Jiang Ziya was looking at Yin Ze, but Yin Ze didn't look at him, his eyes glanced at Qing Yun, who taught him. To save Huang Feihu, he had to find someone first.

At this time, Huang Feihu was not on Qingyun, so it must have been collected by someone using Sumeru's mustard seeds.

Yin Ze knew what to do, and tapped her fingertips on the skirt a few times. Feather Wing Fairy, who had been undercover in the enemy for a long time, suddenly narrowed her eyes, folded her arms around her chest, and drew an imperceptible circle with her index finger.

'receive! ’

Feather Wing Fairy cheered up secretly. This was the gesture agreed by the two of them before. As long as Yin Ze made this gesture, it meant that he should take the opportunity to act and be ready to cooperate at any time.

"Hey, Old Jiang, although you are old, you are not too deaf. Did you not hear me when I asked you to return my uncle?" Yin Ze said again.

"Hmph, it's a fool's dream, I want to save Huang Feihu, I'll trade it for you." Jiang Ziya snorted coldly, showing a lack of interest.

To save my uncle?

Why did you go early.

Jiang Ziya scoffed at this, is Yin Ze the kind of person who cares about Huang Feihu's life?

If so, it has been ten days since the last time I saw Yin Ze.

You don't pay attention to it for ten days, you care about you.

Who knows, something unexpected happened to Jiang Ziya, I saw Yin Ze nodded, and said happily, "Okay."? ?

Jiang Ziya suspects that there is something wrong with his ears.

Not only him, but everyone present felt something was wrong with their ears.

Yin Ze, when did you become so filial?

Isn't their family's tradition not the son of man?

"Actually, I've thought about it a lot in the past ten days, and in the end I think you're right. My uncle treats me better than his own son on weekdays. If I don't save him, I'll be unfilial, so I decided to satisfy Your request, use myself to exchange for my uncle." Yin Ze said sincerely: "But you see, I am so sincere, you have to be a little sincere on your side. Before the exchange, you must first Let me see if my uncle is still alive or not."

"You... have you been drinking?" Jiang Ziya looked at Yin Ze dumbfounded.

Yin Ze waved his hand, "Don't worry, I didn't drink too much, as long as you can let me confirm the condition of my uncle first, I will come out and exchange myself for my uncle."


This whole thing, Jiang Ziya really can't, it's wrong, very wrong, this doesn't look like Yin Ze's style.

To be honest, he no longer expects to use any threatening means to force Yin Ze to leave Xiqi City voluntarily.

He admitted that he had taken it too far for granted.

A person like Yin Ze is divided into two parts below the neck, half is bad water, and the other half is heart.

How can such a person die because of the shackles of mere worldly emotions.

So, if you want to kill Yin Ze, you can only play hard.

The way, Jiang Ziya has already discussed with the brothers and sisters of Chan Jiao.

The way is not difficult.

Among the eight or nine profound arts, there is a secret technique called Dan Lei, which is designed to break defense Magic Treasures.

The power is linked to the Cultivation Base of the cultivator.

If the Cultivation Base of the Thunder Sacrifice is in the Immemorial Golden Immortal middle stage, there is absolutely no problem in breaking the protection of the Xinghuang Banner and Qinglian Banner.

Without the protection of Xinghuang Banner and Qinglian Banner, Yin Ze is just a turtle in that urn.

It's just that the power of this secret method is huge, and it is guided by its own Gold Core, so the people who sacrifice to the thunder will suffer from the backlash of the Pill Fire afterwards. The Cultivation Base will go from the middle stage of Da Luo to the early stage, and even fall to the Da Luo Cultivation Base. Possibly, there is no one hundred years of hard work that can't make up for it.

Right now, the clouds of robbery are thickening, and Cultivation Base's regression is a very serious matter.

It's just that now, I can't take care of that much anymore. To achieve great things, someone has to sacrifice.

In the current interpretation, only those who can meet the two key conditions of Immemorial Golden Immortal middle stage Cultivation Base and cultivation eighty-nine Xuangong are only the ninth oldest among the twelve immortals of Yuxu, the first in combat power, and also the first in interpretation. The real poor beeping jade tripod.

Jiang Ziya had already sent Yang Jian to Jinxia Cave in Yuquan Mountain to persuade Master Yuding. When Yang Jian returned three days ago, he said that the Master had agreed and was preparing a secret method, which would come in a few days.

Counting the time, today is almost the day when Master Yuding arrives.

‘Yin Ze, ah Yin Ze, although I don’t know what tricks you want to play, it’s better to play with you. Anyway, Senior Brother Yu Ding is coming soon. ’

Thinking of this, Jiang Ziya couldn't help turning his mouth up, looking back and whispering to the red sperm, the red sperm flicked his cuff, and Huang Feihu, who was bundled into a zongzi, was thrown at Jiang Ziya's feet.

"See, Huang Feihu is here. If you want to save him, come here." Jiang Ziya stepped on Huang Feihu and hooked at Yin Ze provocatively.

"Okay, then I've really passed." Yin Ze smiled slightly, and under everyone's attention, he actually stepped out of Xiqi City.

"Out... out..."

"What are you waiting for, kill him, the fate of the human race is ours."

"No, now he is still close to Xiqi City, he can jump back at any time, don't worry, just wait."

The people outside the city were excited, and Jiang Ziya's pupils jumped in shock.

Yin Ze, actually came out!

"Mr. Ning Tai, quickly expel the space road of this side of the world. This son has a lot of accomplishments in this road." When Yin Ze was a hundred meters away from Xiqi City, Guangchengzi moved to Xiqi City. Cut off Yin Ze's retreat.

Ning Tai Bodhisattva nodded and led a group of Western sect Arhats to put their hands together.

"Here, space movement is prohibited!"

The majestic voice resounding like a lion's roar resounds through the heavens and the earth.

The truth is the truth.

Ning Tai Bodhisattva, a big Luo who is proficient in the Avenue of Space, led the group of Arhats to drink out. Xiqi City was a hundred miles away, and all the existence of the Avenue of Space was forcibly squeezed out.

People breathed a sigh of relief, the Heaven and Earth Space Avenue had been expelled, and Yin Ze, who was already 100 meters away from Xiqi City, could not go back even if he wanted to!

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on Yin Ze, full of malicious intentions, but no one noticed that Feather Wing Immortal had quietly approached Qing Yun, who taught the teaching.

In an instant, Jiang Ziya only felt a strong force hit, and the whole person couldn't help being overturned.

Feathered fairy moved.

Dapeng flaps its wings, flying thousands of miles!

No one can stop the speed of the Golden-winged Great Peng bird while attention is drawn.

Guangchengzi can't do it, red sperm can't do it, Yin Ze can't do it, Jiang Ziya can't do it either.

Feather Wing Fairy: I'm sorry, I'm a fine workman. I didn't have to choose before, but now, I want to be a good Dapeng by the Prince's side.

Huang Feihu changed hands instantly, Yin Ze rubbed his palms and laughed loudly, a gap was opened between the Xinghuang flag and Qinglian flag behind him, Feather Wing Immortal hugged Huang Feihu and directly flashed, Guang Chengzi, who was standing in front of Xiqi City, couldn't react at all.

quack! quack!

Yin Ze's neck bones cracked, and the last worry has disappeared, then, let's kill it...

"Fucks, the Preferred Gods list is calling you to go home for dinner!"

Stepping on the void, a big meandering river swept the sky, Yin Ze stepped out in one step, and the next moment appeared on the Qingyun of the teaching.

Ban Space Avenue wants to limit my movement speed?

Yin Ze only finds it funny, the five-pointed star God of War has no flaws.

Without the Avenue of Space, if the Avenue of Time is playing well, it can fly as fast as possible.

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