In Xiqi City, a five-colored auspicious cloud flew from the sky, and both Burning Lantern and Guangchengzi looked at the two people above the cloud with slightly squinted eyes, one of them to be precise.

Seeing Yun Jia flying, Jiang Ziya and King Wu and other ministers all walked out of the palace to greet them.

"Jiang Ziya has seen Senior Sister, but Junior Brother is helpless, so he can only ask Senior Sister to go down the mountain, and ask Senior Sister not to blame Ziya."

Jiang Ziya hurriedly stepped forward to ask for sin, saying that when she was in Kunlun Immortal Mountain, although this senior sister was cold, she would basically explain it patiently as long as she asked for knowledge.

Compared with it, the other senior brothers, only Senior Brother Huang Long and Senior Brother Yun Zhongzi have a good attitude towards themselves, and the rest are a little unaware of their own meaning, which Jiang Ziya is very clear.

But I didn't care, after all, who let himself be too poorly qualified.

"Four Three Zero" Ji Fa meets the real person!"

Seeing the Cihang Daoist, Ji Fa's eyes lit up, and he was overjoyed in his heart, thinking that before, this disciple of the Cihang Daoist could block the strange fire of the merchant army demon man.

Now that the saint disciple of the Cihang Daoist has personally visited, wouldn't it be a hand-to-hand to deal with the demon who cast the strange fire, how could Ji Fa be careless for such a distinguished guest.

Definitely a 100% gift.

The other people also hurriedly saluted, they had seen the means of Princess Longji before, and now that her master was here, they were saved, at least King Wu's cause would not collapse halfway.

"King Wu, please do not be polite, the poor way is here, it is the cause of the days, this is the mission of the poor road, the business is perverse, harms the people, poisons the sentient beings, and turns against the Chinese Wu.

Helping Zhou destroy business is the trend of the times, King Wu will be the supreme king of people in the future, and the poor road can not bear such a big gift, and he is afraid of breaking luck! "

The people of Cihang Daoist said nice words one after another, and obviously Ji Fa was very happy to hear this, and he was very good for the senses of the Cihang Daoist.

At this moment, the lantern stood up and said with a smile.

"Junior sister has gained a great opportunity during this time!"

Of course, the burning lamp with the complete cultivation of Da Luo Golden Immortal saw the cultivation of his entire junior sister, and his heart was extremely shocked, how much time was this.

If he remembered correctly, Cihang seemed to have just been promoted to the middle stage of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

How, in just a few years, I haven't seen it, and I have become a complete in the late stage of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, and, looking at the breath, it is so strong, it is obviously not an ordinary promotion, not as simple as forcibly promoting with merit.

The real meaning of the words burning the lamp is to explore the opportunity obtained by Cihang.

Guang Chengzi also stood up and said with a smile.

"Yes, Junior Sister encountered some supreme opportunity, Senior Brother is very curious, I wonder if Junior Sister can share one or two?"

Compared with the implicit burning lamp, Guangchengzi is somewhat blatant.

After all, Cihang has asked Burning Lantern a lot, and he is also a teacher and friend, and the relationship is good, and Burning Lantern doesn't want to make the relationship too stiff, but the relationship between Guangchengzi and Cihang is not good.

Senior brothers and sisters who have not said a word for thousands of years.

What a good relationship.

"Junior sister was caused by blessing some time ago, and she got a good chance, but the two senior brothers are afraid that this kind of opportunity will not be used."

In the past, the middle stage of the Great Luo Golden Immortal cultivation, of course, Cihang needed this shelter between the two, but now she was infinitely close to the Daluo Golden Immortal Perfection Realm.

With her current cultivation, she is enough to stand on her own in the teachings, and she can completely avoid these two old men.

Yes, Cihang's tone has some meaning that people should not enter.

When the burning lamp heard this, he suddenly did not wrinkle slightly, but Guang Chengzi next to him saw Cihang behaving like this, and seemed to look at the burning lamp Daoist with some gloating.

I looked at Cihang again, and the meaning in my eyes was very clear, look, the good junior sister you cultivated, now the wings are hard, I want to fly high, I don't care about you, the deputy sect leader.

Looked at by Guang Chengzi's eyes, the burning lamp skin was very unbearable.

But it can't happen, or in front of the future human king of the Terran race, if people know that the internal discord of the Interpretation Sect makes Yuan Shi Tianzun lose face in the three realms, then Yuan Shi Tianzun will definitely not let them go.

As we all know, Yuan Shi Tianzun is the most face-bearing saint among the three realms.

"Senior brother is curious, I wonder if junior sister can tell one or two?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

When Burning Lantern's words, some wanted Cihang to soften and regain his face, but when Cihang heard this, his heart was extremely speechless.

Oh, do I want to tell you that I broke through with a Golden Immortal Dual Cultivator?

Of course, Cihang won't say, what double cultivation can make people break through directly from the middle stage of Da Luo to the late stage of Da Luo, I am afraid that there is no such double cultivation in the entire flood wilderness... 0

If such a double cultivation path really exists, it is estimated that this double cultivation path should be able to suppress the Three Corpse Avenue of the Hongjun Dao Ancestor, which is called the first Avenue of the Flood Barren World.

Moreover, the most important thing is that you still cultivate with the Golden Immortal, who believes this.

That golden immortal does not dare to eat the guts of the saint, he is not afraid of being sucked dry.

Seeing that the other party still wanted to know, Cihang directly chose to ignore it, his eyes were raised, and he did not answer, and at this moment, Ji Fa was also caught in the tension of the atmosphere.

But this is all Da Luo Jinxian powerhouse, he is a mortal, although others are too humble to be in your position, but Ji Fa is not stupid, knows his own jin two, without the help of the masters of the teaching, he is estimated to be cold after a round of big business.

Yes, he could not have ended up in person.

Jiang Ziya, as a disciple of the Interpretation Sect, of course knew the sect of the Interpretation Sect, and seeing the tense atmosphere, he quickly stood up and said with a smile.

"Senior Sister and the two Senior Brothers rarely get together, they should have left more time to fulfill the friendship of the Master, but now it is imperative to think about how to break the Divine Fire Array of the Four Saints of Nine Dragon Island..."

Jiang Ziya's words directly broke the tense atmosphere, and Burning Lantern took a deep look at Cihang, and secretly said in his heart, This woman's wings are hard, and she can't be used by me.

And Guang Chengzi was happy in his heart, although Cihang's cultivation has risen greatly, and the combustible lamp has one less general, how can the other party compete with himself for the power of interpretation in the future?

4.3 Deputy Leader? Hmph, the vice sect leader I don't recognize, what kind of deputy sect leader?

It's just that why did this Cihang junior sister's cultivation suddenly soar, and how could it have such an effect?

Guang Chengzi sneered in his heart, but on the surface, he was as calm as Gujing Wubo, and his mood did not seem to fluctuate in the slightest because of Cihang Xiu's sudden rise.

"Good, what Junior Brother Ziya said is even, breaking the merchant army first is the important thing!"

Xiqi, Wang Fu, Jiang Ziya and King Cihang Wu and others were discussing something, at this time, a golden light fell from the sky, Jiang Ziya saw this, overjoyed, and quickly stood up.

"It's Master Yang Jian's nephew who is back!"

Not long after, a handsome young man with three eyes walked into the hall from outside.

"Disciple Yang Jian has seen all the uncles and uncles, and has seen the great king!"

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