Conferred God: I, Who Just Wanted To Run Away, Was Overheard By The Emperor

Chapter 386 People Can't, At Least They Shouldn't Be With Cats

The three pairs of beautiful eyes were full of deep worry, and the three pairs of small hands supported Yin Ze.

Yin Ze felt the wonderful softness, different from the three different elegant body fragrances, and only felt that even the pain on her body dissipated a lot.

Needless to say, the feeling of being surrounded by three stunning beauties with different temperaments is really cool.

"Open your mouth, this is the Hundred Flowers Dew from Sanxian Island, it can restore vitality." Yun Xiao took out a small jade bottle, but he couldn't pry Yin Ze's mouth open.

It is really impossible to pry it open. With the blessing of nearly 100,000 finger-to-ground steel charms, even a billion dead ducks can't keep up with Yin Ze's stubbornness.

Bi Xiao raised her little hand, she also wanted to do something for Yin Ze.

"Sister, let me come, take off his chin and you can feed the medicine."

Qiongxiao: "How can you give medicine like this? I think it will be better absorbed if you pour it directly into a hole in your stomach."

Yin Ze:! !

You two sisters with a hole in their brains, please get out of the way!


In the next instant, Yin Ze widened his eyes and saw Yun Xiao's pretty face, which was three points better than Daji's, was enlarged, and his warm and floral breath hit his face.

Then the lips seemed to be pressed by the softest and smoothest satin in the world.

savory and sweet...

[What should I do, how exciting... Damn it, no, people can't, at least they shouldn't be with cats...]

Yin Ze was struck by lightning.

Qiong Xiao: ! !

Qiong Xiao covered Bi Xiao's eyes in panic.

"Close your eyes, this is not something children should see!"

After an unknown amount of time, Yin Ze was hugged by Yun Xiao, and Qiong Xiao and Bi Xiao were surrounded by him and returned to the room. He wrapped his little blanket tightly and covered his head.

My body feels much better under the nourishment of the Hundred Flowers Dew. Except for the halved life wheel that cannot be changed, the rest of the discomfort can be cured after a night of rest.

But the physical recovery can not change the spiritual stimulation.

Yin Ze could clearly perceive the light in Yun Xiao's eyes when he left the room.

If there is a name for that light, it must only be called: Possessiveness!

Don't ask how Yin Ze knew, just ask, Yun Xiao blushed before she left.

That's roughly what it means.

I know that you gave the fate of the human race to our three sisters to protect us, but as the prince of the big businessman, how can you do without the protection of the fate of the human race in your body.

We have the protection of the master, as long as we return to the interception, Tianzun Yuanshi will not be able to help us.

I want to return the luck to you, but I have no research on the luck of the human race, so I can't do it for the time being, so I will take two Little Sisters back to the teaching and ask the master to help.

Just wait patiently for my letter, then I will ask someone to take you to Biyou Palace, just in time, accompany me to meet the next master...

At that time, Yin Ze almost jumped up in fright.

What are you trying to do?

It is not important to return the fate of the human race.

What matters is the last sentence.

To accompany you to meet the Master Tongtian?

This is what it means to meet the parents!

It's developing too fast, it's not, really not, it's just a kiss, or a kiss for the purpose of saving people, I don't feel it at all...

Well, if you don't feel like being kissed by Yun Xiao, then Yin Ze can go to the pet hospital to get the basket.

But the problem is that he doesn't dare to see this "parent".

His own family knew about his own affairs, and Yin Ze knew too well how ulteriorly he had ulterior motives towards the Intercepting Church in order to cope with the calamity of the Conferred Gods.

Not only has he calculated to intercept the teaching before, but even after that, in order to quickly end the calamity of this damned Conferred Gods, the intercepted teaching is still in his small book of calculations.

Yin Ze, with such a dirty mind, would be fine if he met the Master Tongtian?

In case the sect master of Tongtian notices something tricky...


Yin Ze shuddered, when even decided, Biyou Palace, the dog will not go! This parent, don't miss it!

After continuing to wrap in the quilt for a while, Yin Ze turned over weakly and sat up.

Love it, anyway, Yun Xiao has already led her two stupid Little Sisters away, and this knife can't cut down for the time being.

Rather than being terrified and uncomfortable about this kind of thing, it is better to quickly count the harvest after the war and be happy.

Yin Ze got up and did a good job, and began to count the harvest.

The biggest gain in this battle is undoubtedly the true spirit.

Although, the second and third generations of disciples of the Chan teaching and those Bodhisattva Arhats of the Western teaching were not successfully slaughtered.

But the group of Rogue Cultivators, except for Lu Yue and Du'er, were all wiped out.

As the holder of the Conferred Gods list, Yin Ze got an accurate number after closing his eyes and feeling a little.

Ninety real spirits!

Ninety more true spirits have been added to the Conferred Gods list!

Of course, the number of Rogue Cultivators who died outside Xiqi City was definitely more than 90. Although Yin Ze didn't count them down, it is conservatively estimated that the number of Rogue Cultivators who died under his command would not be less than 120.

However, not everyone is eligible for the list after death.

Killing 120 people and getting 90 people on the list is already a very good comparison.

Yin Ze nodded with satisfaction. The total number of true spirits is now approaching the 300 mark, and there are less than 80 left before the end of the Conferred Gods.

Success is imminent, keep working hard!

After inventorying the true spirits, the second best harvest today is of course Magic Treasures.

Yin Ze shook open the Qiankun bag and shook out a bright light all over the place.

There are six kinds of Innate Lingbao-level babies alone, and Yin Ze is too lazy to count the acquired Lingbao or something.

Among them, the most worthy of making him happy is to count these four treasures.

Xuanyuan controls the water flag, magic sword Abi, Fantianyin, Yin & Yang mirror.

Of these four things, the ones that caught his attention the most were the water flag and the Abi sword.

Yin Ze had a flag in his left hand and a sword in his right hand, revealing his tonsils with a smile.

Throughout the time travel, a lot of treasures of all kinds have been captured, but Yin Ze has never really been a treasure in the true sense of attack.

Now the arrival of Abijian has allowed him to fill this vacancy.

With the blessing of Abi Sword, his attack power will undoubtedly increase a lot in the future.

Yuan Tu, Abi.

The two swords are comparable to the four swords of Zhuxian, and the single sword is slightly inferior to the four swords.

In other words, a single Abi sword is not as good as the four swords of Zhuxian, but the quality is slightly stronger than any of the four swords.

A treasure of this quality is already qualified to hurt Saint's noble body.

In the past, if Yin Ze wanted to hurt Saint, he needed to carry a full 200 million emotional value loan, and almost exhausted everything to make 100 Dongfeng 41, in order to make Saint leave a drop of blood.

But now, with the Abi Sword, and the other proficiency skills of Eight Trigrams and Grandmaster, if Yin Ze dares to get close, the consequences will be more than just a drop of blood.

On the premise of not using Bajie, it is hard to say whether Yin Ze can take off Saint's arm with the Abi Sword, but on Saint, using the Abi Sword to write a bloody miserable character, there is a high probability that there is no problem.

Satisfied, Yin Ze put away the Abi sword, and Yin Ze kissed Xuan Yuan's water flag again.

Innate's five-party flag, now the four-pole flag has been handed, and the last one is the last off-the-ground flame flag.

Yin Ze is looking forward to the day when the five flags meet.

If Innate's five-party flags are gathered together, and he holds the Abi sword, then even without the big move of Bajie, he will still have the qualification to fight Saint undefeated.

Just hold up the five-square flag and fight Saint.

I don't know if I can hack you to death, but you can't kill me anyway.

In the true sense of the prehistoric first defense treasure in hand, it is such a wave!

"Hehe, this dream is so beautiful." The more Yin Ze thought about it, the more he wanted to be happy.

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