakai, you have to know that there is no perfect crime in this world. As long as the heart is blackened, it will inevitably show its feet."

"Is it inevitable?" Sakai Natsuki stared blankly at her hands that should have held the makeup brush, tears soaking her eyes.

Seeing that Natsuki Sakai was about to kneel down, suffering, and confessing three consecutive times, Xinfan immediately reminded him: "I'm sorry to disturb you, but Conan told me just now that it seems that the previous captain and the deputy captain were bothering Miss Makiuri. I gave a kiss. Although I have let the flight attendants in to stop them from eating, the toxin of potassium cyanide can cause a slight poisoning reaction even across the skin, so..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the flight attendant rushing over in a panic: "Oh, oh! The captain and deputy captain fainted!!"


"How can this be? Mr. Asano has asked you to dissuade you?!"

"Hug, sorry, it's just that when we knocked on the door, there was no movement inside. Finally, we entered the password forcibly and found that they had fainted!" The flight attendant explained in a panic.

The children of the Junior Detective Group suddenly panicked: "That is to say, is there no one piloting this plane now?"

"Don't worry." Xinzhuang Gong said gently, "The plane has an autopilot mode, even if no one is controlling it, it can remain stable in the air."

Huiyuan pours cold water mournfully: "But the plane needs to be manually controlled to land."

"Ah? Then don't we have to stay ten thousand meters high in the sky forever?"

"Until the fuel runs out, we will die in the sea!"

"Don't wait until that time, maybe we'll collide with other planes on the way!"

Xinfan looked at these guys who were "interested" in discussions, and felt helpless.

Hello, is it time to talk about this now? Does anyone remember those two pilots who fainted?

As for why Xinfan is not nervous, first of all, it is because life and death have fate and wealth in the sky. As long as you have such a thought, even if the guillotine is above the neck, you can still deal with it indifferently.

Of course, such words are generally used to fool people.

What really supports Xin Fan's self-confidence is ability. Take him as an example. As a senior in the black organization, Xinfan was "forced" to master a lot of skills, even armed helicopters and propeller planes. Although this wide-body airliner of civil aviation is different from helicopters and small planes, the principle is still the same. As long as he has the guidance of the ground tower, he is confident that he can fly the plane to a safe landing.

Not to mention that there is a Kuroba Kokuto with its own plug-in on this plane, and an Edogawa Conan with the protagonist's halo.

Since there is already a **** of death here, the lives of the passengers are naturally not in the hands of other gods of death.

Everyone finally remembered the two pilots who had fainted. Under the leadership of the flight attendants, they quickly lowered them from their positions and lay down on the seats in the first class cabin.

"Unexpectedly, they would have eaten the food delivered by the flight attendant." Conan sighed helplessly, "I thought we had reacted very quickly."

Xinfan stood beside him, watching the chaotic scene calmly: "So although some rules are rigid, they do have a need for existence."

Conan asked in confusion: "Why are you so emotional all of a sudden?"

"Different meals at the same time, different meals at the same time." Xinfan slowly said a saying, "This is an unspoken rule that has been circulating in the civil aviation industry for a long time. If they can abide by it, there will be no...!!!"

His eyes widened suddenly.

Immediately, in Conan's inexplicable inexplicability, Shinhan took a step forward and reached out and pressed the two buttons on the top of his head.

"That's..." Conan was stunned, and said in surprise, "The delivery valve!"

The fuel supply valve is a valve that exists between several fuel tanks of the aircraft and can be used to balance the fuel volume in each fuel tank. Under normal circumstances, this valve opening does not have much effect. However, if one of the fuel tanks leaks or the fuel is contaminated, opening this valve will be fatal.

"The fuel supply valve should normally be closed, right?" Conan was a little confused, "could it be that they accidentally bumped into it when they moved the captain just now?"


Although Xinfan wanted to tell himself that it was impossible, in the world of Ke Xue, it was impossible to exist only in fools' dictionary.

If you want to open all the valves between several fuel tanks by accident, and you can't touch other buttons, the technical requirements for this action are very high.

The flight attendant temporarily found a doctor among the passengers to help take care of the two pilots. Fortunately, they eat very little potassium cyanide, and there is no life-threatening for the time being.

It's just that the pilots who are still in a fainting state can obviously no longer control the aircraft. They must find a way to solve this urgent matter.

"They can't fly the plane, what should we do?" Suzuki Soonoko clenched a fist in front of his chest nervously.

Fei Yingri just took a thin blanket from the flight attendant and covered it with Kogoro Mouri. Hearing Suzuki Sonoko's words, her face also became solemn: "This is the end of the matter, we can only look for someone in the passengers For those who have experience in driving, it would be better if they could meet a pilot."

The flight attendant sighed: "We have asked about this just now. It's a pity that there is no such person."

Several people who knew about the first-class cabin heard this with expressions of shock and despair.

Could it be said that they are really going to die here?

At this moment, Xin Zhuang Gong, who had been standing next to nothing, suddenly whispered, "In this case, can you let me try it?"

"Xinzhuang?" Mu Shuli frowned, "I remember you should not have a pilot license, right?"

"That's right." Xin Zhuang Gong smiled and narrowed his eyes. "But I am an amateur flying enthusiast and have experience flying airplanes."

"So..." Mu Shuli seemed surprised.

But this news is a life-saving straw for most people.

They are saved!

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