Although it is a novel experience to hug a girl as a princess, especially if the girl is still beautiful, the experience becomes more enjoyable.

But because Jia Ting was too nervous, her body was always stiff and straight, and even her expression was serious as if she was constipated.

This made Qin Luo wonder if what he was holding was a corpse...

Then he couldn't help but compare Ji Yan, thinking that if he was holding Ji Yan now...

Has the gold mine exploded?

In terms of her character design, how could it be possible for a man to be hugged by a princess?

Such a behavior that violates the human design will undoubtedly be a big explosion!

It's a pity that Jia Ting is not a high-cold person, but a [perfectionist], not a princess who can be rewarded.

Although Qin Luo didn't think about mining from her before.

The distance from the playground to the infirmary is really not that short, most people probably wouldn't be able to walk all the way with a person in their arms.

Fortunately, Qin Luo's physical strength and endurance have increased, and Jia Ting's body is very light. Her height of 168 is about 90 catties, or even less, so it is not difficult to hug her.

If you can't even do such small things, how can you become a strange man with eight-pack abs in the future?

Qin Luo thought so, and carried Jia Ting to the door of the infirmary in one breath, without even taking a break in the middle.

This really surprised Jia Ting, she didn't expect Qin Luo's physical strength to be so good.

But when she got to the door of the infirmary, she noticed that Qin Luo's face suddenly darkened, so she couldn't help asking, "What's wrong?"

"Sloppy, the infirmary is not open yet," Qin Luo said with a sore face.

It's still early now, and the teacher in the infirmary is not the doorman, so of course it's impossible to open the door so early.

Jia Ting was also slow-witted. After thinking about it, she said, "The infirmary seems to open at eight o'clock. I'll just wait here for a while. Thank you for bringing it here. You can go first."

Qin Luo didn't speak, just put Jia Ting on the ground, and walked away slowly.

Seeing his leaving figure, Jia Ting breathed a sigh of relief, but felt a little depressed.

She didn't think about letting Qin Luo be here with her, but injured girls always feel insecure.

Qin Luo carried her all the way to the infirmary just now, which made her feel an unprecedented sense of security. She couldn't tell what it was like, but it was very solid and at ease.

Now that Qin Luo is gone, the sense of steadiness and peace of mind has also disappeared, and I feel inexplicably lost in my heart.

This has nothing to do with liking or not, but a simple loss of security, which Jia Ting knows very well.

But it's good to leave, Qin Luo is the person Ji Yan likes after all, if possible, she doesn't want to have too much involvement with Qin Luo.

As for the scene of him carrying himself to the infirmary just now, if Ji Yan saw it, what would he think in his heart...

Speaking of which, what is going on with this man, he showed so much concern for me just now, and now he just leaves, what is he thinking?

He curled his lips, looked at the corridors with no one on both sides, only feeling the silence around him, he couldn't help wrapping his hands around his knees, and buried his head down.

After a while, there was a sound of footsteps, causing Jia Ting to raise her head subconsciously.

She looked at Qin Luo who came back, and said with a surprised face: "Why are you back again?"

Even she didn't realize that when she said this, the corners of her mouth and eyebrows curled up in a joyful arc.

Qin Luo raised the buns in his hand and said, "It's not far from the cafeteria. I haven't eaten yet. I went to buy some buns. You can eat some too."

While talking, he put the bun on the ground, untied the plastic bag and handed Jia Ting a pair of chopsticks.

As a result, Jia Ting stared blankly at him and didn't speak, which puzzled Qin Luo and asked her, "What are you looking at?"

These three simple words made Jia Ting's emotions completely incoherent.

She took the chopsticks silently, and after eating two mouthfuls of buns, she whispered, "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Qin Luo replied casually, while looking at Jia Ting.

The girl's eating posture is very elegant, like a lady born in a wealthy and noble family, holding the chopsticks with her slender fingers, she will slightly lower her head when eating, and put her other hand under the buns to prevent the scum from falling on the ground .

She chewed and ate food slowly, her cheeks moved like a cute little hamster, adding a touch of cuteness to her dignified oval face.

Seemingly noticing Qin Luo's gaze, Jia Ting, who was eating with her face down, suddenly raised her head and said, "What are you staring at?"

After finishing speaking, she smiled wickedly as if she had achieved some purpose.

"What are you looking at?" Qin Luo replied without showing any weakness.

Then Jia Ting didn't answer, and ate on her own.

After eating, she tidied up everything neatly, and after making sure that the ground was not dirty, she nodded in relief.

Qin Luo, who had already finished eating earlier, was currently playing with his mobile phone.

Jia Ting hesitated for a while, then suddenly asked, "Are you really planning to give up on Ji Yan?"

Qin Luo glanced at her, then looked away, and said in a low voice, "I made it very clear that day, and you were right there at the time, so you must have heard it."

"That's what I said, but... don't you think it's a pity? You should be able to see that Ji Yan actually likes you. She is such a cold person, and now she has started to approach you on her own initiative. As long as you respond , you can come together, isn't that good?"

"I don't know if it's good or not, but in my opinion, justice delayed is not justice, and the same goes for feelings."

Jia Ting could understand what he meant, and she didn't know what to say for a while, so that the atmosphere around her became awkward.

She seemed to be unable to bear such an awkward atmosphere, and suddenly asked again: "Do you still like Ji Yan?"

Qin Luo's finger movement while playing the game paused, and said indifferently: "I don't like it anymore."

Jia Ting stared at him intently: "You really don't like it anymore?"

Qin Luo gave an impatient "tsk" and was about to speak when the sound of footsteps came suddenly.

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