Conferred God: I, Who Just Wanted To Run Away, Was Overheard By The Emperor

Chapter 396 Your Majesty, It's Time To Find A Concubine For His Royal Highness

"This..." Zhao Gongming hesitated, even if Di Xin was faint, he wouldn't have the eyesight of an ordinary person.

"Let's put it this way, the years I've been the crown prince are not counted as those ministers in the court who wrote to impeach Daji, I alone have told my father that Daji is a demon no less than ten times, but up to now, he still thinks Daji is a demon. The daughter of Jizhou Hou Suhu is a real human race."

"That nine-tailed demon fox is not an ordinary Fox Spirit. Uncle, you said that my father was incompetent, but he was incompetent, not because of Daji, but because of that person." Yin Ze pointed to God, there is a cold glow in his eyes.

He had long felt that Di Xin's brain had been manipulated.

To tamper with the consciousness of the human king, and looking at the six saints in the wild, only Nuwa, the saint who can avoid most of the Karma karma from the human race, can do it.

"Hey! Being a human king is not easy enough." Zhao Gongming sighed, he had just patronized and despised Di Xin, and he had forgotten that Daji, the Fox Spirit, can carry the Nuwa consciousness.

Everyone came to the Prince's Mansion in Sishui Pass to settle down. Yin Ze thought that Di Xin would definitely summon him the next day, but he thought it was wrong.

Maybe it was because he was really tired from being complained about kidney deficiency by his son, or maybe because he wanted to prove that he had a strong waist, Di Xin had not left the temporary palace for three days in a row.

Yin Ze heard from the guards he knew that for the past three days, the screams in the king's bedroom have basically never stopped...

[Tsk tsk tsk, sure enough, when a dandy, brother Shou is a professional. If I give him this eight precepts, Brother Shou's current strength will definitely be killed by Hongjun, and replaced by Hongjun. 】

Soaking in the Baixiangge branch of Sishuiguan, in the big hot spring pool, a certain prince who was rubbing his shoulders and feet by the three oiran sisters thought so.

In the King's temporary bedroom, Di Xin smiled wildly as he looked at the beauties on the couch who were so tired that they fell asleep.

'Hmph, no one can fight. ’

Di Xin asked the maid to moisten her throat with wine, frowning slightly.

Although Yin Ze has been hanging for three days, there are some things that can't be delayed any longer.

Yin Ze made great deeds in Xiqi. This reward must be given. Otherwise, even if Yin Ze has no opinion, other generals and ministers in the court will also have opinions.

Just how to reward it?

Di Xinchou, what he originally planned to give to Yin Ze, after thinking about it for three days, found that it was very inappropriate.

Ciguan, Yin Ze is already the crown prince, and he is still King Wencheng of Dinghai. He is the only king who is bigger than him in the court.

Di Xin has the intention to let the virtuous, the resistance in the court is trivial, but the problem is that Yin Ze can only agree to the hell.

There's no point in adding an official to a lord or something.

Reward gold and silver, Heavenly and Mortal Treasures?

Even more unreliable, Yin Ze sits on the four seas, and the dragons who are the most powerful in Honghuang are his little brothers.

If the Four Seas Dragons are rich people worth hundreds of billions of dollars, then compared with the Four Seas Dragons, the wealth of a big businessman is just at the level of a well-off, even if they are all given to the Yin Ze family.

What's more, the big merchants are now in wars and chaos, and it is time to burn money. It is very extravagant to give 1/2/10 to Yin Ze.

Not being able to reward officials, not being able to bestow treasures, Di Xin scratched his head depressedly, feeling that sometimes his son is too powerful and too rich is not a good thing, which will make the father very have no face.


Just as she was worrying, a charming voice sounded from behind. Daji was wrapped in a transparent tulle, hugged Di Xin from behind, and gently smoothed his frown.

"Your majesty is worried about something, so talk to your concubine, maybe your concubine can help the majesty." Daji sighed like blue, and bit Dixin's earlobe with her small mouth.

At that time, Di Xin stiffened at the waist and took Da Ji into his arms, wanting to subdue the demon and exorcise the demon, but he was really tired, so he told the troubles and planned to delay the demon and exorcise the demon for a while.

However, he didn't realize that Daji's strange eyes flashed a strange light.

In Xiqi City, before Nuwa's conscious body returned, the task given to her, in addition to finding a way to send Yin Ze away from Xiqi City and giving the Western Zhou a chance to recover, also explained two things to her.

The first one is still a cliché, the confusion and chaos of the dynasty are over, and they are trying to show off against Emperor Xin, thus disqualifying the king and weakening the fortune of the big businessman.

The second one is about Yin Ze, the calamity variable.

Nuwa also didn't expect Daji to kill Yin Ze, although it would be better to kill him, but the possibility was extremely slim.

To be honest, Yin Ze has grown up to the present, and it is very difficult to kill him, unless the National Fortune of Dashang is cut by more than half, and then they Saint can do it himself.

It is hopeless to kill Yin Ze temporarily, and Nuwa can only let Daji find a way to trouble Yin Ze. The best way is to make Yin Ze and Di Xin's father and son turn against each other, or find a way to make Yin Ze also become with Di Xin. Just as dull.

Daji began to act after receiving the order.

When she was in Xiqi City, she followed Zhao Gongming to find Yin Ze outside Baixiang Pavilion, and immediately went up to tempt her.

If you want to turn father and son against each other, what could be better than being jealous because of beauty?

Di Xin loves her to the death, if Yin Ze loves her too?

Daji smiled when she was beautiful. She was very confident in her own beauty. In this world, no one could resist her charm.

Even though Shan Cai and Deng Chanyu beside Yin Ze are both superb beauties who are no weaker than her, in terms of how to please a man, the two together are not enough for her to hit with one finger.

However, Daji soon discovered that she laughed too early.

Yin Ze not only despised her beauty, but also despised him, bah, scumbag!

Daji was disappointed that she hoped to use her own body to make Yin Ze's plan against the purpose of the masters fail, but today, she found an opportunity again.

If it doesn't work, then make Yin Ze faint.

Daji felt that Yin Ze did not accept the temptation of owning, it must be because the moral value in his heart was too high to pass the ethical test.

But no matter what you say, it can't change that Yin Ze is a womanizer just like his father Di Xin, or even better than Di Xin.

Daji has already inquired about it. When Yin Ze was in Xiqi City, he plundered more than a hundred beauties from the people.

Play more than his daddy spends.

She is the most professional in dealing with such a womanizer.

Today is the best time to start planning.

"Your Majesty, the concubine has an idea, which can relieve your worries." Daji hugged Di Xin's arm, shook it, and said softly, "His Royal Highness is 18 this year, and he has already reached the age of marrying a wife. Thing, there is no eye for it yet.

Why not take this opportunity to give His Highness a marriage as a reward. This will not only achieve the purpose of rewarding His Highness the Crown Prince, but also use this great event to inspire the hearts of the great merchants, soldiers and people. "

Di Xin's eyes shone brightly, do you want to marry me?


Zeer really should get married.

When he and Yin Ze were the same age, Yin Jiao was already running all over the place.

Good marriage, good marriage, great!

That is, which daughter should be given to Yin Ze?

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