Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 876: The first thing after the finale is to beat Asano Nobushige

   "Is there any problem with the Company?" Dr. Aka couldn't help asking as he drove.

   Shinhan did not answer, but looked at Conan.

   "I'm not sure whether Zong Bing's grandfather heard them say this term, or simply translated the company into English. If it's the former..."

   "Company represents the CIA-the Central Intelligence Agency." Huihara Ai took Conan's words.

   Dr. Aka was shocked when he heard the words: "In other words, is it possible that Eiyu Hondō’s father is not a member of the organization, but an agent of the CIA?"

   The news was so explosive that the enemy suddenly became a friend, and it is very likely to be a very powerful friend. TV dramas dare not look like that.

   However, Conan's face was not good: "This means that it will be more difficult for us to investigate Mizuno Rene's affairs."

   "That's right." Conan suddenly reacted, "Mr. Asano still doesn't know the identity of Mizuno Reina, she is actually..."

   "Wonderful." Huihara's calm and even somewhat indifferent voice sounded, and abruptly stuffed Conan's unfinished words back.

   Conan's face was as ugly as if he had eaten something unclean: "I just want to make it clear to Mr. Asano, why are you stopping me?"

   "Because I already know everything you want to say." The expression on Xinfan's face was light and calm, as if these were nothing.

   Conan was stunned: "So Hui Yuanai told you."

   Shinshige and Huihara Ai glanced at each other, and didn't refute Conan's words.

Conan revealed all the information he had collected during this period, without concealing half of it: "I don't know where Mizuno Reina is now, but I can guess that she was taken care of by the Japanese police. Mizuno Reina is related to Eiyu Hondō. It's a mystery, it's probably a relative, and Eiyu Hondō's father is the CIA. The combination of this information makes me have to make a conjecture that Mizuno Reina is the member of the organization, Keir, and she may be an undercover agent. "

   Nobuhiro has yet to express his opinion, Huihara Ai has already questioned: "Why do you think Mizuno Reina has something to do with Eiyu Hondō?"

"Because Eiyu Hondō has been investigating the whereabouts of Mizuno Reina recently." Conan digs in his pocket and finally took out a photo and handed it to Xinfan. "This is a photo of Eiyu Hondō and Mizuno Reina ten years ago. , Don’t you think the two of them look alike? Especially these eyes are exactly the same."

   "But," Shinshige said of his doubts, "Mr. Zongbing only said that Hondō Eisuke and his father often visit the Okonomiyaki shop, but he never mentioned anyone else in Hondō's family?"

   Conan nodded and said, "This is the question I am puzzled about now."

   Huihara Ai: "Then what are you going to do?"

   Conan hesitated for two seconds, and then said firmly with a face: "Directly ask Eisuke Hondō."

"I'm afraid it won't work to ask directly?" Dr. Aka drove the Beetle back to Mihuacho, and they will be home soon. "If it's Shinichi Kudo, he might tell you, but you are only a first-year elementary school. Student, Yingyou in this hall should not trust you."

"Yes." Conan raised his head, looked directly at Shinhana, and said seriously, "So I want to get rid of Mr. Asano and ask Eisuke Hondō for help. You are Kogoro Moori's agent, and you are a detective with excellent reasoning ability. You can use your help. Seek water without mercy in exchange for information."

   Xinfan didn't even have a look in his eyes, and said bluntly: "I refuse."

   Conan was stunned, but he didn’t know why: "Why?"

   The first half of the child's life was so smooth, that Conan didn't even consider that he would be rejected. Shouldn't these people happily ask for help as soon as they listen to his request?

  Well, even if Mr. Asano and Officer Megume are different, as a detective, how can he not take it as his own duty to investigate the truth and punish the evil and promote the good?

Shin Fan saw the confusion and questioning on Conan’s face, and made a rather flat gesture-spread his hands, and said innocently: "You also said that I am the agent of the Maori detective. If I come forward, I might think that I am deliberately collecting information. If for this reason, Mr. Maori's image in the heart of Yingyou is reduced and his enthusiasm for apprenticeship is dissipated, then the gain will not be worth the loss."

Conan felt speechless: "Please, Mr. Asano, we are dealing with that kind of terrorist organization. At this time, you should not consider the question of apprenticeship or not. Even if there is no Eisuke Hondō, doesn't the Mori Detective Agency still have Mr. Amuro? "

   Nobuhiro said angrily: "How can Mr. Amuro be the same? His most important job is a guitar teacher in the music classroom. The detective is just a side job. You can't accompany Mr. Mori all day long to encounter crimes?"


   "Ahem!!" Hui Yuanai cleared his throat very vigorously, successfully stopping the two guys who were about to argue.

Seeing that they were all looking at themselves, Aihara Ai Zhao Nobuhira leaned against him, fully proving his position, and then said: "The doctor is right. Eisuke Hondō does not trust Edogawa Conan, but he trusts Kudo Shinichi, you You can contact him as Kudo Shinichi, and then entrust Edogawa Conan to investigate with him. My brother is very busy and has no time to play with you."

  The blue veins near Conan's temple jumped suddenly.

   Asano Huihara actually said that his investigation was a playhouse? Isn't it the wish of Asano Huihara to ask him to do what he is doing? Do everything possible to get the organization’s intelligence and eventually destroy the organization. Before today, Conan always thought that he and Ai Yuanai were on the united However, Ai Yuanai seemed to care more about Nobuhiro Asano?

   Shinhan had no time to pay attention to Conan's expression. After the car stopped, he immediately got out of the car with his sister.

   "Conan." Shinfan turned around and smiled at the sad little detective, "Goodluck."

   Conan: "……"

   Ah, the smile on Mr. Asano's face is so ugly! When he got the antidote and regained his status, he absolutely must beat Mr. Asano as soon as possible, otherwise it would be difficult to relieve the depression in his heart!

   Watching Dr. A Li’s car drove towards A Li’s house, Xinfan took Hui Yuan’s hand and prepared to go home.

   "Brother." The little girl suddenly called out in Nuonuo's voice, "You already have your own plan, right?"

   If she was not quite sure at the beginning, when she saw Nobuhiro Asano reject Conan without hesitation, she knew that her brother must have other plans.

   "Yeah." Xinfan answered softly.

   Half of his face was swallowed by the pure night, only his thin lips became paler and weaker under the moonlight. But despite this, Hui Yuanai felt that her brother's hand was so warm and powerful, and it seemed that as long as she was by his side, all difficulties and sorrows would disappear.



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