Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 882: Beautiful girl with silver hair

   The next day, Conan thought about going or dialed teacher Judy's number.

   He felt that the FBI must want to know what he had investigated during this period, and the FBI would definitely help him find Shui Wuyou faster.

   After an appointment with Judy, Conan tries to bring Asano Nobuhira into the group. Unfortunately, when he went to the music classroom to find someone, Azusa Enomoto told him that Mr. Asano had not come to work today.

   Conan looked around and said unexpectedly, "Even Brother Amuro didn't come!"

   "Yes." Enomoto Azusa said with a helpless smile, "They have been very busy lately, if you have important things to find them, I can help tell them."

   "No, I just passed by and wanted to say hello."

   Conan left the music classroom disappointedly.

   And the person he was looking for was undergoing a "physical examination" at the National Medical Research Center.

   said it was a physical examination. Today's Xinfan is not in the same mood to chat with the nurses. He took a pile of inspection reports and walked through the crowded corridors.

   Today is an important day. Whether Shui Wu Ren can return to the organization safely depends on today's actions.

   Shinshige seemed to wander aimlessly, but in fact he always kept a distance of 20 meters from the Kusuda Road ahead. When Nantian Ludao entered the stairwell, he directly pressed the elevator to the third floor of the inpatient department.

   Two minutes later, Ludao Nantian walked out of the stairwell on the third floor. Xin Fan deliberately pretended to look at the display panel, and let Kusuda Ludao pass by behind him. During this whole process, Nantian Ludao did not realize that he had been under surveillance.

   Because Shinshige was in the town personally, Jiang Gu Ling did not arrange for other police to monitor Nantian Ludao. Nantian Ludao has been investigating the National Medical Research Center for so many days, but nothing has been achieved. Not to mention Shui Wu Lian Nai's ward, in his eyes this is an ordinary hospital, there is no strange place at all.

   Shinhiro wears wireless headphones, and on the other side of the headphones is the gin that controls the overall situation.

   "Is the person you selected really okay?" Xinfan's tone was quite gloating, "I suspect he may not have figured out the layout of the National Medical Research Center until now. It seems that there is not much difference between him."

   "Huh, it doesn't make much difference whether you are there or not?" Gin retorted unceremoniously, "Be careful, as far as I know, the FBI is also looking for Kiel's whereabouts. Don't fall into that person's hands again."

"That person, are you talking about our lovely Mr. Silver Bullet?" Shinshige laughed lightly, "Shuichi Akai has never benefited from me. Unlike you, I heard about the incident that rye was exposed to. If it weren’t for Rum, you’re probably already squatting in an American prison now.”

   Ginjiu's face showed a shadow of prey, and he warned in a cold voice: "Mezcal, do your own task, don't be nosy!"

   "This is nosy. You didn't say that when you asked me to do errands."

   Ginjiu's face darkened again, he resisted his anger, and was about to let Mezcal see his prestige, when Mezcal was suddenly surprised:

   "The public security seems to be moving, I will contact you after verifying the situation!"

   "Mezcal!" Gin said angrily.

   However, he is destined to be unable to get feedback from Mezcal anymore.

   Shinhan cut off the communication and moved quickly to follow Kusuda Ludao.

   Their current location is very close to Mizuno Rena's ward, but the problem is that there are no suspicious people nearby except for the patients and their families who are seeking medical care normally. What attracted Ludao Nantian's attention was a hospital bed pushed out of the ward.

  The shape of a person can be vaguely seen on the hospital bed, but it is covered by a white cloth, and the person's face cannot be seen.

   Kusuda Ludao's goal is very clear. He pretended not to see the hospital bed, but quickly followed after the hospital bed passed by him to push the elevator.

   After the so-called praying mantis catches the cicada and the oriole, the person who followed did not find out, and he became the target of others.

   The nurse kept pushing the bed to the morgue outside the hospital, and handed over the corpse on the bed to the guardian of the mortuary.

   Nantian Ludao watched the corpse into the freezer. The nurse went out immediately, and he quickly hid in the shade of the tree.

   After calming down at the door of the morgue, Kusuda Ludao looked around vigilantly, then took out his mobile phone and made a call.

   While he was doing these things, Shin Fan kept standing not far away, gripping the grass on the ground boredly.

   He estimated the time, and then knocked on the headphones almost before contacting a certain gin.

   Gin heard Mezcal’s call, but he chose to ignore it.

  Vodka looked at his elder brother, with a hesitant look on his face: "Big brother, elder brother, is it not good not to answer Mezcal's call? What if something happens in the hospital?"

   "He is responsible for the accident." Gin leaned back, closed his eyes and started to take a nap, turning a deaf ear to Mezcal's call.

   Xinfan waited for the gin to respond in these dozens of seconds, and he grabbed a lot of dog's tail grass, he picked a watery puff in his mouth, and threw everything else away.

   "Oh, it turns out that model workers have some slack time." Xinfan smacked his lips and walked towards the building of the inpatient department.

   No way, Gin is already so hard at ordinary times, and occasionally skips work, he should choose to understand and help his good partner conceal it.

   Xinfan found a corner with few people and sat down.

The "not many people" here are for relatively noisy hospitals. In fact, there is a patient with Trisomy Twenty-One Syndrome sitting two places on the left of Xinfan, and three places on the right. There was a patient who didn't know if he had just been diagnosed with a terminal illness, but he threw himself into the soft...inside of his female partner and wept bitterly.

   Xinfan looked away silently, tapped the phone screen, and awakened the Hongshu children.

   "Brother Jingguang, what are you looking for me?" Hongshu asked milkily.

   Xinfan couldn't help reminding him: "You are already a twelve-year-old child, pretending to be tender is not for you."

   This kind of cuteness is still more cute on Xiaoai, Hongshu selling cuteness will only make him feel that his tool man is not reliable.

   Cough, it seems that I accidentally thought of the truth, shouldn't, shouldn't.

   Hiroki tried to conceal his unhappiness, but his unhappiness still came out like bubbles from a sponge thrown into the water: "Hiroki is serving you, please give instructions."

   Xinfan smiled and narrowed his eyes: "Then please send me the chat history of the ugly-looking big brother and the beautiful silver-haired girl."

   The nasty-looking big brother and...the beautiful girl with silver hair? ? !

   Hiroki shook with a bitter cold, and almost shook himself apart. He didn't want Brother Jing Guang's magical metaphor to be applied to him, it was too miserable!


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