If it were someone else, I am afraid that I would not be able to avoid this calculation."

It's a pity, I'm afraid that the Junti Saint doesn't know that my incarnation is used to block the robbery!

However, this "Great Grade Heavenly Immortal Recipe" is really good, Xuanmiao is definitely not under the "Shangqing Immortal Recipe", this quasi-mention and introduction of the two really have great wisdom. ’

Think about it, these two people do not have the merit of Pangu opening the heavens, there is no merit of saints, but they can still preach sanctification, except for greater perseverance than great wisdom, the others really can't be taken out.

"Western teaching is also a good place, if you don't worship under the master, it is also a good choice to worship Western religion, after all, this is still very good for disciples."

At least there will be no disciples suffering a catastrophe, and in the end, the medicine master and Maitreya and the others have all cultivated famously!

Hey? What's going on with me? "

Although this incarnation only has a true immortal cultivation, the realm is the same as that of the Buddha-figure, and it is already a golden immortal consummation, and he instantly feels that he seems to have been affected by something.

For the Buddha Sect, Han Chen had no prejudice, but he didn't have anything to like, and now, he actually had the idea of regretting not joining the Western Sect.

This is absolutely abnormal.

"It's strange, I can't hear this sound!"

Han Chen quickly blocked his hearing, not listening to the sound of that dharma ring, and in an instant, this feeling of being affected disappeared.

At this moment, Han Chen no longer doubted, it was really Daoyin who acted strangely.


'Huh? Taichen Dao's friendly and strong will! ’

The Dharma Ring specially took this time to pass on the two disciples "Dapin Heavenly Immortal Recipe", and it was directly passed on by word of mouth, and the purpose was very clear, it was aimed at Han Chen.

At this moment, Han Chen was refining talismans, and most of his spiritual power was concentrated on the bitter bamboo leaves.

And at this time, he used the meritorious lotus seed as the medium Daoyin to pass on the supreme Daluo true recipe, and under the mysterious power of the meritorious lotus seed, a doppelgänger true immortal cultivator would definitely not be able to resist.

After all, his late Golden Immortal cultivation is far beyond the other party.

But to the surprise of the Dharma Ring, this Taichen was actually able to break free from the influence of the meritorious lotus seed, and after opening his shackles, he sobered up and recovered his original will.

'It's a pity, Taichen Daoyou, your reaction is still a little slow.

I still can hear the meritorious golden lotus Dao, and coupled with the mysterious Da Luo true technique created by saints such as "Dapin Heavenly Immortal Recipe", the poor Dao does not believe that you are not deceived. ’

Influenced by the Golden Lotus Daoyin, this is irreversible and difficult to clear, and in the future, this son will be more or less interested in Western Shimen, at least he will not hate Western religion.

As long as you are interested, there is a breakthrough, plus these two apprentices are his nephews, this level of relationship is in, it is not difficult for him to complete the task of the saint!

Thinking of this, the Dharma Ring felt a little unchallenging.

As for that Da Luo True Recipe, Dharma Ring does not believe that the other party does not practice, such a mysterious Da Luo True Recipe, I think that as long as it is a normal cultivator, he will practice one or two.

After all, "Dapin Heavenly Immortal Recipe" is not only the method of refining qi in Xuanmen, but also combines the golden body way of Shimen.

This method can not only cultivate an immortal golden pill, but also cultivate an immortal golden body, and it is extremely mysterious.


"Hahaha, congratulations to Zhenjun for successfully getting out of the customs, I don't know what Zhenjun gained?"

A few days later, Han Chen finally walked out of the retreat room, and at this moment, Han Sheng and Han Cheng directly ran to practice non-stop after receiving the "Dapin Heavenly Immortal Recipe" handed down by the Dharma Ring.

This technique is too mysterious, making the two of them drunk, and they dare not waste a moment.

Therefore, this time when Han Chen went out of customs, he only saw his eldest brother Han Rong and the head of the Law Ring, and when he saw Han Chen come out, the eyes of the Law Ring lit up, and he looked Han Chen up and down.

Lian Lian stepped forward and said polite words to Han Cheng.

In his heart, he was looking forward to looking at Han Chen, after all, if this rune was successful, he could obtain it.

"Dharma Commandment Daoist, I haven't seen it for a long time, but my cultivation is becoming more and more inscrutable."

Han Chen, who was in the Golden Immortal Perfection Realm, had already discovered that the cultivation of this Dharma Ring had actually made some progress at this moment, and he was really surprised, it had only been a few days.

In fact, I was also surprised by the progress of my cultivation.

I don't seem to have done anything, I haven't practiced in retreat, how did my cultivation break through, is it...

In the end, the Dharma Ring could only attribute the original to the "Great Grade Heavenly Immortal Recipe" handed down by himself, and secretly thought in his heart that this Taichen Daoyou was not a god of the Pangu Clan, accompanied by immeasurable luck.

I just passed on a sage true technique at random, and with some of the edification effect, I was able to achieve a breakthrough in cultivation.

This was a real bonus.

"Zhenjun said and smiled, compared with Zhenjun, what is this small progress in the poor road."

Fa Ji smiled and shook his head and said.

"Okay, you two don't be so polite, they are all your own people, by the way, what about the second brother?"

Han Rong asked curiously, and the Law Ring also turned his gaze to Han Chen.

"But fortunately, eighteen congenital bitter bamboo leaves, successfully refined eight, but the rest were dissipated because they were disturbed by a passage of sound in the middle and turned into soot."

"What? This thing? Poor Dao apologized to the Daoist here, three days ago, it was Poor Dao who passed on the Da Luo True Technique created by the saint to the two disciples, but he did not expect to have such a huge impact on the true monarch.

I already knew that I should wait for the Taoist friends to pass on the true tips of the two apprentices after they left the customs. "

As Han Chen's words came out, he obviously saw the anger on Han Rong's expression, and the Dharma Ring quickly admitted it, and said the Da Luo True Technique created by the saint.

In this way, the responsibility was put on his two sons, so that Han Rong could not say anything.

Sure enough, hearing the explanation of the Dharma Commandment, Han Rong also smiled.

"It can only be said that it is bad luck!"

I didn't expect that this vow still belongs to the white lotus, which is greener than green tea." ’

"Ranya! What the eldest brother said is that this matter is not to blame Taoist friends, it can only be said that it is just in time.

By the way, Daoist, please put away these four runes. "

A jade box was taken out of the body, carefully handed it over, and said.

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