Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 874: Closed in the new 1

   "Break through the empty door?" Dr. Aka was puzzled.

   "Yes." Conan said solemnly, "and he was probably here just now."

Zongbing took a deep breath, and after a while, he gradually accepted Conan's statement: "How is it possible? When I opened the door just now, I didn't find any traces of the lock on the door, and the windows were closed. Come in?"

   "Can you come in from the balcony where Asano and others used to breathe?" Conan said, pointing in Shinhana's direction.

   Zongbing was stunned: "Brother Asano, isn't that your father?"

   Conan looked stiff: "Uh, because my father cares about age, I usually call him his brother..."

   "Is that so?" Zongbing subconsciously showed a skeptical expression.

   Conan winked at Huihara quickly and motioned for her to help her lie.

Hui Yuan Ai noticed Conan's movements with her left light. She typed the last code on the computer and said, "Yes, I told my brother to be more intimate in addition to being younger. Don't your family have this habit? The people around me are like this, such as the famous high school student detective Shinichi Kudo, who calls his mother his sister."

   Zongbing only noticed the name "Kudo Shinichi", and he was shocked: "Hi...even that famous high school detective calls his parents that way?"

  Public figures usually represent the trend of fashion, and Zong Bing can't help but wonder if he is too old to keep up with the trend.

   "But what you meant just now was that the man came in from the balcony?"

   "Yes." Conan asked, "Brother, was the balcony door closed when you passed by?"

   "Yes." Xinfan nodded and said bluntly, "Moreover, there is an old man on the balcony besides us. He doesn't come in to blow the air conditioner on a hot day. It's too stupid."

   Conan, Zongbing: "???"

   Huiyuan gave Xinfan a slanted look, she felt that her brother was connoting her, and there was evidence.

   Dr. Aka took a step back directly, with a horrified face: "Asano, what did you say? There are others on the balcony besides you and Xiao Ai??"

   Asano Nobuhira at night is really scary to say that!

Xinfan looked at everyone and said inexplicably, "Isn't it Mr. Zongbing's guest? I still think, even if Mr. Zongbing doesn't wait to see this guest again, he won't drive people out of the house, he will still be locked in Xinyi, ah no , Inside the washing machine."

Haibara Ai:"……"

   What brother wanted to say just now is definitely "closed in Shinichi" right?

   Although she doesn't understand what Shinshige Asano means, she still has the most basic understanding.

   And Conan and their attention were all attracted by the meaning of the letter, and they didn't care about his slip of the tongue.

   "How could there be someone in the washing machine or the washing machine?" Zongbing paled with fright.

Conan reacted at once: "It turned out to be so, I said why there are sweat-soaked footprints on the stool, but all the slippers in the room are clean. That one broke in while Zongbing's brother was not at home. You should be hiding somewhere in the room wearing slippers. But how did Brother Asano find him hiding in the washing machine?"

   Xinfan said modestly: "It's actually quite simple, probably because the weather is too hot, and the washing machine is very stuffy. I heard his heavy breathing."

   "But I was by my brother's side at the time, and I didn't hear anything." Huihara sighed, "I feel that the gap between myself and my brother is getting bigger and bigger. How can I catch up with my brother?"

   Zongbing was silent.

   In fact, he wants to cry even more. This first-year elementary school student is already so good, and she still has a positive and enterprising heart. Unlike him, who are already mature adults, they are still obsessed with their hobbies and cannot extricate themselves, and have not considered the future life.

   Wait, what on earth is he thinking? Hearing that someone was hiding in the washing machine on his balcony, shouldn't he be more surprised by the news? ?

   Zongbing immediately picked up a broom from the side and slowly approached the balcony.

"Mr. Zongbing, in fact, I don't think you need to be so nervous." Xinfan said again, "You should have only lost a photo album and the information in the computer, right? For you as a model, the most important thing should be Creative photos of the model, so I think the person who stole the thing is your colleague. You must know each other and have a very good relationship."

   Huihara paused.

   Let's go, she didn't say anything yet, my brother has already confirmed that there is no trace of hacking in the Zongbing computer.

   "By the way, he still has the key to your apartment."

Zong Bing was stunned: "Only three people have the keys to the apartment. One is ex-girlfriend Zaori, and the other two are model-making partners, Duohu and Guzhuang. You said that the person who broke in was with me, could it be Is one of them?"

"..." Xin Fan reluctantly pushed Zong Bing to the balcony, "Well, it's this moment. There is no need to go through the three-choice program, right? You just open the lid of the washing machine and take the photo stolen. The person found out, and then discussed with him the reason for breaking into the apartment, and whether or not to call the police. And we can leave after we find the photos we need."

"Of course," Xinfan added, "If you need it, I can also provide professional police service. You must know that in the cases Mr. Mao Li encountered, except for his daughter Ms. Mao Lilan, I was the one who called the police the most. , I have mastered the art of calling the police to perfection."

   Zongbing inexplicably drove the duck onto the shelf and stood in front of the washing machine. His trembling hands grabbed the cool lid of the washing machine and lifted it suddenly!

   Suddenly, half of his hairy head appeared!

   A short, fat otaku-like young man curled up in a small washing with a face full of shame.

   "Duo, Duohu?" Zongbing was surprised, "It's really you? Why did you sneak into my house?"

   The man named Duohu did not quibble and pleaded guilty. But he also didn't cry and hang himself, but seriously told his reasons.

   It turned out that the extranet photo he used to pretend was used by Zongbing for publicity. Duohu, who was afraid that the fraud was exposed, wanted to secretly retrieve the photo, but he did not expect to be caught by Zongbing who had come back from a temporary appointment.

   Zongbing sighed: "Actually, I knew that you didn't make the model for a long time. I still don't know what level you are?"

   Duohu's eyes widened unexpectedly-the two sides reconciled.

   At the same time, Conan also looked through the album to find Eiyu Hondō's photos as Shinshige said.

   However, he turned the album upside down, Hui Yuanai also searched all the photos saved in the computer, but they still couldn't find it.

   Even Zong Bing said strangely: "I remember seeing that photo a few days ago. Why did it disappear suddenly? Is it because Duohu lost it?"

   Duohu quickly defended himself: "I took it intact, and I never lost any photos."


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