Confession 99 Times, Gao Leng's School Girl's Persona Collapsed

Chapter 21 You Go On, When I Don't Exist

"Why do you know about the box of medicine just now?"


Qin Luo was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously said: "You mean that box of kid's fart pills?"

This title is quite interesting, and Jia Ting couldn't help laughing, but she still pretended to be calm and said, "Well, why are you so clear about that box of medicine? Most people probably don't know that well, right?"

What's the matter with your strange question? That's not a contraband...

Qin Luo looked at her delicately: "Did you misunderstand that box of medicine? Or did you misunderstand ordinary people?"

Jia Ting muttered for a while, then said with a blushing face, "But the efficacy of that box of medicine... If it wasn't for special circumstances, it wouldn't be necessary, right? You know so well, have you used it before?"

"God damn it, I used it, that thing is for women!"

"That's what I mean, have you used it for women?"

Qin Luo didn't answer, but instead stopped what he was doing and looked up at her.

That subtle look in his eyes made Jia Ting inexplicably guilty, and she dared not look at him.

"What are you looking at?"

"I thought that we have nothing to do with each other. Why do you care so much about this matter?"

"I... I am Ji Yan's friend, and you are the person she likes, of course I want to help my good friend find out about you!"

Jia Ting seemed a little flustered, and didn't want to bring up the topic anymore, so she turned to Qin Luo again: "Are you changing the subject? Are you guilty?"

Qin Luo curled his lips: "Guilty ass, I have never used that thing, nor have I bought it for others."

"Then you still know that clearly?"

"To be honest, to a certain extent, that thing is within the scope of common sense."

"Then why don't I know?"

"That's right, I'm wondering too. After all, you are the top student in our school, but you don't even know this stuff? What do you usually study?"

Jia Ting looked embarrassed: "I'm not a medical student, how could I see a book about that thing?"

Qin Luo nodded and said with emotion: "So, at most, books can serve as a guide, and life is the best teacher. When you have the opportunity to use that thing in the future, you will naturally gain knowledge."

"Who wants to use that thing!" Jia Ting glared at him fiercely.

Qin Luo showed a very surprised look, and then whispered: "Then your future boyfriend is blessed..."

Jia Ting didn't understand all of a sudden, a series of question marks popped up in her mind.

It took a few seconds before he realized that his face was flushed red, and his heart was filled with shame and anger, and he glared at Qin Luo viciously.

Qin Luo looked at her cheerfully.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, then looked away at the same time, neither of them spoke.

The atmosphere became inexplicably awkward.

Because both of them realized that the relationship between them was not good enough to discuss such topics unscrupulously.

Neither Jia Ting nor Qin Luo considered this before, because getting along with each other is so natural.

Although they didn't have the chance to get along alone before, and they didn't say many words in total, but for some reason, they felt like they had known each other for a long time, and getting along was very natural.

That's why I get a little bald when I talk.

Now that I feel this later, it is a bit embarrassing, and it makes both of them feel a little bit tormented, and they want to break the atmosphere as soon as possible.

Finally, Qin Luo helped Jia Ting apply the medicine.

Seeing this, Jia Ting finally breathed a sigh of relief, so she tentatively stretched her feet to the ground.

Qin Luo frowned: "What are you doing? The doctor said try not to touch the floor."

"I'll try to see if it still hurts that much," Jia Ting said while propping her body up, but in the next second, there was a tingling pain in her ankle, which made her body fall back involuntarily.

Subconsciously, Qin Luo wanted to reach out to grab her, but he was afraid of knocking over the medicine bottle in his hand, so he didn't dare to use any strength for a while, and fell onto the bed with Jia Ting.

It’s okay, okay, the medicine bottle didn’t spill——

As soon as this thought popped into Qin Luo's mind, he met Jia Ting's eyes.

The dignified and beautiful little beauty seemed to have lost her soul at this moment, lying motionless under Qin Luo's body, her body was as stiff as a statue, and the panicked and bewildered look on her face also had a special beauty.

Especially her lips trembling slightly because of panic, the color was rosy and charming, which really made Qin Luo unable to look away.

I'm familiar with this scene, the male protagonist of a certain anime with two sister-in-laws often uses this trick to take advantage of the girls, old lsp!

But I, Qin Luo, are different from him. I am a decent person.

Qin Luo looked away with difficulty, and was about to stand up quickly before Jia Ting screamed, when suddenly he heard a teasing voice from the door.

"I forgot to tell you that the infirmary is under surveillance. The video of a young couple who played in the infirmary like you last time is still stored in my mobile phone."

"The young people nowadays, tsk tsk, are really bold. They always want to practice the videos seen on the Internet in reality. It's always exciting."

"Oh, there is no other meaning in telling you this, just a simple reminder, you go on, go on, just pretend that I don't exist."

Qin Luo's Jia Ting's body froze suddenly, as if twisting a rusty water pipe, she twisted her neck aside with difficulty, and looked towards the door.

There, the female doctor who didn't know when to come back was looking at them with a smile on her face, with an undisguised teasing and teasing on her plain face.

Qin Luo showed an ugly smile with difficulty: "You may not believe it, but it is indeed a misunderstanding."

The female doctor smiled even more happily: "Go on, just pretend that I don't exist. Really, I've been here, why haven't I seen it?"

Qin Luo was extremely embarrassed, looked down at Jia Ting, and found that she was staring at him fiercely, her face was already red as if congested.

"You still don't get up!" The dignified little beauty, even if she gritted her teeth, she still had a special flavor.

Qin Luo got up in a hurry, put the medicine bottle on the table beside him, said "I'll go first" and then ran away, quite unexpectedly.

The female doctor didn't stop him, she just smiled and said to Jia Ting: "It seems that you haven't done that kind of thing yet?"

Before Jia Ting could calm down from her embarrassment and anger, she became even more embarrassed when she heard the words, and explained: "You really misunderstood, it was just because I almost fell down, and then brought him down, and, We're not a couple, we're not even...even friends."

The female doctor smiled: "I'm not curious about your relationship, but the teacher, as someone who has experienced it, can give you some advice. Sometimes, girls can't just wait for boys to take the initiative. Children should be brave enough to grasp it, otherwise, if they lose it, it will be too late to regret it.”

Jia Ting felt that what the female doctor said was a bit inexplicable, and felt that it should be said to Ji Yan, because her current situation fits the situation that the female doctor said.

But Jia Ting didn't say much, just nodded in response, and then silently picked up the gauze to wrap her ankle.

Looking at her ankles that had already been coated with the medicinal wine, Jia Ting couldn't help but see the picture of Qin Luo lowering her head and helping her apply the medicinal wine seriously just now, which couldn't be lingered for a while.

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