Conferred God: I, Who Just Wanted To Run Away, Was Overheard By The Emperor

Chapter 112: The Royal Expedition = Soaring Dragon Riding The Face

After the news came back to Chaoge, Yin Ze sat alone in the room all night, Xiqi, several years in advance!

But let's do it ahead of time, it doesn't matter, Yin Ze is not nervous, but very excited.

He had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Although, Da Shang has not become as powerful as he imagined.

But it is already much stronger than the big businessman in the original book.

As far as the big businessman in the original work, and the faint-hearted Di Xin, Xiqi, who could fight several times, was almost wiped out.

In the face of a big businessman who is far better than the original book at this time, Yin Ze has nothing to be dissatisfied with. No matter how bad the final result is, it will definitely be better than the original book!

When the sky was dawning, he stood up firmly and walked towards the Golden Palace.

The news entered the palace yesterday. As expected, Di Xin announced that this morning, he would discuss things about Xiqi.

"Shan Cai, Deng Chanyu, pack up, and when the court is over, let's go to Sishui Pass!"

When the voice sounded, the Yin Ze people had already walked a long way.

It has been three years since he became the Prince of Da Shang, and for the past three years, he has been studying how to deal with Xiqi every day.

In my mind, I already had a proper plan.

Today, he is ready to implement it.

The name of the plan is called, the driving force!

Yes, Yin Ze intends to face up today, fooling Di Xin Yu to go on a personal expedition.

The salted fish prince acts, all safety is the first.

To tell the truth, in the past three years, Yin Ze has simulated countless Conferred Gods battles in his heart and on paper, with the ultimate goal of quickly sending 365 righteous gods to the Conferred Gods list.

Then he found a problem.

According to his simulation results, at most, when Xiqi reaches Lintong Pass, he will be able to complete the ultimate goal of quickly Conferred Gods and end the calamity.

The problem is, there can't be a Saint in the simulation!

If there is no Saint's shot, let alone waiting for Xiqi to reach Lintong Pass, Yin Ze has full confidence that he can control the battle at the Sishui Pass, the border between Dashang and Xiqi, and can end the Conferred Gods in three years at most. robbery.


It's just a dream for Saint not to take action.

How could Saint not make a move.

As far as Yuanshi Tianzun's stinky face is, how could he watch his Conferred Gods plan setback?

Nuwa too, she has been planning for a long time for the Preferred Gods.

There are also the two Saints from the West who are playing the autumn wind everywhere, they are not wanting face than the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

The other Saints dare not say, but these four Saint Yin Ze are sure that once the Dashang side performs too well, these four Great Saints will jump out and play not wanting face with him.

Saint shot and slapped the big business tent. What else did Yin Ze play? Wash it clean and wait for the calf to get it.

Therefore, Yin Ze's addition has an important conclusion.

Wanting to fulfill his humble and salty dream of surviving, ending the Conferred Gods calamity ahead of schedule, and preventing Saint from attacking, is the top priority!

So, the method of the king of the king driving the expedition in person was researched by Yin Ze.

To ask today's flood, who is not afraid of Saint.

In addition to Saint himself, there is only the king and his old man.

There are forty people in the race, and even Saints dare not attack the King of Humans.

Not to mention killing, they didn't even dare to fight.

So, problem solved.

As long as you get the King of Humans to sit in the frontline camp, don't be afraid of Saint stink not wanting face!

Riding on a personal expedition = Soaring Dragon riding the face.

There's absolutely no chance of it getting messed up!

After a stick of incense, Yin Ze came to the Golden Palace, where the civil and military officials of the Man Dynasty were already waiting here.

"Prince is here!"

"See Your Royal Highness!"

With the high-pitched shout of the palace official, all the civil and military officials bowed to say hello to Yin Ze, even Yabigan and Yin Ze's grandfathers bowed down respectfully. In the three years that Yin Ze was the prince, there were many people who were secretly dissatisfied with him and hated him.

Not to mention anything else, just the fact that he promoted and appointed underprivileged children to the court was the biggest piece of cake in the court.

But in front of him, no one dared to show the slightest dissatisfaction.

"Everyone came quite early, hahahaha." Facing the bows of the ministers, Yin Ze walked to the front of Bai Yujie with a smile. Seeing this beautiful and beautiful smiling face, many ministers shivered. There was a smile in my heart, Yan Luo.

In the past three years, Yin Ze has an excellent reputation among the people, but in the court, his name has always been associated with brutality.

According to statistics, the ministers who died at the hands of Yin Ze or under orders in the past three years have already surpassed the ministers killed by Di Xin for more than ten years.

There was already a voice in the courtroom, saying that Yin Ze was more cruel and fierce than King Zhou, and when he became a king in the future, it would definitely make the world miserable and become a more notorious king than Xia Jie.

However, for these small tasks, ministers only dare to talk about it in private, to vent their dissatisfaction, and dare to say this in front of Yin Ze, huh, in the past three years, Yin Ze has played with gun branding, which is comparable to Di Xin. 666 more.

Anyway, Yin Ze's ruthlessness has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Even Daji, who led Nuwa Shengyu from the harem to harm the big businessman, began to suspect Husheng.

Who are we undercover?

The appearance of Yin Ze made the Jinluan Palace, which was originally discussing and chatting, instantly become silent, and the atmosphere was so dignified that one could not help but lighten up by three points.

"The king is here!"

Fortunately, the atmosphere didn't make people uncomfortable for too long. Di Xin, who had not been to the court for a long time, took the throne of the king with a stern face.

Xiqi Jichang Jiang Ziya suddenly attacked Chongcheng and killed Beibo Hou Chonghou Hu, which made him feel very unhappy.

But this is nothing to Di Xin, but the bluestone that fell from the sky in Xiqi, the things written on it, are simply outrageous!

Emperor Yin was ruthless, and he abused the world.

The fate of the stars has moved, and it cannot last long.

The spirit is only far away, and the gods blow it away.

Five-star gathering room, Zhaoli the world.

The Zhou family is booming, Fengming Qishan!

What is Emperor Yin's ruthlessness, tyranny and chaos in the world?

These years, how prosperous the big business is, and how happy the people are.

Since the existence of Renwanggu and Renwangli, the people of the great merchants no longer know what it means to be hungry and what it means to be hungry!

Since the dragons of the four seas returned to Dashang, the people of Dashang have never experienced droughts or heavy rains again.

The big businessmen are so good, and you still say that Emperor Yin is ruthless and abuses the world, this is not nonsense!

But this bluestone, accompanied by the vision of Nuwa Temple, appeared at the same time as the Fengming of Qishan.

In the wild world, every kind of vision has a foothold to check.

Di Xin knew that it was Nuwa's handwriting for the sake of calculating his big business, but the people of the world didn't know.

You don't need to ask Di Xin to know that the hearts of the people of the big merchants are now in chaos.

Although, their life has been really good these years.

But that was a vision from the Empress Saint Nuwa. Could what Saint said be false?

The prehistoric people are proud, they disdain to please the immortals, but they always have a very special feeling for Nuwa.

If one were to make a ranking in the hearts of the human race, Nuwa's rank would most likely be higher than that of the King of Humans.

After all, the King of Humans is only their leader, and Nuwa is their belief.

As soon as this vision, which is closely related to Empress Nuwa, appeared, more than half of the people of the prehistoric human race would believe it.

Saint, how can you lie!

Therefore, Di Xin hates, Nuwa wants to calculate the big business, he has heard from Yin Ze more than once, before, he endured because of Nuwa's status in the human race.

But this time, he didn't want to endure it!

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