Confession 99 Times, Gao Leng's School Girl's Persona Collapsed

Chapter 38 The Wife Controlled By Her Daughter

The gate of the community.

Qin Luo watched Ji Yan all the way home until he could no longer see him, then slowly looked away and prepared to take a taxi to leave.

Suddenly, a voice sounded behind him.

"Please wait a moment."

The voice was cold, with a crispness like the impact of ice cubes, making Qin Luo subconsciously think that Ji Yan had returned.

But if you listen carefully, you can hear the obvious difference, because it is obviously an older woman's voice.

He turned his head, and when he saw this woman for the first time, his expression was slightly astonished.

This woman seems to be a bit old, but she is not too old. Let's say she is in her early thirties, her skin is well maintained, not only smooth, but also soft in color, she looks like a woman who knows how to take care of herself.

A woman who knows how to take care of herself in this way, of course, is not too bad in appearance. The face of the melon seed with the logo is engraved with exquisite facial features. It looks a bit cold and hard because of the expressionless face, but it will not make her charm any less. On the contrary, it will add a cool temperament to her.

In addition, her hairstyle is very characteristic. Her black hair is tied into a simple single ponytail with a small leather rope, and it hangs around the back of her neck and falls on her right chest.

this hairstyle...

Qin Luo couldn't help raising her eyebrows, and her eyes fell on her ponytail involuntarily.

People who often watch anime should be familiar with this hairstyle, because this hairstyle often appears on married wives, and within three or two episodes, something bad will usually happen to this married wife.

Ma'am, your hairstyle is very dangerous... Qin Luo couldn't help complaining in his heart, and then noticed that the woman's cold expression seemed a little displeased, so he immediately looked away and turned to her face.

This woman's facial features are quite similar to Ji Yan's, like the grown-up Ji Yan. The difference from Ji Yan is that she wears a pair of rimless glasses and her unique hairstyle. There was a hint of the temperament of a cold female teacher.

If her expression and eyes were softer, it should be the feeling of a gentle tutor big sister.

Qin Luo couldn't help asking, "Are you Ji Yan's sister?"

I don't know if it was an illusion, but after he asked this sentence, he found that his wife's face softened a little.

Having said that, she still looked cold, she said softly: "I am her mother."

Qin Luo: "..."

Qin Luo suddenly had a bold idea in his heart, but he didn't know whether to ask or not.

He wanted to ask this lady if she gave birth to Ji Yan when she was a minor...

Otherwise, how could Ji Yan, who is 20 years old this year, have such a young mother?

The only possibility is that this lady's actual age is much older than she looks, and she looks like she is in her early thirties, but she may actually be close to forty or even over forty.

How does this woman take care of herself? It's amazing...

Even as a man, Qin Luo still couldn't help sighing in his heart at this moment.

Seeing that his wife seemed a bit hostile to the visitor, he took the initiative to introduce himself: "Hi, my name is Qin Luo, and I'm Ji Yan's classmate."

The wife looked him up and down, and said in a low voice: "He looks good, but I advise you, don't get close to our Ji Yan in the future, you are still young, you should put your studies first, and keep a distance when getting along. do you know?"

A simple sentence made Qin Luo twitch his mouth.

Aunt, you said that you are so young, how can your mind be so rotten?

It's the 21st century, and there are still parents who will make such an argument... If it's in high school, forget it, it's not incomprehensible.

The key is that everyone is a college student!

He wanted to refute, but considering the identity of the other party, he finally nodded and said, "Okay Aunt, I see."

The wife raised her brows, as if she was surprised that Qin Luo agreed so readily, but that's good too, so as not to waste her tongue.

"That's good." The wife's expression was a little gentle, she paused, and then said: "It's the first time I saw Ji Yan come back with a boy in so many years... It can be seen that you are a good boy, so Let me tell you one more thing, Ji Yan is not suitable for you, do you understand what I mean?"

"Yes Aunt, I understand," Qin Luo nodded.

His cheerful and sensible attitude softened his wife's face, and finally she smiled at Qin Luo and said, "It's best if you understand, it's getting late, go home early and rest."

"Okay Aunt, goodbye Aunt," Qin Luo fully played the image of a well-behaved, sensible and obedient child, took a taxi and left directly after saying goodbye.

Before leaving, Qin Luo glanced at his wife again.

[Test object: Zhang Ru]


【Test complete】

[Target: Zhang Ru]

[Personality: Daughter Control]

【Available Raiders】

Qin Luo: "..."

He cupped his hands towards his wife in his heart, then silently shrank into the car and walked away.

The wife on the side of the road didn't notice the change in the way Qin Luo looked at her just now, but she felt a little awkward for no reason, and felt that Qin Luo seemed to agree too happily to what she said just now.

But after thinking about it, this is a good thing, what's the trouble?

So she didn't take it too seriously, and went back home instead, pushing open the door of her daughter's bedroom.

The moment the door opened, she heard a commotion in the bedroom, and then saw Ji Yan was frantically packing up, holding a painted sculpture of a little girl in his hand.

Seeing his mother at the door, Ji Yan panicked for no reason, moved the sculpture of the little girl in his hand behind him, and called softly, "Mom, you're back."

The wife frowned, walked into the room without saying a word, sat down beside Ji Yan's bed, and said, "Sit down, I have something to talk to you about."

"Oh," Ji Yan nodded, and sat down on a chair beside her. Looking at her mother's cold face, she panicked even more, as if she had a guilty conscience, and dared not look at her mother.

And the more she behaved like this, the more unhappy her wife felt.

Suppressing her anger, she said coldly, "What's your relationship with that boy named Qin Luo?"

Ji Yan's eyes widened suddenly, and he said in disbelief: "How do you know him?"

"I'm asking you, what's the relationship with him?" The wife's tone became a little colder.

Ji Yan lowered his head and murmured, "It's ordinary classmate."

"Heh, ordinary classmate, will I take you home?" The wife sneered, then looked at the little sculptured girl, and said, "You never buy this kind of thing, but he bought it for you? Are you going on a date today?" right?"

Ji Yan couldn't help but open his mouth wide, a little surprised on his cold face, wondering how his mother knew this.

Could it be that she met Qin Luo downstairs and Qin Luo told her?

Anyway, it can't be that mother followed and saw it all the way, right?

Ji Yan lowered his head with guilt, didn't speak, and acted like a coward.


For the wife's hairstyle, please refer to the cover of this book_(:з」∠)_

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