In Yin Ze's eyes, Han Shu and Han Rong's big faces seemed to be blooming.

He didn't believe it himself, that one day he would find two old men so pleasing to the eye.

Tell me how people's brains grow.

Yin Ze really admires Wolong and Fengchu now. On that day, he also wanted to take advantage of Jiang Ziya's misfortune to attract those who coveted the fate of the human race to Xiqi City, but after thinking a lot, he felt that it was unreliable. , In the end, I simply broke the jar and let Yuyixian go out to delay the time, and let it go.

But you can see how smart Wolong and Fengchu are, they can come up with a strange trick to return the Five Emperor Cauldron by pretending to be a Western sect of Arhats.

Yin Ze is ecstatic. Once this move is made, Xiqi City will definitely become the focus of all Xiqi. He can't say how many people it will attract, but there is probably no problem with doubling it.

If this can have this effect, then the Conferred Gods list will be really cool!

However, the configuration of the Four Divinities Sky Locking Array will also be upgraded.

To lock the sky flag, more than 600 strokes are definitely not enough, and at least 1,200 strokes must be prepared to ensure that everything is safe.

But there is no need for him to worry about this, just inform the Four Seas Dragon Clan and do it with the Meishan Seven Devils.

With the five-square flag on top, Yin Ze can afford it.

"You two, it's great!"

Yin Ze looked at Erhan with admiration written in his eyes, stepped forward and tightly held the hand of Wolongfengchu and shook it vigorously.

Shan Cai and Deng Chanyu looked at each other, their beautiful eyes full of warmth.

Your Highness seems to be really happy.

"I'm touched, I'm so touched. I'm really lucky to have two outstanding people to help me! I won't say those false words. Tonight, we won't go home if we don't get drunk. Do you have anything to eat?"

"It's okay, it's okay." Erhan nodded happily.

"Do you want to eat beef?"

"The beef is good."


Yin Ze nodded, "Shan Cai, Hanhan, did you hear me, the two generals want to eat beef, go and stew the five-color divine cow for me!"

Deng Chanyu: ?

Good Fortune: ?

Five Colors God Bull: Dangerous!

That night, Deng Chanyu ran away carrying the five-color divine cow, and dared to go home three days later.

Xiqi City was guarded by the Central Wutu Xinghuang Banner, as steady as Mount Tai, and as time fermented, the news that the Five Emperor Ding was returned to Yin Ze, the Prince of Da Shang by a mysterious Western arhat, also spread. opened.

On this day, the secluded sandalwood pass where the Western Zhou and Chanjiao were located was still surrounded by Lu Yue's poisonous formation, and the real Taiyi would be strangled by Lu Yue and stabbed a few times every day.

What they were waiting for, the five fire and seven bird fans that could restrain Lu Yue's poison formation, are still on their way...

But the Five Fires and Seven Birds Fans did not come, but the news about the Five Emperor Dings in Xiqi City arrived.

After Lu Yue confirmed the truth of the news, he threw the dying Taiyi Zhenren back to Youtan Pass like throwing garbage, and flew to Xiqi City with the four messengers of plague.

On the way, Lu Yue found that he was not alone at all. The current Xiqi City was like a black hole, which could attract all those who were greedy.

Lu Yue was going, Du'er Zhenren was going, and many, many people were going.

In Youtan Pass, Jiang Ziya and others also got this exciting news.

Guang Chengzi immediately took Jiang Ziya to a small meeting and began to study the matter.

This news can be regarded as a solution to their siege.

But Guangchengzi and Jiang Ziya always felt that something was wrong.

What is the mysterious Arhat of Western religion, returned to the Five Emperor Cauldron in full view.

This kind of thing, it's okay to fool those who are attracted by the photo stone, and fall into the eyes of the victims of their teaching and Western teaching, isn't it like a joke.

How can there be a Five Emperor Ding? Who doesn't know that the Five Emperor Ding is the conspiracy that you Yin Ze used to deal with us.

First use the fake five emperor cauldrons to cause internal contradictions between our interpretation and Western religions, let us break up, and then secretly record them with a photo stone.

Even if Jiang Ziya Guangchengzi and Yin Ze are in an endlessly hostile relationship, they admit it.

Yin Ze's move was both poisonous and easy to use. They were completely powerless to fight, and their heads were broken.

Even if Jiang Ziya made a sudden move, which could bring Yin Ze a lot of trouble, it could not change his current passive and embarrassing situation.

But now, there is news that the Five Emperor Cauldron was returned to Yin Ze by the Arhat of the Western religion.

That fake Five Emperor Cauldron was used by you to frame us, and you took it away after you framed it, and now you are playing it again in front of everyone's eyes.

What can you gain by doing this besides making yourself the target of public criticism and letting your enemy, that is, us, turn the corner?

What are you drawing?

Is it because my conscience found out that my previous tricks were too vicious, so I had to punish myself?

If Yin Ze had such a noble mind and consciousness, Jiang Ziya felt that there would be no bad people in the prehistoric world.

Jiang Ziya, who already has a shadow on the word Yin Ze, now as long as it is about Yin Ze, there is nothing to say, just the word, be careful!

"You said, did the Five Emperor Ding really be returned by someone from the Western religion? I understand Yin Ze, he would never do such a detrimental thing to himself and others." Guangchengzi It was also incomprehensible. After thinking about it for a long time, he seemed to have found some direction, and reasoned: "Think about it, Yin Ze's poisonous scheme is not only harming us, but also the Western religions who are preaching in Songqingguan and building temples. suffer from it.

I think that the fake five emperor cauldron that day was actually taken away by the people of the Western religion, but after researching it for so long, they found that it was fake, so they came up with such a trick to trouble Yin Ze. "

"Senior brother is right." Jiang Ziya nodded in approval after thinking about it. This seems to be the most reasonable explanation, and there really is no other explanation.

No way, this is really Yin Ze disgusting himself to live long, making it more difficult for him to survive, right?

Gradually, Guang Chengzi and Jiang Ziya's eyes lit up.

Regardless of whether this was done by Western teachers, it was a great joy for them to explain the teachings and for the Western Zhou Dynasty.

This is a God-given opportunity to kill Yin Ze this bastard!


"Senior brother!"

Guangchengzi and Jiang Ziya looked at each other without saying anything.

Half an hour later, a group of golden Qingyun bloomed over Youtan Pass.

Guangchengzi and the other group of interpreters and teachers stood above the clouds, and below, there were banners and banners, with a clear square formation.

Jiang Ziya rode on the four dislikes, holding a handsome flag, behind him was an army of Dao soldiers replenished to 100,000.

Jiang Ziya was not in a hurry to go to Xiqi City.

If someone could cut off Yin Ze's head before they reached Xiqi City, that would just save him the trouble.

All he wanted was for Yin Ze to die. It didn't matter who killed him.

Therefore, the Western Zhou army marched very steadily. From Youtan Pass to Xiqi City, the nearest road needed to pass through twelve city gates.

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