Bi Xiao, who has a brain and is not very smart, not only felt that what Yin Ze said was reasonable, but also felt that he was pitiful.

There is pity in the watery crescent eyes, this person is so miserable.

Such a terrible Saint, he offended five in one breath, and now he is about to offend the sixth, and he is completely helpless.

Before you die, eat a bite of Golden-winged Great Peng meat, it's really not too much.

That is... Bi Xiao rubbed her flat stomach, do you want to discuss it later and let Yin Ze share a bird's thigh and wings?

"Why, you also want to eat Golden-winged Great Peng meat? Then I'll share with you later?" Yin Ze asked suddenly.

"Okay, okay." Bi Xiao nodded subconsciously, then stunned, and waved his hand hastily, "No, no, I won't eat it, I... how could I eat my junior brother's meat, if I eat Feather Wing Fairy , Master will not let me go."

This person is so annoying, how can this kind of thing be said on the bright side? Anyway, we are also from the same school.

"I warn you, don't mention this kind of thing again in the future, otherwise, I'll be rude to you!" Bi Xiao raised her chest and warned righteously.

Then, Crescent Moon blinked, blinked, blinked, and flickered and flickered to Yin Ze and signaled that they would chat privately later.

Qiong Xiao's pretty face was full of cold air, and she pressed down the fist that only wanted to smash the head of the stupid Little Sister. Can you make it more obvious? Why am I such a stupid Little Sister?

Now is not the time to teach Little Sister a lesson, saving Feather Wing Fairy is the real business.

However, how to save it is a difficult problem.

According to her temper, since it doesn't make sense, just do it directly.

Although Yin Ze is very strong, even as proud as she is, she admits that it is not as good as Yin Ze to fight alone.

But for things like fighting, as long as there are conditions, fools will fight alone.

If you can't beat you by yourself, just call the stupid Little Sister who has a pit in her head and let's go together. Two fights one, Qiong Xiao is confident that she can beat Yin Ze.

But now the key problem is not to be rough.

More than an hour ago, they swore to the Dao that they would protect Yin Ze for a year.

With this layer of constraints, I still want to be rough with Yin Ze, and Dao Dao will kill you in minutes.

Therefore, Qiong Xiao was very worried and couldn't move rough, so he could only talk.

But Yin Ze is black when it is cut open, negotiating with such a person is the most troublesome.

"How do you want to let go of Feather Wing Fairy?" Qiong Xiao asked hard.

"It's not very good, I'm going to eat it." Prince Gou, who thought he was very generous, but was actually very cautious, Tsundere raised his head.

He held revenge for Er Xiao's lack of dedication in protecting the Dao.

And he didn't plan to let Feather Wing Fairy go easily.

The meat of the Golden-winged Great Peng bird, he really dared to eat it.

Even if Feather Wing Immortal is a disciple of Tongtian Saint.

Dare to eat, actually is not he's not afraid of Babel Saint.

In fact, most of the time, Yin Ze regards Gou and counseling as his life creed. The reason why he dares to be so stubborn today is because he knows that it is not a problem.

People are all Saints, and they are not as not wanting face like those Saints.

Although Tongtian is a bit irritable and impulsive, he is the most reasonable and principled gentleman among the six sages of Heavenly Dao.

As early as after signing the Conferred Gods list and when Tongtian returned to Biyou Palace, he made a rule with his disciples.

A lot has been said, but it can be summed up in one sentence.

Conferred Gods is this muddy water, don't mix it with the sectarians, don't mix it up, even a dead daddy doesn't care to bury it!

Moreover, although Feather Wing Immortal has a deep foundation, a powerful birth, and a heaven-defying bloodline, this guy's status in the Intercept Sect is just that.

One is not the four direct disciples of the interception, and the other is not a pet disciple like Sanxiao.

Not to mention the four major direct disciples such as Sanxiao and Our Lady of the Golden Spirit, just pick one of the seven immortals, and his status is many times higher than him.

What's more, this time, Wing Immortal made a mistake first.

So after eating this product, Yin Ze has no pressure, afraid? Completely non-existent.

However, Yin Ze, who is cowardly, cowardly and cautious, is also quite realistic.

Tsundere raised his head and Yin Ze calmly looked at Qiongxiao's face.

Interests are all won, and to win, naturally, we must constantly test.

The meat of the Golden-winged Great Peng bird, he wanted to eat, but it was not a necessity.

If the bird's life can be used to exchange for more benefits, for Yin Ze, in fact, any meat can be eaten tonight.

After observing the change of Qiong Xiao's face for a while, Yin Ze knew what to do.

When I was a meat ticket in the cave before, if I talked to Qiong Xiao like this, it would look cold and cold, but in fact the bones and flesh were made of dynamite. Onee-san, I have to die with him.

But now, Qiong Xiao was obviously very angry, but he was trying his best to suppress it.

This makes Yin Ze very comfortable. In the negotiation, the first element to win more interests is to occupy a strong position.

I'm roaring above, and you're down below, it's interesting to talk about this.

"Don't persuade me anymore, persuasion is useless, dare to come to my Xiqi City to make trouble, and dare to hurt my generals, if I don't eat it today, others think I'm easy to bully, what will happen in the future? Stand in the world!"

Yin Ze decided to add another fire to force Qiongxiao to take the initiative to bid.

Hand pinching Feather Wing Fairy's bird neck, shaking it vigorously, brows upside down with a murderous look.

That appearance, as if the next second will kill Feather Wing Fairy.

"Don't...Save me...Senior sister, save me..." Yu Yixian felt that her neck bones were about to crack, and looked at Qiongxiao and Bixiao begging. At this moment, he was completely in no mood to care about why Erxiao was here. He just wanted to live.

In fact, it is okay to die, as long as it is not eaten.

"Enough! Even if you're not afraid to offend another Saint, as the prince of the big businessman, you should think more about the big businessman." Qiong Xiao couldn't help but get nervous, and came up with a suitable solution. reason.

"If you eat Feather Wing Immortal, then the relationship between Dashang and Jiaojiao for so many years will be broken. With the order of the leader, those disciples of Jijiao who are officials in your Dashang will immediately break with Shang.

If you think about it carefully, how many people in the Jiaojiao sect are officials in the business. Now your big business is in the midst of war. If you don't have the support of the Jiaojiao, the big business will be swallowed up by the tigers and wolves around you in an instant. "

Qiong Xiao said so many words in a rare breath, after a pause, he snorted coldly.

"Do you think I'm saving Feather Wing Immortal? No, I've made a vow to protect you for a year, and I'm saving you!

However, what Yu Yixian did today was indeed wrong first. For the sake of him and my teacher, I am willing to make some compensation for him.

Well, I see that you, in Xiqi City, don't have a few capable subordinates available. Although Feather Wing Immortal is only a Golden Immortal, his strength is still decent. I will decide for him and let him serve under your command for ten years. Even atonement for what he did today. "

After finishing speaking, Qiong Xiao's lonely Danfeng looked at Yin Ze, as if you had made a lot of money.

Yin Ze gave her a sideways glance, you are very insincere.

You call the shots and let Feather Wing Immortal give me ten years of loyalty?

This thing is still up to you.

Now Yu Yixian's life is being pinched by me. As long as I give him a chance to live, it doesn't matter if he gives me allegiance for the rest of his life.

Prince Gou was very dissatisfied with this condition, but it was always a good start. At the very least, Qiongxiao, a crunchy little leek, had already made an offer.

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