Confession 99 Times, Gao Leng's School Girl's Persona Collapsed

Chapter 12 606'S First Strategy Meeting

In the girls' dormitory 606, Jia Ting found a small blackboard from nowhere, and even changed into a professional attire.

The white shirt is lined with a black suit, and the lower body is a black knee-length skirt. If it is wrapped in two black silk and paired with a pair of high heels, it will be a proper office goddess.

The round and dignified oval face is engraved with exquisite features that are not inferior to the school's beauty, and a pair of rimless glasses on the bridge of the straight nose make her look full of dignified and intellectual beauty.

As soon as she raised her hand, she wrote lines of words on it with chalk.

【Conference Theme: Aid Quarterly Statement】

【Conference host: Jia Ting (teacher)】

[Conference personnel: Ji Yan, Hao Meng, Shi Yulu]

[Content of the meeting: find ways to help Ji Yan, make Qin Luo change his mind, and help the two get together]

After finishing writing, she washed her hands, picked up a small stick and tapped the blackboard, and said confidently: "The meeting is starting now, everyone is welcome to speak freely, and you can express any questions or suggestions you have."

"Me, me, me!" Hao Meng was the first to raise her hand.

"Student Hao Meng, do you have any questions or suggestions?"

"No problem, but I have a suggestion. I think the theme of the meeting is too common. It should be named after a higher name! For example [Battle to Recover Qin Luo], [Love Guerrilla War] and so on! How about it?"

"Pass," Jia Ting said blankly.

"Eh? Why? It sounds very good! This is the naming technique I learned from watching anime for many years. Isn't it good?" Hao Meng cried.

As a senior fan of the second dimension, she is full of confidence in her ability to name. If Jia Ting does not adopt it, it means that she does not have the ability to appreciate it.

Yes, it is like that!

Hao Meng looked at Jia Ting with resentment in her eyes.

Jia Ting ignored her and said, "Anyone else have any useful questions or suggestions?"

"Me, me, me!" It was Shi Yulu who raised her hand this time.

"Student Shi Yulu, you said... don't talk about the name of the meeting."

"Hey, only Hao Meng cares about such insignificant things. What I want to ask is, where did you buy Teacher Jia Ting's clothes? When did you buy them? I haven't seen you wear them before. Super cute Looks good! I want to try it on too!"

"This dress? I bought it when I was a tutor. I think it's more formal to be a tutor, so..."

Being praised for her good-looking clothes, even a more serious girl like Jia Ting can't help being a little proud, but then realized that she was being led astray, she took a peevish look at Shi Yulu, and said, "Ji Yan, what are you doing?" Anything to say?"

Ji Yan hesitated for a while, then shook his head: "I want to hear everyone's suggestions."

"In this case, let me say a few words first."

Jia Ting coughed a few times, cleared her throat, and said like a teacher: "First of all, we need to understand that Qin Luo likes Ji Yan. Although Ji Yan has always rejected him before, but now Ji Yan I see, she actually likes Qin Luo too."

"But the crux of the problem is that Ji Yan's repeated rejections have obviously smoothed Qin Luo's enthusiasm. Now Qin Luo wants to give up, but Ji Yan doesn't want to end like this."

"And as Ji Yan's friends, of course we don't want our good friend's first love to end without a problem like this. In view of this, we have to formulate a method that can help Ji Yan bring Qin Luo back, so that Qin Luo can rekindle his feelings for him!"

Her words were powerful and passionate, which excited the rest of the people. Even Ji Yan looked hopeful and looked at Jia Ting with sparkling eyes.

You look at me like this, I am under a lot of pressure, after all, I have no experience...

Jia Ting felt guilty in her heart, but on the surface she was as steady as an old dog, and said, "Now everyone speaks one by one, and share your thoughts and plans. Who will come first?"

"Me, me, me!" The lively Hao Meng raised her hand bouncingly.

Jia Ting helped her forehead: "Don't make trouble, just talk about business."

Hao Meng looked at her dissatisfied: "Why are you making trouble? I really have a great idea!"

"Okay, then tell me."

"Hmph, based on my experience in watching anime for many years, it's not easy for the female lead to make the male lead fall in love with her. You just need to accidentally bump into the male lead while walking in the school corridor, and then accidentally bump into the male lead. The corner of the underwear is exposed, so that the male lead will miss the female lead so much that he can't sleep at night!"

After she finished speaking, she immediately put on a smug attitude, which attracted Shi Yulu's admiring gaze.

"Hao Meng, you are amazing!"

"Hey, so so so."

Jia Ting was speechless at the time.

Ji Yan frowned: "No, how can you show your underwear?"

Fortunately, there is still a normal person, Jia Ting felt a little relieved.

Then I heard Ji Yan say: "The most is to show off the shoulder straps. If I show my underwear, I'm afraid of being seen by others."

Jia Ting looked hopeless, and quickly interrupted: "It doesn't matter if it's underwear or shoulder straps, okay, okay, it's the next one's turn to speak."

Shi Yulu tilted her head, put her fingers on her chin, and said while thinking: "My suggestion... how about getting it directly from his parents?"

Hao Meng's eyes lit up immediately: "What a great idea!"

Ji Yan was stunned for a moment, and then he thought seriously: "In this case, I have to find out about his parents' hobbies first..."

Hey, hey, you're all going to die now, so don't think so seriously, okay?

Jia Ting was so exhausted that she didn't bother to ask Ji Yan for her opinion anymore. She knocked on the blackboard and said, "Okay, everyone, listen to me now, I have a suggestion."

The three of them looked at her with burning eyes, which made Jia Ting feel like Alexander.

She pretended to be calm and said: "In my opinion, the most important thing right now is to establish contact with Qin Luo first. This contact may not be very frequent, but it must be every day."

"It can be a greeting, or a chance encounter. Anyway, it is to leave an impression in his heart and form a habit..."

Before she finished speaking, Ji Yan suddenly said, "I see."


I haven't said anything yet, what do you know?

Jia Ting looked at her suspiciously.

Ji Yan said with a serious face: "He has been confessing to me before, rain or shine, and perseverance. Isn't this what you mean by constantly leaving impressions and forming habits? I am also in the process. I don't know when Like him."


Did I mean that?

Did Qin Luo actually do this before?

Jia Ting froze for a moment, and then saw Hao Meng and Shi Yulu cast admiring glances at her.

"As expected of Teacher Jia Ting, she is amazing!"

"The analysis is very reasonable, and it makes people feel like they suddenly understand."

"Ah...hahaha, yes, that's what it means," Jia Ting coughed dryly, and continued: "In view of this, we have to find a way to make Ji Yan leave an impression on Qin Luo again, like what I just said That way, message greetings or chance encounters."

Ji Yan frowned: "But I don't have his contact information."

Hao Meng followed up and said, "His roommate also deleted me, so it should be impossible to add him through his roommate."

"Then it can only be a coincidence," Jia Ting nodded, a light bulb suddenly lit up on her head, and the corner of her mouth unconsciously curled up: "I thought of a clever plan..."


Later, the protagonist will give Ji Yan a song. I personally thought of a few songs. If you think of a song that suits the protagonist's mood, you can tell me in the comment area.

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