Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 829: Jianggu 0's myocardial infarction is more serious

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Obviously, Nobuhiro Asano's condition is very serious, and the nearest hospital to Asano's House is the Yoneka Yakushiye Hospital, and Ryo Yukiya put his destination there without hesitation.

However, as soon as he got in the car, Asano Nobuhiro weakly said, "Go to the hospital where you organized."

Jiang Gu Ling was stunned, his heart sank, but he didn't say much, just silently changed direction.

The organized hospital is the organized hospital. Although it is not the best choice, it is not so bad. At least it can ensure the advanced nature of medical facilities and the professionalism of medical staff.

Confirming that the direction is right, Xinfan said again: "There is my disguise tool in the drawer. Help me take it out."

Jiang Guling angrily said, "When are you still thinking about disguise?"

"My identity can't be known to others." Xinfan insisted, "Give it to me."

Yutani had no choice but to hand it to him. Fortunately, Asano Nobuhira seemed to have prepared a quicker way, even if his body was extremely weak, he could quickly complete the process of dissolving.

So why do you have to go to the organized hospital and go to the Mihua Yakushiye Hospital as Nobuhiro Asano?

On the way, Yutani was always paying attention to Asano Nobuhira's state. Asano Nobuhira was always groggy, as if he might lose consciousness at any time.

"Asano." Yuyaru called out aloud, trying to help Nobuhiro Asano stay awake by chatting, "How much alcohol did you drink?"

Xinfan leaned his head against the glass window, and with the bumps of the car, the pain of occasional head collision with the car window forced him to think hard.

"Half a bottle of wine." He laughed as soon as he finished speaking, "I might be drinking a fake bar, otherwise the reaction shouldn't be so violent."

Half a bottle of rum is indeed enough for a bad drinker to get drunk, but neither Bourbon nor Mescal will fall drunk because of half a bottle, not to mention that Asano Nobuhira’s situation looks more drunk than alcohol. Poisoning is even more dangerous.

Jiang Gu Ling couldn't help but think of Mezcal's suspicion by the organization not long ago.

Was it a sequelae from torture at that time?

Or the... unfinished experiment?

The operation was stopped shortly after Belmode. From the time point of view, Hoon Aoki could not do anything but open his chest. But no one can prove that Hoon Aoki, who performed the operation alone, really didn't do anything. What if he deliberately speeded up and set aside time for other actions?

Aoki Hoon is no longer normal, and Jiang Gu Ling even suspects that he will do something without the knowledge of the organization for his own test project.

From Jiang Guling's point of view, he is more inclined to send letters to ordinary hospitals, at least those doctors who know nothing will not deliberately conceal the truth.

But he is not Nobuhiro Asano after all, he is not qualified to make decisions for that person.

Jiang Gu Ling had to send Xin Fan to an internal hospital under the control of the organization, where he met a man who made him more uneasy-Houn Aoki.

"Oh." As soon as he saw them, Hoon Aoki immediately dropped other affairs and greeted him. "Mezcal committed another crime?"

A light of excitement faintly jumped in his eyes, and this excitement made Jiang Guling disgusting sincerely.

Jiang Tani took a step forward, using his body to block Aoki Hoon's gaze while examining Asano Nobuhira, and said coldly: "Mezcal drank some wine tonight, and he is not feeling well. I will take him to check it. The physical examination should not be there. In your job category, right?"

"Of course not." Aoki Hoon asked, narrowing his eyes slightly, "What wine did he drink?"


Hoon Aoki laughed: "Then he should go to Italy to find rum."

Jiang Gu Ling frowned in disgust. He gave up communicating with Hoon Aoki, and walked inward with Nobuhira directly.

However, Aoki Hoon suddenly called him: "Bourbon, give me Mezcal. The experimental project he participated in has been handed over to me."

Every word and every word Aoki Hoon said made Jiang Guling like falling into an ice cave, and even the blood in his body seemed to freeze into ice, stopping the circulation.

Jiang Gu Ling turned around suddenly, and asked each word: "What experiment did you say he participated in?!"

Human test! ! This kind of thing has always existed in the organization, and Jiang Guling is very clear about it. But he never thought that a high-level executive like Mezcal would actually participate in the experiment.

In that person's eyes, what exactly are these members of them?

"What are you doing so excited?" Qing Mu Xun glanced at him, "This experiment has been started four years ago."

Jiang Gu Ling was stunned for a while, he felt his hands and feet cold, and it seemed that it was very difficult to even think rationally.

Four years ago...wasn't that when Jing Guang exposed his sacrifice?

"Bourbon..." Just when the gods were born, Nobuhiro Asano suddenly let go of his hand, struggling to support the wall and stand up by himself.

Seeing Xinfan, Jiang Guling couldn't think about things, he was about to reach out for help, but Xinfan avoided him.

Xinfan stared at Aoki Hoon, his eyes indifferent.

"You go back." He said calmly to Jiang Gu Ling.

How could he just go back indifferently like this? ! Fortunately, I didn't know before. Once I learned that Nobuhiro Asano, who was on the same front, had undergone brutal and inhumane human trials, Koriya would not be able to remain calm.

Nobuhiro Asano turned his head and looked at Norriya seriously. There was helplessness in his eyes and a touch of emotion that he couldn't explain himself: "What strange thing are you filling in your brain? This project was set up for my body. , Different from other projects you know."

"That's right." Houn Aoki curled his lips and agreed, "After all, if it weren't for this experiment, it's not certain whether Mezcal would be alive."

Noriya Noriya: "..."

Thank you, not only did he not get comforted, he even felt that his heart infarction was more serious.

But since Asano Nobuhiro had already said that, any more he cared about would only make Aoki Hoon suspicious.

Jiang Gu Ling spent 0.2 second to sort out his emotions, and a casual look reappeared on his face: "Well, I hope I can see you tomorrow, you who are alive."

Having said that, he seemed to be really not worried at all, and turned away coolly.

Xinfan stared at Jiang Guling's back, and he was secretly relieved.

It is worthy of zero, he has control over his expression freely, as if he doesn't need to worry about Your relationship is really good. "Aoki Hoon sneered, "I don't know if he will save you when a catastrophe is imminent." "

The friendship in the organization is more fake than plastic, and the typical representative is Belmode. She has a good attitude towards anyone, but at a critical moment, she won't hesitate to sell her teammates for half a second.

Aoki Hoon had a thorough understanding of the nature of these code-named members during this time, including the dying Mezcal next to him.

Xin Fan didn't let Aoki Hoon support him. Even though he didn't feel comfortable on his body, he insisted on going to the clinic by himself.

Upon seeing this, Aoki Hoon's face became even more disdainful.

Take a look, he said he knows these people well.

After entering the clinic, Xinfan reached out to Hoon Aoki without saying a word: "Medicine."

"I haven't checked where the medicine came!" Aoki Hoon said grimly.

A cold and mocking smile appeared on Xinfan's face: "Didn't you take over my project? You don't even know what medicine I want?"

Maybe he didn't quite understand his symptoms at first, but Xinfan soon remembered what the person had said to him.

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