Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 808: The basic qualities of a broker

   Shinshige looked at Yamada Rokka: "So why did you come to Tokyo in the early morning?"

   "I'm sorry." Yamada Rokuba said, "This matter involves confidentiality, I can't tell you."

   Miwako Sato and Wataru Takagi glanced at each other, and said helplessly: "Then there is no way, we can only take Ms. Yamada back to the Metropolitan Police Department for investigation."

   "Can I ask about the specific details of this case?" Amuro Toru said, "I am a disciple of Mr. Kogoro Mouri, and also a detective."


   Yamada Liuye said strangely: "Aren't you the guitar teacher of Lufeng's music classroom?"

   "Actually, guitar is just my hobby, and my profession is a detective. You can call this if you encounter any problems, and I will be happy to help you." Toru Amuro handed a business card to Yamada Royo.

  Professional language, professional smile, professional behavior, this Amuro Toru really looks more like a famous detective than Moori Kogoro. So that everyone knew that he was just a fledgling disciple of a Maori detective, they couldn't help but trust him.

"That's it. We received a call from a neighbor at 6:20 this morning and found that the victim was lying in a convenience store and had lost his life. The victim Matsukawa Tsukakomachi was a convenience store employee, and he was the only one on duty last night. In the morning, the convenience store There is also a sign saying "Closed business" on the door. According to the contents of the stomach, we preliminarily determined that the murder of the deceased was between two and three in the morning." Takagi said.

   Sato Miwako added: "We called the surveillance on the corner of the convenience store and found that Ms. Yamada entered the convenience store at 2:08 am and left at 2:30. Since then, no one has appeared under surveillance."

   "Is it this surveillance?" Amuro asked, pointing to the camera overhead.

   Miwako Sato nodded.

  Amurotou walked around the surveillance camera and gestured: “This surveillance camera seems to be unable to capture the scene at the entrance of the convenience store, let alone the scene inside.”

   Japan is a country that attaches great importance to privacy. Not only are there no cameras on the sidewalks, but there is also very little traffic monitoring. The surveillance at the corner outside the convenience store was installed by another store to prevent theft. The resolution is low and there are many blind spots.

   Mikako Sato has been a criminal police officer for so many years, and has dealt with many incidents of Kogoro Mouri with Officer Megumi. Of course, she knew that this kind of monitoring did not prove that the deceased's death area was only in the convenience store by Yamada Royo. It's just that the deceased's interpersonal relationship is too simple, there are not many friends, and no enemies, and he is usually kind to others, so that the police can't find anyone with the motive of committing the crime until now.

   No need to speak, Hiroki has already taken on the task of investigating the interpersonal relationship of the deceased. Nobuhiro suddenly asked Yamada Liuye: "Miss Liuye, how did you lose your bag?"

Yamada Rokuba recalled, "I probably parked the car nearby at nine o'clock last night, and then I went to do other things. Until eight o'clock this morning when I was going back to Gunma, I found the car. The window was smashed open, and the bag placed inside was lost."

"We also know about this situation. Ms. Yamada was the police who called at 8:05 this morning. At that time, we had just received surveillance near the convenience store and prepared to investigate Ms. Yamada. She went to the door by herself." Speaking of this, Takagi couldn't help laughing.

   Miwako Sato glared at him, and Shibuya Takagi hurriedly straightened his face.

   "Has the thief caught it?" Xin Fan asked again.

"Caught it. The man cut his arm when he smashed the car window. We compared the DNA information with the database to confirm his identity." Although I don't know why Nobuhiro Asano is so concerned about a common car theft case. , But Takagi Shibuya still truthfully told the police's investigation results.

   He put a picture of a person in front of Xin Fan.

   The man in the photo looks sloppy, thin and small, and seems to be malnourished. Next to the photo is also marked with a name-Honda Teruyoshi.

   At the same time, Hongshu also provided a name. Xinfan compared it and found that the two were different, and sighed with disappointment.

   Alas, he was quite confident in his reasoning, but facts always like to hit people, and he really is not suitable for being a detective.

   "Officer Sato." Shinshige turned the phone screen over and showed it to Mikako Sato, "Do you know this Miss Nakarina?"

   "Nakarina..." Mikako Sato was confused.

Shibuya Takagi stared at Nakarina suspiciously, and suddenly he remembered something: "I know that Miss Nakasato is a high school classmate in Matsukawa Tsukakomachi. I saw her in their graduation photos. But because the deceased was after graduation. She barely contacted her high school classmates, and she was not within the scope of our investigation."

   "What?" Amuro asked interestedly, "Is this Miss Nakarina suspected of committing the crime and motive?"

   "Nakarina Nana married her husband two months after graduation, and gave birth to a boy within a year, but strangely, she and her husband divorced soon after the child was born."

At first I heard that this was just a woman who had an unhappy life, but Toru Amuro believed that Nobuhiro Asano would not mention an insignificant person for no reason. He tentatively guessed: "Matsukawa Tsuka Komachi will not be from the Nakarina High School era. Your boyfriend?"

Shinhan shook his head, Amuro Toru was about to show regret, listening to him say: "Nakarina Nana's mother is paralyzed all the forced to make ends meet, she has been doing underground dating since the first grade of high school. Matsukawa Tsukakomachi is her frequent visitor."

   "Hiss..." Mikako Sato was shocked, "Mr. Asano is too good. I found out so clearly in just a few minutes!"

   The power of the people is so powerful that the police are ashamed of themselves.

   Shinshige took it for granted and said, "You're overwhelmed. These are just the basic qualities of a detective agent."

   Sato Mikako immediately respected the profession of brokers. It turns out that Mr. Maori is so good because he has an all-round agent behind him. Such a powerful character can make a famous detective no matter where he is?

   After getting the clue, Takagi Shibuya immediately called his colleagues to investigate Naka Rina, but the results they got were disappointing.

   "Naka ​​Rina has an alibi." Takagi sighed, "Naka ​​Rina was drinking with friends when the crime happened. They drank until this morning, Naka Rina hasn't woken up yet."

   "There have been no festivals recently. As a mother, how can Nakarina hangover with friends?" Amuro questioned.

   "This is very weird, but there were no less than three people drinking with Naka Rina last night, and the owner of the izakaya can confirm this." Takagi said helplessly.



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