Conferred God: I, Who Just Wanted To Run Away, Was Overheard By The Emperor

Chapter 379 Ksitigarbha King Carrying The Mountain And Running

Whether it was Daoist, who was running wild to break through the formation, or Antarctica Xianweng who was desperate to support Er Xiao and Zhao Gongming, they were all stunned when they heard Ning Tai Bodhisattva shout.

Are you so stupid about chanting?

When is this still going to be traded? If you grind again, you will see if Yin Ze will beat you after getting out of trouble.

"Hehe, fellow daoists, don't panic. In order to kill Yin Ze, your sect has a lot of layouts, but I am not unprepared for Western sects." Ning Tai Bodhisattva pointed to the sky, the dark clouds in the sky were surging, a mountain of Ghost Qi. A phantom appeared, standing proudly above the black cloud.

Yin Ze's heart skipped a beat.

[No, no, no, is it over? 】

He didn't know what the mountain above the dark cloud was, but apart from him, an uninformed traveler, the expressions of the others changed when they saw the mountain.

Even Zhao Gongming and Er Xiao's expressions became much more serious.

After a few breaths, the illusory mountain shadow gradually became clearer, more ghostly, and Yin Ze's complexion began to change.

Although the face is still the same paralyzed face because of the metallization of the face, the color is actually three-point white.

I saw a large monument standing at the foot of the mountain, and behind the mountain, there was a sea of ​​blood.

On the stele were written two golden characters, Yinshan!

[Yin Mountain… The Yin Mountain of Earth Store King Bodhisattva, the sea behind it is the Sea of ​​Nether Blood! 】

Yin Ze's little heart was beating wildly.

If the quasi-sage Power of the Ksitigarbha King Bodhisattva was the backhand prepared by the Western Sect to kill him, then it would really be a dead end.

Quansheng is not Daluo, and he will be trapped for nearly two quarters of hours.

With the strength of Jizo King Bodhisattva, in two quarters of an hour, he can do too many horrible things to him.

Ran Deng and the others were ecstatic, and bowed at Yin Shan, "I dare to ask, but the fellow daoist of Ksitigarbha King is here, okay, please come and kill Yin Ze quickly."

Yin Shan didn't respond. He lit the lamp and cursed that the bald donkey of the Western religion was really dirty. He looked at Ning Tai Bodhisattva and said, "What kind of deal do you want to make with Chan Jiao?"

Ning Tai Bodhisattva said indifferently: "After Yin Ze died, Xiqi was incorporated into our western land, and after the Western Zhou Dynasty destroyed the Shang Dynasty, we will take our Western religion as the state religion."

Why do you count yourself this is a deal? These are obviously two... Ran Deng's eyes twitched, slightly hesitant.

The second thing is, it's not a big problem.

When the Western Zhou Dynasty destroyed the Shang Dynasty and allowed the Western religion to become the state religion of the Great Zhou Dynasty, it was not a problem for the interpretation of the religion.

Isn't it the power of faith, this thing is very popular with the vultures of Western religions, and teaching does not need the power of belief of the human race at all.

As the vice sect leader of Chan Sect, Ran Deng knows far more things than Guang Chengzi and others. After he knows about the Conferred Gods, the next Heavenly Dao will be related to the Daxing of Western Sect. To agree to this condition of Western Sect is to comply with it. destiny.

But the first condition is that Naxiqi is a bit difficult to handle in the West.

Xiqi is the ancestral land of the Western Zhou Dynasty. When the Western Zhou Dynasty destroyed the Shang Dynasty and Ji Fa became the emperor, the new dynasty was established, and the fate of the human race belonging to the Western Zhou Dynasty will be re-divided.

This division is not divided according to the number of people in the Great Zhou Dynasty, but according to the territory of the land.

The air is transported into the soil, into the mountains, rivers and seas, first blessing the water and soil of one side, and then feeding back to the people living on the territory.

And the fate of the human race that can be allocated by the emperor's ancestral land is the most and the strongest.

Originally, Chan Jiao planned to wait for that time to grab the fate of the human race that was divided into Xiqi, but if Xiqi gave Western education...

Interpretation does not care about the power of belief of the human race, but about luck.

"Promise him, the variables will not be eliminated, Conferred Gods are unpredictable, burning the lamp, don't put the cart before the horse." Suddenly, the sound transmission of Yuanshi Tianzun sounded in the burning lamp's ear.

The lamp shook all over, and the original sentence put the cart before the horse and woke him up.

Yes, the first purpose of Chanjiao's participation in Conferred Gods has never been to seek the luck of the human race.

Blessing Yuxu Twelve Immortals not to be on the Conferred Gods list is the top priority.

At present, fear Liusun, Cihang, Manjusri, and Puxian have been on the list.

Killing Yin Ze, cutting the luck of Dashang, and regaining the Conferred Gods list is the first priority.

"Okay, I will teach you how to teach Master Fa Yuanshi Tianzun on my behalf, and I will quickly ask the fellow daoist of the Ksitigarbha King to appear and kill this son!" Daoist shouted loudly.

"Good!" Ning Tai Bodhisattva was delighted, "But Brother Daoist, the helper I asked for is not the one you thought."

When the words fell, Ning Tai Bodhisattva shouted the Buddha's name at Yinshan.

In an instant, there was no light on the gloomy mountain of Ghost Qi, and a magnificent Buddha figure appeared at the foot of the mountain.

Then, I picked up Yinshan and ran away...


Yin Ze was hit by a critical blow, isn't he coming to kill Bodhisattva?

This is a good thing!

But before he could get excited, he saw that although Yinshan was resisted and ran away, the sea of ​​blood behind Yinshan set off a huge wave.

Yin Mountain is the one that suppresses the sea of ​​blood in the netherworld. When Yin Mountain is gone, it is strange that the sea of ​​blood is not chaotic!

One after another, bloody shadows and bloody corpses made waves in the scarlet sea water.

Yin Ze could clearly see that there were men and women hidden in the sea.

I don't even like to wear clothes.

The man's body is tall and ferocious, and the woman's face is full of charm.


A huge wave with a height of about 1,000 meters was raised, and the space above Xiqi City was broken. This huge wave swept in and condensed into a small sea of ​​blood.

On the sea of ​​​​blood, tens of thousands of ugly men and beautiful women who don't like to wear clothes lined up to stand in an army. The head stood at a height of three meters, his muscles burst, his hair was burning like flames, his eyes were like copper bells, and he was an ugly man with a lion's mouth and a broad nose.

"You are the Great Brahma of the Four Great Demon Kings of the Netherworld Blood Sea!" Ran Deng's pupils shrank, and he looked at Ning Tai Bodhisattva in surprise, "Isn't the Netherworld Sea of ​​Blood and the Western religion inexorable, when will you be able to drive the Netherworld Blood Sea? Ashura clan?"

Ning Tai Bodhisattva smiled lightly, "The Taoist brother has been thinking too much. A hundred years ago, he led the sect master into the underworld to sit in meditation with the Taoist brother of Ksitigarbha. When he left, he couldn't bear the desire to kill the living beings in the sea of ​​blood, so he sent Tianfei Wumo and Zizai Tianbo Xun together. After entering the Western Land for enlightenment, the good fruit of today is the good cause that was planted by the sect master that day."

Or you people from Western religions can chat... I feel nauseous when I light up the lamp, and even kidnapping people to threaten others to do things is so refreshing and refined, Western religions are really high!


Although Da Brahma is the four demon kings under the Nether Sea of ​​Blood Nether Ancestor, the Cultivation Base is only similar to himself, at most slightly stronger than himself.

Can this strength kill Yin Ze?

But Guangchengzi seemed very confident when she saw Ning Tai Bodhisattva's calm look, and couldn't help but feel even more curious...

Ning Tai Bodhisattva pointed at Yin Ze, "Great Brahma, the man in the blood cocoon, I will leave it to you, after this matter, Tianfei Wumo and Zizai Tianbo Xun will return to the sea of ​​blood in the nether world.

Also, there is one more Innate five-square flag in the hands of this child, you should pay attention. "

"Humph! I hope you people from the Western Sect will keep their word, otherwise, I will kill the Nether ancestor of the Sect and will lead the entire Ashura clan to go to the Western Land and wash the Spirit Mountain with blood! Also, this matter has to be prepared for the king and his clan. One hundred thousand blood and food, I want fresh." Da Brahma's hair stood on end like fire, and after Ning Tai Bodhisattva angrily, he looked at Yin Ze disdainfully, "As for the Wufang Banner, I can't protect him! This king kills him, Like butchering a dog."

After speaking, Da Brahma gave an order, and the Ashuras behind them set up the blood sea formation that is famous in the sea of ​​​​blood.

A group of Ashura's qi and machines were connected, and they differentiated into blood lines that connected to the great Brahma.

After the three breaths, Da Brahma's weather increased sharply, and it was not even weaker than a quasi-sage like Antarctica Xianweng.

Immediately, Da Brahma took out a small flag from his waist, flicked it gently, and a cloud of watery light covered his body.

This flag, except that the whole body is pure black and the surrounding water is shimmering, looks exactly the same as Yin Ze's apricot-yellow flag and other five-party flags.

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