As the three incense sticks lit, a faint column of smoke rose!


The smoke pillar actually changed, and a person changed, but the others couldn't see the face of this person clearly, and seeing the appearance of the Taoist, Jiang Ziya quickly took Bai Jian and the two to kneel.

"Disciple meet Master!"

"Say, what's the matter with finding a teacher?"

"Teacher, there has been a change in the God Sealing List recently, and on that God Sealing List, one person has become a God without the consent of his disciples..."

Jiang Ziya told the reason for this.

"Oh? And this? Hearing Jiang Ziya's words, Yuan Shi Tianzun was also surprised and curious, Taichen he knew that the great will of heaven and earth sealed the true monarch.

And the newly emerged Pangu Clan he also knows, and he also divided his own part of Pangu Qi luck before.

I thought it was two people, but I didn't expect that this was actually using one person.

In this way, it is also figured out, the descendants of the father god, I think that they have obtained the legacy of the father god, in order to comprehend the heavenly way divine power, think that Sanqing also has a heavenly way divine power.

It's just that it takes the combined power of the three Qings to exert it.

And now, the new Pangu Clan, one person is in charge of a Heavenly Dao Divine Power, which makes him somewhat jealous, but this Heavenly Dao Divine Power is also controlled by its outsiders, not his unique Divine Power.

I don't want his heavenly Dao power, I can only take charge of Sanqing, thinking of this, my psychology is somewhat balanced.


actually occupied the Taihao Emperor, it seems that Houtu made a move, and he actually gave such an important position directly to this new Pangu clan so generously, could it be that this new Pangu clan is not related to Houtu? ’

As a Heavenly Dao Saint, how could he not know what his Hongjun Master Venerable thoughts.

I have always wanted to interfere in the authority of the tunnel, but unfortunately there is a back soil guard, there is no opportunity, this time, I finally said the great will of heaven and earth, with the general trend of sealing the gods, and snatched this karmic authority that takes into account both the way of heaven and the earth.

It's just that he can't get Tai Haoyin's approval.

Therefore, he weakened this position by one rank and became the Dongyue Emperor, as long as he held this position, Hongjun could feel the authentic authority with the tentacles of the Heavenly Book Sealing God List.

As a Heavenly Dao Saint, Yuan Shi naturally hoped that the authority of Heavenly Dao would be even greater.

In the end, he can surpass the tunnel and humanity, notify the three realms with the Heavenly Dao, and suppress the entire flood famine, so that he can show the nobility of the Heavenly Dao Saint even more.

'Houtu Niangniang made a move.'

No, such a big thing, you must inform the master, otherwise, you will spoil the master's plan, and you will not be blamed by the master.......'

Yuan Shi Tianzun thought to himself.

"Well, that Pangu Clan Taichen does have its own people, this is not for you to interfere in, you seriously assist the Xiqi Logging Merchants."

Saying that, the cigarette dissipated, and there was no figure of Yuan Shi Tianzun, leaving only Jiang Ziya Baijian and the two who looked at each other.

"Teacher, this.... What does it mean to be a saint? "


Jiang Ziya did not speak, only responded with a sigh.

Although he didn't say specifics, Jiang Ziya heard it, the water inside was very deep, and with his own little heavenly immortal, he was not qualified to intervene in it.

And now....

"My position as Dongyue Emperor is gone..."

Jiang Ziya was helpless in his heart, speechless, and also understood that he was just a tool person who worked for the saint, and the saint, even if it was his own master, would not care about his own interests.

"So, it seems, you can only look at other locations..."

Among the many god positions, the one he valued the most was the Dongyue Emperor, followed by the Thunder Ministry Zhengshen , and finally the Finance Ministry Zhengshen , and then the Taisui Zhengshen ......

'Raybe Masagami? Can I do it? ’

Jiang Ziya shook his head, saying that he had no confidence, but his strength was too weak to hold back at all, and with his own strength to become the god of the thunder department, it is estimated that the Jade Emperor would not agree......

"In this way, it can only be the god of the Ministry of Finance!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Ziya's eyes flashed with a trace of firmness, secretly said, this time can not be wrong again.........


Zixiao Palace.

By the arrival of the Yuan Shi, Hongjun Shennian helplessly walked out of the Heavenly Dao space.

"Oh, and this?" Hearing the words of this disciple of his own, Hongjun's mind moved, and his palm calculated, but he nodded.

"Unexpectedly, in order to prevent the poor road from getting involved in the power of the tunnel, Houtu Daoist can be described as well-intentioned!"

Hongjun said with a slight smile.

This is the Yang Mo of Houtu, and he has no way, but he is in line with the Heavenly Dao and holds part of the authority of the Heavenly Dao, although he cannot be as free as Houtu.

But it can still affect the position of Emperor Taihao.

"Teacher, who is this new Pangu Clan Taichen, and is there a connection with Houtu Niangniang?"

Hongjun shook his head and said the reason for it with a smile, and hearing Hongjun's words, Yuan was shocked.

"This... Is there such a lucky person in the Three Realms? "

To be honest, Yuan Shi was really jealous, because of luck, a low-qualified innate soul ascended to the sky in one step, and he was even in charge of the Heavenly Dao Divine Power, and now he has become a Tianzun position.

All this was because of luck, because I picked up a Pangu Dao bone that remnants Pangu's thoughts.

Who is the reason for this?

"Master, do you mean that Taichen is just a scattered cultivator?"

Thinking of something, Yuan Shi's eyes lit up, looked up at Hongjun and asked.

"Almost, but Tongtian and Nuwa have already gone to take him as an apprentice, I'm afraid you won't have a chance, moreover, Shi intends to protect my Xuanmen Zuo for this son!"

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