Two cups of steaming hot coffee were placed on the coffee table. The mellow aroma emanating from the cups drifted through the living room, refreshing and overflowing.

Lu Ming nibbled on the biscuits that Yoko Okino brought over. They tasted very good. People say that beer and fried chicken go well together, but Lu Ming thinks that biscuits and coffee tasted pretty good together.

Yoko Okino sat opposite Lu Ming, holding her cheeks with both hands, her shoulders and elbows supported on her thighs, just looking at Lu Ming quietly, as if the way Lu Ming ate at this moment was an incomparable landscape.

Finally, Lu Ming finished eating the biscuits on the plate, took out a tissue, wiped off the residue on the corners of his mouth, looked at Yoko Okino and asked,"Ms. Yoko, what are you thinking about?"

Yoko Okino still maintained her original appearance and said,"I'm wondering, who are you, Mr. Lu Ming?"

Sure enough, she was still interested in him. Lu Ming smiled lightly,"As you can see, I'm just an ordinary teacher."

"I don't believe it." Okino Yoko shook her head.

"So who do you think I am?"

"I think you are a bad guy."

Lu Ming twitched his lips. Although what Okino Yoko said was right, he was indeed not a good person, but how could two people who were not very close to each other openly say that the other was a bad person?

Okino Yoko also realized that she seemed to have said something wrong. In a hurry, she said:"No, that's not what I mean. What I mean is that you are a good person among bad people."

Lu Ming raised his eyebrows.

"No, no, no." As if she felt that this was not right, she said to Yoko Okino,"You are a bad guy among the good guys."

Lu Ming opened his mouth and felt that he and the other party were not on the same communication channel.

"Well, I am not just a teacher."

Lu Ming finally decided to say something, considering the plate of cookies he had finished.

Okino Yoko's eyes lit up, and she looked at Lu Ming expectantly.

"Legend has it that in an ancient oriental country, the goddess Nuwa refined stones to repair the sky."Lu Ming tilted his head 45 degrees and told his past and present life.’:"There were 36,501 pieces of the Heaven-Repairing Stone in total, but only 36,500 pieces were used in the end. The remaining piece was abandoned at the foot of the Qinggeng Peak on the Wuji Cliff of the Great Wilderness Mountain."

"Lu, Mr. Lu Ming was transformed from stone?" Yoko Okino was stunned.

Lu Ming was a little embarrassed. He didn't know if this little girl was really thick-skinned or too easy to trust others. Could it be that she really didn't hear that he was fooling and teasing her?

Lu Ming continued:"One day, a monk and a Taoist priest came to the mountain.

The monk and the Taoist priest were both people with great cultivation.

When they saw the fairy stone, they knew that this fairy stone would have a calamity, so they helped it to reincarnate and be reborn as a human.

Before reincarnation, the Taoist priest said to the fairy stone that this time as a human, it would experience peach blossom calamity, which is divided into twelve calamities, which are the Twelve Beauties of the Heisei Period.


Yoko Okino stared at Lu Ming blankly for a long time, sighed slightly, and said faintly:"Mr. Lu Ming doesn't want to tell me the truth, so why bother telling me some stories to fool me? Although Yoko is not smart, she also knows that this is a bedtime story for children."

Okay, it turns out that this chick is not really stupid.

Lu Ming chuckled:"Ms. Yoko, everyone's deepest secret may be his lifeline. People close to him may have to be wary of him, not to mention that it is just a coincidence for someone who has only known you for a few days to know your secret. Maybe you want a hundred percent sense of security. Then I can assure you that I have no interest in what you do behind your back."

As if she understood the meaning of Lu Ming's words, Okino Yoko nodded, stood up from the sofa, bowed to Lu Ming, and said:"In that case, I won't disturb Mr. Lu Ming. Yoko will remember Mr. Lu Ming's kindness to her. If you need her help in the future, just ask her."

Lu Ming smiled slightly and said:"Okay, I'll remember this. Maybe there will be a need for Miss Yoko's help in the future."

"Then I'll take my leave first."

"I'll see you off."

After seeing off Okino Yoko, Lu Ming put away the teacups and plates. He was just about to take a nap on the sofa in the bright afternoon sun when the phone on the coffee table began to ring pleasantly.

Lu Ming picked up the phone and was a little surprised to see that the name on the caller ID was Suzuki Sonoko.

"Suzuki-san?" Lu Ming answered the phone.

"Ah, Teacher Lu Ming, hello." Yuanzi's voice on the phone sounded a little excited and a little nervous.

Lu Ming smiled and said,"Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Hmm... I wonder if Teacher Lu Ming has time this afternoon?"

"Yes, yes, what is this?"

"Teacher, I want to go to the bookstore to buy some books about Chinese, but I don’t know which ones are suitable for me, so I wonder if you can go with me?"

Lu Ming laughed and said,"Of course, let's do this, you choose a place and I will meet you there."

"Really?" Yuanzi's voice suddenly rose eight octaves, and her speaking speed also increased a lot to keep pace with her heartbeat:"Then let's meet at the new coffee shop on Mihua Street. Teacher, I'll be there soon."

"Don't rush, be safe on the road"

"Got it. Teacher, I'll hang up now. See you later. Bye."


As a teacher, Lu Ming was naturally very happy that his students were so motivated. He did not subjectively think whether Yuanzi had other purposes in asking him to accompany her to buy books.

After changing into more casual clothes, Lu Ming prepared to go out.

It was the weekend and the afternoon, and the streets were bustling with people.

There were many couples showing their affection, holding each other's hands warmly, declaring their"sovereignty" over each other.

The newly opened coffee shop that Yuanzi mentioned was located at the busiest intersection of Mihua Street.

Lu Ming arrived earlier, but he was not used to waiting for people outside the store. So he prepared to go in and order a drink while waiting for Yuanzi's arrival.

Compared with the noisy atmosphere outside, the store was much quieter.

Lu Ming found an empty seat and just sat down. Before he called the waiter, a cry suddenly came from the next table:"Is it you, Lu Ming?"

The voice was familiar yet strange, as if I had heard it somewhere before.

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