"Everyone has been caring about my viewers and fans, hello everyone. I am the anchor of Nichimai TV station. I am sorry that due to physical reasons, I can only tell you my situation in this way." It is on the TV screen. A familiar figure, Shui Wu Reina, was wearing a hospital gown, leaning weakly on the hospital bed.

Even so, her complexion is not bad, and her voice is full of health and sunshine. "A few weeks ago I fell into a coma due to a car accident and was admitted to the hospital. But fortunately, my attending doctor is very responsible and takes care of me. People are also very serious, so I can recover from the beginning. Today I hope to tell you through this video that I, Shui Wu Ren Nai has recovered. I will return to work as soon as possible. Thank you for your continued concern..."

   Shui Wu Ren Nai said this sentence sincerely, but Feng Jian Yu was also stunned for an instant.

   It's not right, Mizuno Reina has already cooperated with Asano-san and the others? According to the work regulations of the public security, she should act as low-key as possible and prevent others from discovering. I don’t know if I have permission from Mr. Asano and Mr. Moriya to post this kind of video.

   Thinking like this, Kazami Yu also looked sideways at Noriya.

   Jiang Gu Ling still maintained the previous random posture, his face was almost expressionless, although the face covered by the peaked cap and mask did not see the change in expression.


   Feng Jianyu also understood immediately.

   It seems that Mizuno Reina didn't record this video privately, maybe it was the plan of Mr. Yutani and others.

   Kazami Yu also felt relieved while feeling that he was excluded from the boss.

   "Well, this video doesn't seem to be broadcast from the channel of the TV station." Kazumi Yu also asked actively, "Should I notify the Nikkei TV station to insert the video of Mizumi's return to the news channel?"

   Hearing this, Jiang Guling glanced at him coldly. The expected praise did not appear, but Feng Jianyu felt a wave of cold rain on his face indiscriminately.

   "What's going on, isn't Mizuno Reina under our control?" When Yutani said these words, his tone still didn't fluctuate much, so Feng Jianyu couldn't judge his emotions.

   "Then what are we going to do?" Kazami Yu also realized that he seemed to have guessed wrong again, so let's follow Mr. Noriya's instructions honestly.

   Jiang Gu Ling said with disdain: "Of course I went to see if Mizuno Reina is still in the ward!"

   His tone was too natural, and it still had a vague taste of "Are you a fool?"

   Feng Jianyu also suffocated for a moment, and had to respond: "I understand, I will send someone over."

   "Don't send people. You can go to as many police officers as there are in this hospital. Make sure to figure out what's going on in this video."

"Yes Yes!"

   After Jiang Gu Ling walked straight to the direction of the stairs, he walked a few steps and found that Feng Jianyu did not follow him. Looking back, Feng Jianyu also stayed where he was.

   "..." Jiang Gu Ling's face was a little ugly, "Kazami Yuya, what are you doing there?!"

   Feng Jianyu also quickly followed him: "Where are we going now?"

   "The ward of Mizuno Rei Nai."

   Acting requires a full set of performances. Noriya Noriya does not hope that this tripartite operation will fail because of him. Fortunately, Asano Nobuhiro said, the main reason is not to let Hideichi Akai question the ability of their police.

   Because of Kazami Yuya's order, Mizumi's ward has already gathered a lot of police officers.

   Seeing Kazami Yuya and the suspiciously dressed man next to him, the policemen gave way to the ward one after another.

   In the inner room of the ward, Mizumi is already waiting for them.

   When I saw Kazami Yuya, Mizumi immediately asked, "What happened to the video just now?"

   Mizuno Reina is probably the person who knows the most about video fraud, because she hasn't recorded any comeback video at all. That so-called comeback video must have been edited and synthesized.

   Feng Jianyu also made a gesture, beckoning her to be safe and not irritable, then he looked at Jiang Gu Ling and waited for the boss to speak.

   Jiang Gu Ling first walked to the window and opened the curtains to look outside. Confirming that there was no problem, he turned around and looked straight at Shui Wurenai's cat-like blue eyes.

   "Miss Mizuno." Jiang Gu Ling tried his best to lower his voice so that his voice sounded different from Bourbon, "The time has come, you should go back."

   Upon hearing this, Shui Wuren's expression immediately became serious: "Is it them?"

"It's them."

   Shui nodded reluctantly.

   No wonder, making that kind of video to tune the tiger away from the mountain is indeed the usual method of the organization, and...full of the taste of gin.

   No need to ask, Mizumi could guess that the person responsible for rescuing her must be Gin.

   This is probably the experience that Keir has been working with the Gin Action Team for so many years.

   "Are you leaving now?" Mizumi asked again.

   "Well, our people will transfer you to another hospital."

   Shui Wu Rennai picked up the coat that was hung on the side and put it on, then turned it out from the drawer, and put it on the top of the head of the same style of Jiang Guling that the police had prepared for her.

   Just as she was about to leave this ward that had been living for many days, Mizumi suddenly turned around to look at Yuya Fengjian: "Sergeant Fengjian, can you please do me a favor?"

   Feng Jianyu was also surprised: "Please speak."

   Mizuno Reina took out a heavy envelope, handed it to Kazami Yuya, and said, "Please transfer this thing to the former police officer."

   The former police officer?

   An unknown light flashed in Jiang Gu Ling's eyes.

  Mizumi's chief of the public security should be Nobuhiro Asano. It was Asano Nobuhiro who discussed cooperation with the FBI on behalf of the public security and Mizumi.

   I noticed the vigilant gazes of Yuya Kazami and Ryou Yutani~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Mizumi hurriedly explained with a smile: "Please don't get me wrong, the officer asked me to prepare the contents of the envelope."

   It’s even stranger, why did Mr. Asano ask Mizuno to prepare this thing in private?

   With a doubtful mood, Kazami Yu also took the envelope with a dazed expression.

   Shui Wu Ren Nai solemnly bowed to him, and then left the ward with other police officers.

   After she left, the temperature in the ward showed a clear downward trend. Jiang Gu Ling kept staring at Feng Jian Yuya, but didn't say a word.

   Kazemiyu also shrank his neck, reached out and clenched his fist at the temple, vowing to confess his innocence: "Mr. Noriya, I really don’t know what Mr. Asano has prepared for Mizuno Reina."

   Hearing this, the pressure on him was not relieved in the slightest.

   Jiang Guling looked at him from head to toe, and finally his gaze fell on the envelope.

  Curious, so curious.

   Jiang Tani doesn't like to wrong himself, so driven by curiosity, he directly took the envelope from Kazami Yuya's hand.

   "Mr. Yutani?"

   "Don't worry." Jiang Gu Ling put the envelope into his pocket, "I will pass it to him."



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