Chi Jing has been in Chaoge for a while, and he still understands some of the rules of Dashang.

The car that the King of Humans and Emperor Xin travels in is the Jiulong Chai, and the car that the Queen of Dashang travels is the Jiufeng Chai.

Taking a closer look, the heroic middle-aged man guarding the front of Jiufeng Ran, the red sperm looks more and more familiar.

"Huang Feihu!"

The red sperm's heart is thumping, and joy falls from the sky!

Yin Ze's weakness, isn't this coming!

It was Di Xin who rode the dragon chariot, and it was self-evident who rode the phoenix chariot.

Who else is Yin Ze's biological mother other than the Queen of Dashang.

Moreover, in the current chaos of Dashang, a master can't wait to cut the situation of being two envoys, and only the Queen of Dashang is qualified to let Huang Feihu, the king of Wucheng of Zhenguo, who is sitting in the Eastern Border, leave the busy military affairs to escort himself.

The red sperm only felt that the haze in front of him had dissipated, and it was a bright sky.

Anything that threatens the dragon clan, or that leads to the rise of gold and disaster, is all nonsense.

If you want to deal with Yin Ze and threaten him to come out of Xiqi City and die, what could be more effective than catching his mother directly?

"Yin Ze ah Yin Ze, you have today too!" Chi Jing laughed excitedly, not at all surprising why the dignified business queen appeared here.

This is normal. It has been so long since Yin Ze followed Di Xin, who was on the road, to the front line. As a mother, he misses his son. Is it normal for him to come and see?

Chi Jing said that he loves this kind of mother-son relationship too much. It's good to come, and wonderful to come. He came here for nothing!

"Who is it!" Huang Feihu, who cultivated the human race's way of martial arts to God of War Realm, is the King of King Wucheng. Although he is only in the early stage, his combat power is not weaker than the ordinary Golden Immortal.

As soon as the red sperm's killing intent was revealed, he had an omen in his heart, and when he raised his spear and raised his hand, he shook out a beam of a hundred zhang spear and shot it into the air.

The red sperm sneered and lowered the white lotus, Immemorial Golden Immortal's magic power swayed, and Huang Feihu's spear light was exhausted before he even had the qualification to enter his body ten feet.

Immediately, he raised his hand and sprinkled it, and the golden light was like an arrow, like a downpour of rain.

"The enemy attacked, protect the maiden!" Huang Feihu's expression froze, all the guards were elite soldiers in a hundred battles, and they used their means to guard Jiufeng Nian in a busy and orderly manner.

It's a pity that the enemy they encountered today was a big Luo.

Huang Feihu is only an early stage of God of War, not a peak victory like Wang Ducheng.

In the face of absolute poor vision, everything is like paper.

The golden light and arrows rained down, and this place was full of corpses. Those guards were flattering even a word of ants in front of a big Luo like Chi Jing.

Within three breaths, apart from Huang Feihu, who was deliberately left behind by Chi Jing, and True Phoenix, a big businessman in Feng Nian, there was no third person alive.

"It's you!" Huang Feihu wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, his eyes widened. Chi Jing and Guang Chengzi had been to the Golden Palace of Dashang, how could he not have known each other.

"Heh." Chi Jing didn't want to talk nonsense with Huang Feihu, and the Magic power stunned the one in Huang Feihu and Feng Nian immediately, and immediately used the universe in his palm, grabbed Feng Nian and Huang Feihu into his hand, and rushed towards Xiqi City. And go.

Before, he flew slower than a donkey ran.

But now, the good guy, directly transported the power of the space avenue, and can't wait to teleport back directly.

Not long after, in the outer space of Xiqi City, a white lotus bloomed on the Qing Yun, who explained the teachings.

As soon as it appeared, it attracted the attention of the audience.

Ning Tai Bodhisattva, Lu Yue, and Du'er from the Western religion immediately frowned and flew towards him.

Chi Jing led the team to kill dragons in the four seas before, so why is he back now?

No, he also brought an Arhat with a face like golden paper and a vain aura, and Nezha who had lost half of his body.

What about the others?

Could it be that Chengdu is dead outside?

Also, what about the dragon you went to catch?

Question marks appeared in the hearts of everyone, and even the people who explained the teachings turned dark, looking at the red sperm in wonder.

Dragons are notoriously useless and useless soft-footed bugs in the Great Wilderness, you shouldn't be such a waste...

Looking at everyone's eyes full of doubts and doubts, Chi Jing was both happy and gloomy.

I said in my heart that if it wasn't for daddy Hong Fu Qitian, this wave would really be a big downfall.

"Senior brother, what happened to this trip?" Jiang Ziya asked nervously.

"Well, there are quite a few accidents." Chi Jing nodded confidently, if he hadn't caught Huang Feihu and the Queen of Dashang, he would have flickered his words at this time.

But now, cowardly, no matter how many accidents occur, no matter how much you pay, daddy can straighten his back and become an uncle.

Chi Jing, who was full of confidence in his heart, unabashedly began to narrate the experience of this trip.

Starting from the dragon clan already showing signs of great prosperity, then Jin Dasheng and the Immemorial Golden Immortal Realm, the white ape who cultivated the Eight Nine Mysteries, the red sperm is not exaggerated at all, and it is not concealed at all.

After he finished speaking, some people believed it, some didn't believe it, some thought he was talking nonsense and mocked in his heart, and some people complained that Chi Jing was not good or bad, and lost so many good players in vain.

Ning Tai Bodhisattva picked up the seriously injured Arhat, and Lu Yue and Du'er had a bad look on their faces.

Roared up and said Nima refund!

In the beginning, this group of rubbishes got some benefits from them because of this.

Of course, if things didn't work out, they had to retire, but what they were more worried about now was that the threat of Yin Ze with the dragon clan was in vain, how could they be able to get people out of Xiqi City?

"Humph!" At this moment, Chi Jing took a step forward and hummed coldly: "What are you panicking, I only said that this trip was full of surprises, but have I said about this great defeat? Didn't the Dragon Clan be destroyed, just Can't lead that Yin Ze?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, Chi Jing spread out his hands, and saw a comatose villain and a phoenix chariot lying in the palm of his hand.

"Since this seat has made a move, there is no possibility of futile efforts. Although the four sea dragons have not been destroyed, this seat has captured Yin Ze's uncle and biological mother. This trip is a great victory!" Chi Jing raised his head coldly, The rest of the people all felt ecstatic.

The two in Chi Jing's hands are much more effective than the Dragon Clan!

The human race pursues filial piety, and Yin Ze, as the prince of the Great Shang, must take filial piety as his head.

Using his biological mother and uncle to threaten, Yin Ze never dared to refuse.

If he dares to be a tortoise, then as long as the news is spread out, the people of the big businessman will not spurn him to death.

A person who can't even save his biological mother, what qualifications does he have to be a prince, to become the next king, to sit on the throne of the co-lord of the human race.

If Yin Ze did not comply, he might save his life, but he would definitely lose his reputation and lose the hearts of the people.

He is the big business prince.

This loss, turbulent but the national fortune of the entire big business.

Jiang Ziya's eyes instantly turned red with excitement, and he even hoped that Yin Ze would not come out.

Compared with the turbulent national fortunes of the entire big business, Yin Ze's life doesn't seem to be so valuable.

"Junior brother, what are you still doing, call the array to go." Chi Jing patted Jiang Ziya's shoulder.

"Okay, let's go, let's go!"

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