Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 805: The injured will always be Akay

   Speaking of smiling, many people will want to arrive at Vinci's oil painting "Mona Lisa". Modern surveys and research have found that Mona Lisa’s smile is not simple. It contains 83% of happiness, 9% of disgust, 6% of fear, and 2% of anger.

   And the smile on Xinfan's face at this moment is definitely more complicated than Mona Lisa.

   He watched the survey results presented by Hiroki, and smiled at a quarter of the back in the photo.

Hiroki used Noah’s Ark’s smile recognition system to analyze Asano’s smile and found that his smile contained 53% helplessness, 18% pleasure, 10% fear, 9% anger, 8% sadness and 2% worry.

  啧, positive emotions account for only 18%. Can this expression really be called a "smile"?

   No wonder Shinshige Asano smiled, and Hiroki Sawada would tremble three times. This is clearly a sign that something bad happened!

   Xinfan lightly taps the screen to delete all the photos and files, and uses a special method to completely clear the records to ensure that even the top hackers can't recover these things even if they get his mobile phone.

   "Hiroki." The arc of Xin Fan's mouth widened a bit, "You said I'm usually too gentle, so that they don't have the idea of ​​me being angry?"

   Hiroki shrinks his neck, which is composed of 1s and 0s, in an effort to reduce the sense of existence.

   He understood that Nobuhiro Asano didn't need any answer, he just wanted to find someone to complain about his unreliable young tame. Brother Jing Guang is probably very worried about Jiang Guling's reckless behavior, but in fact this kind of worry seems a little redundant most of the time.

   Hiroki doesn't know how to remind Xinfan, not everyone has the bonus of artificial intelligence. If it weren't for him, Asano Nobuhiro would not have spotted the person following Huihara Ai.

   When Shinhan arrived in the music classroom, the expression on his face had not changed much, so that Enomoto Azusa was stunned when he saw him.

   "Mr. Asano, are you in a bad mood lately?" Enomoto Azusa asked weakly.

   Shinshige was about to answer, but was preempted by Tou Amuro: "Mr. Asano, a mature adult should learn expression management. Your appearance will seriously affect the business of the music classroom."

   Xinfan was in a bad mood, and Jiang Guling dared to dance in the minefield. As soon as his voice fell, the atmosphere in the music classroom became worse.

   Enomoto Azusa immediately said: "I suddenly remembered that I left my class schedule at home. I'll go back to fetch it first, and I will ask you all for the music classroom."

   After finishing speaking, Enomoto Azusa ran away in a hurry, leaving Amuro Tou alone inexplicably.

   "Amuro-kun." Shinhan put his briefcase aside, and looked up at Tou Amuro with a serious expression. "Littering is a very unethical behavior, especially in other people's private sites."

Huh? Is Asano Shinshige talking about the installation of a bug and a sender secretly before?

   But it’s been so long since, how come I suddenly think of it now...

   The installation of bugs and transmitters was originally an act of obscurity, and Amuro Tou, who Shinman thought was wrong, would give a promise-even if he only said so on the surface.

   Unexpectedly, Amuro said without embarrassment: "People will always be more conscious when they get to a clean place. If the place itself is dirty, you can't blame others for littering."

   Shinhan: "..."

   Thank you, it has been connoted.

   Xinfan took a deep breath and warned himself not to be familiar with someone, but his eyes gradually revealed a dangerous light.

   "Enough, let's stop here." He said, "Instead of wasting time and energy on me, it's better to do what you should do." For example, find ways to get more information from the organization.

  Amuro narrowed his eyes dangerously after hearing this.

Oh? Mezcal is urging him to investigate the situation of Mizumi as soon as possible, right? Hmph, this kind of critical information can not only be told to the organization, nor can it be known to the FBI!

   These hateful FBIs have the ability to go back to the United States and go to Japan to **** people. What is the reason? !

   When he thinks of the FBI, Tou Amuro's mind inevitably comes up with the disgusting face of Akai Hideichi, and his attitude towards Nobuhiro Asano has become worse.

Amuro leaned towards Shinfan, their faces crossed, and the man’s calm and dangerous voice came into Shinfan’s ears: "The person in charge of Northern Europe can’t even catch a Kiel until now. How can I not? Doubt about your identity?"

   The smile on Xinfan's face did not change the slightest, as if the person being questioned was not him, but his bright obsidian eyes flickered slightly in the shadows.

   Kiel fell into the hands of the police, and Mezcal was at least half of the blame. However, the life and death and location of Kiir have not been confirmed so far, and it is indeed not in line with Mezcal's ability.

   But so what?

   The situation in Japan is intricate and complicated, and the FBI is obstructing it. Smooth sailing is more worthy of vigilance. After taking over Japan, the gin, who has not seen the murderous name, can only do nothing but promise?

   What's more, their little actions have never been able to hide from that person. That person probably attributed all these losses to "partisan strife", and then it would be nothing more than reprimanding and small punishments. The situation will not be very bad.

   As for rum...

Xinfan patted Amuro's shoulder, with a kind face, and earnestly asked him: "Yeah, it's just a Kiel, her whereabouts can be a rare trump card of the intelligence team. I have to say, your ability has declined. Less, Bourbon."

  Amuro looked through to Shinhan.

  啧, as expected to be an undercover agent, that guy's eyes are so sincere.

   So Toru Amuro also showed a sincere expression: "Mutual each With the face of Okinawa Subaru, Akai Hideichi, who just stepped into the door of Ryufeng's music classroom, saw a picture that made him difficult to say.

  I haven’t seen each other for a few days. Why has the atmosphere between these two people become so strange? ?

   Akai Hideichi is probably the person who sees most clearly in the music classroom-he thinks so-he feels that he has a responsibility and an obligation to reconcile the conflicts between his colleagues and let everyone work together.

"Good morning, Mr. Asano, Mr. Amuro." Shuichi Akai took the lunch box out of the bag and said enthusiastically, "I have nothing to do when I get up this morning, so I will cook a pot of stew for everyone. Come and try it. "

   Suddenly, two lines of sight hit him at the same time.

   When will this man cook? —— Tou Amuro

   The stew made by Shuichi Akai, you don’t need to taste it, you know it’s ugly! ——Nobuhiro Asano

   Akai Hideichi's arm holding the lunch box stiffened, and he realized that he seemed to be targeted by his colleagues.

  啧, no matter what kind of grievance there is between Asano Nobuhiro and Toru Amuro, do you have to be consistent with him?

   Why is Akay always the injured?



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