As Han Chen's words fell, Houtu's heart was shocked, and he felt his chance, the opportunity to promote to the Infinite Realm.

The premonition of being a saint is almost 100% accurate, because if it were not for the Pangu Great God's suppression of fate and time, it would have been a saint who could even penetrate ancient and modern.

As long as there is a hunch, it means that you must succeed in the future.

And now, the advice given to him by his little brother is to find a way to transform the chaotic qi in reincarnation, as long as he succeeds, he will definitely be able to preach the Infinite Dao Realm.

Wuji Dao Realm.

Why was he suppressed by Hongjun, in addition to the fact that the other party held the Chaos Spirit Treasure Creation Jade Disk, there was also an important reason that he had the cultivation of the Infinite Dao Realm.

Half a step of Wuji, but in the end it is not the Wuji Dao Realm, one step away, a world of difference.

If he also successfully promoted to the Infinite Dao Realm, coupled with the reincarnation authority he held, even if he did not have the Chaos Spirit Treasure in his hand, he could completely ignore Hongjun.

What's more, Hongjun was also restricted by the Heavenly Dao.

Thinking of this, Houtu's eyes lit up, "Little brother, I can recognize that this younger brother of yours is the most correct thing that my sister has done since I became a Dao, I am afraid that you are not the blessing star sent by the father God to my sister and me!" "

At this moment, Houtu looked at Han Chen with joy in his eyes and said.

And Han Chen is confused?

What a blah!

I'm just thinking about myself, how can I become your lucky star.

"Sister, you are?"

"Sister, I feel the opportunity to break through, I believe that as long as I can break the principle of this reincarnation transformation of Chaotic Qi, and then complete the reincarnation of the Flood World, I will definitely be able to break through the Chaotic Realm and achieve the Dao of the Infinite Dao Lord!"

The way of infinity is also the way of the Taoist.

Chaos Three Thousand Avenues, all of them can prove the Mixed Yuan Dao Fruit, and even one Avenue can allow countless Mixed Yuan Daluo Golden Immortals to exist, but an Avenue can only exist in one Infinite Dao Realm.

Therefore, the Infinite Dao Realm Saint is also called the Dao Lord.

I think that Pangu Great God is just an Infinite Dao Lord, but this is not an ordinary Dao Lord, but a Dao Lord who comprehends the Three Thousand Dao, the Dao of Power, and the Three Chaos Supreme Treasures.


Congratulations to my sister, sister Hexi, I didn't expect that my unintentional move could help my sister find the opportunity to break through, so my sister should not quickly comprehend this Heavenly Dao Qinglian'. "

Houtu nodded, it was still very simple to break through this mystery with her cultivation of the Mixed Yuan Saint.

Divine thoughts probed into the green lotus of the heavenly path, that green lotus was rooted in the rules of the heavenly path, the root must be rooted into chaos, absorbing chaotic energy, and the green lotus was like an innate spiritual root.

But Houtu felt the chaotic matter.

Chaotic substance, Houtu suddenly thought of Pangu Father's divine body incarnating Zhou Shan and evolving the Chaos Ancestral Vein.

Pangu Father God was originally bred by chaos, belonging to chaos divine objects, and it was immediately clear that if he wanted to transform the qi of chaos, he needed to derive his own chaotic substance from reincarnation.

"I didn't expect it to be so simple! Amusing! "

In the end, the reincarnation evolution of the flood famine belongs to the five elements of yin and yang, and it is said that as long as he achieves Da Luo, he will transcend the three realms and reincarnation is not in the five elements.

Because as long as you achieve Da Luo, you will give birth to your own innate immortal aura, and you will not belong to the innate soul.

It is precisely like this, as long as you become a Da Luo cultivator, whether you are a born soul before, a congenital soul, or a congenital demon god, you will not say that you will follow.

The potential is only higher than the number of three flowers on the top of the condensation.

Honghuang Three Flowers and Twelve Grades, as long as the achievement of the Nine Grades and Three Flowers has the foundation of a mixed Yuan Saint.

However, most of them are just inferior Da Luo who have achieved one, two, or three products.

Now, if God reverses the reincarnation, it can reverse the chaotic reincarnation, of course, it is not so simple, the Heavenly Dao Green Lotus can reverse chaos by relying on the power of the three incarnations.

Form the Three Talents Divine Array, the power to hold the authority of heaven and earth.

And if Houtu wants this, then it can only use the six paths of reincarnation, exert the power of the six combinations, and reverse the six combinations, so that the reincarnation can become the reincarnation of chaos.

And if you want to reverse the liuhe, you must think like Han Chen, each of which needs to be a true body, and each of the six reincarnations also needs a master.

But the six reincarnations are different from Han Chen, which can be replaced by incarnations, but the six reincarnations involve the entire flood and wilderness, and each of them needs to be strictly required and must conform to the great will of heaven and earth.

The Asura Dao must be the Asura tribe, which is now the Styx.

Heavenly humanity, human Dao, animal Dao, etc. also need their own Dao master.......

Thinking of this, Houtu frowned, these people are really not easy to choose, Hong Huang Quasi-Saint has a lot of power, but she didn't make much friends before, so she didn't know each other very well.

The way of the world, but you can discuss it with the Terrans.

There are not many Terran powerhouses who can represent the Terran race, and there are really not many Terran quasi-saint powerhouses, that is, the three ancestors of the Terran race, the three emperors and five emperors, and the Cangjie who made words.

This is the quasi-saint powerhouse of the entire human race.

Although the Nine Heavenly Xuannu has a combat power comparable to a quasi-saint, she is not a quasi-saint, moreover, she is still Nuwa's apprentice, and Houtu does not want to give her such a position.

And the Beast Dao is a good choice, the subordinate race of the Wu Clan, the Nine Nether Serpent, the new King of the Slug Serpent now also has quasi-saint cultivation, although it belongs to the demon clan, but he has followed the Wu Clan a long time ago.

He also fought with the Wu clan to the demon clan, and the older generation who followed the ancestral witch conquest basically died, and there was a Da Luo consummation of the serpent, and later became a quasi-saint with the help of Houtu.

As for the rest.......

"Sister, can you find a solution?"

"Found it, but it can't be realized right away!"

Han Chen didn't know why, Houtu also explained, Han Chen was clear, "How can it be so troublesome..."

"How can you be afraid of the tedious journey of the Great Avenue?

It's already very good to be able to find the direction now, as for other Dao masters, it's not difficult to find it, but your current reincarnation wants to rebel against chaos. "

"It's okay, the way is the way, I will do it myself in the future, junior brother!"

Han Chen said indifferently.

"However, the little brother has several requirements, but my six reincarnations cannot copy the six reincarnations of the Flood Barren Great World."

"Oh? How do you want to? "

"Sister, I don't have an Asura clan here."

"That's right, what path did the signs change this Asura Dao to?"

Houtu thought about it, and also nodded, but the Five Spirits World was without the Asura tribe created by the Styx. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Just encompass the immortal gods, innate beings, demon gods, and gods.

The human path of the Terrans.

The demonic path of the world's negative energy that breeds the creatures of the demon race.

The animal road of the innate soul.

The way of the hungry ghost of sin.

The path of hell with deep sin.

Sister, let's create six reincarnations based on these six paths! "

Han Chen thought about it and said it, and Houtu was also surprised when he heard this, "I didn't expect that younger brother, you are very optimistic about the creatures of the Demon Clan, if the Demon Ancestor Luo Xiao knows that you are so optimistic about the Demon Clan, he will definitely regard you as a confidant." "

In the future, the cultivation of the earth, everything in the five spirits world, this world already has creatures born of negative energy, these energies include destruction, death, jealousy, destruction, hatred, pain, sinful karma and other negative energy.

Gathered together, a magic qi was formed.

Then, under the gestation of demonic qi, many demon creatures have been born, and demon creatures are different from fierce beasts that only know how to kill, have no IQ, and the wisdom of the demon race is no longer under the innate demon god.

"Little brother, the foundation of this world is shallow, so use it as much as you can!"

Han Chen, who knew that Demon Zuluo was not dead, smiled bitterly, and it was not a good idea to be friends with Demon Zuluo, unless his cultivation and ability could save his life under Luo Qi.

Otherwise, seeing a figure like Luo Qi, Han Chen would run as far as he could.

"That's it!" Houtu also nodded as a matter of course.

The foundation of the world origin is shallow, this is the essence of all worlds, whose world will bury the three thousand Chaos Demon God's flesh and blood essence origin like Pangu's Flood Barren Great World.

"Six reincarnations, stand!"

Houtu drank clearly!.

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